Hey there! So it's really been quite a while since Bonus Round 2 (about 2 years), and I am finally taking the initiative to bring my gametype to Reach. If you have never heard of Bonus Round (which is likely), check out the Bonus Round 2 Official Post! (Read the thread and come back and you'll be up to speed. If I pull it off right this will be the last bonus round map pack and future BR maps will stand alone. Alright so the map I'm previewing here is called FAMINE (I haved named the maps after skulls since BR2), and Famine is an ocean side oni base similar to the bridge in ODST. It is just about finished and I will then move on to map number 2. I will be testing this gametype a lot so send me a FR if you are interested. My GT is Ph33no. The gametype will undergo a hell of a lot of tweaking to recreate and ultimately revamp my game from halo 3. Here are some pics! (If you went straight to these the text will help explain the map style).
Nice! That ONI logo is also lovely. Maybe you could drop in the Grunts with Phantoms made out of blocks? And also, is the starting amount of Zombies high?
Thanks for the input! I had considered using phantoms, and that may be added before this maps release (or put in another one). As far as zombie count goes, in halo 3 it was 50% (which cannot be done anymore) so for now it is 4 zombies in the base game type and it is to be played with 8 people. If you have more or less you add or subtract so the zombie count is half.
Not gonna lie, the coliseum walls not being at the same height looks kind of tacky. Just like the one with the logo, it's doubled walls I don't know just looks silly to me.