Hello and welcome. I have made a mini-game that focuses heavily on vehicle game-play. Goal Defense In this mini-game there are two positions that red and blue teams are assigned, each team has different objectives. Red team's objective is to drive vehicles into goals to score points. Blue team's objective is to defend the goals. You defend the goals by shooting, pushing and flipping the attacker's. Now that you have a basic idea of what this map is about, lets see some screenshots. Current map version: 1.0 Current game-type version: 1.0 Notice: The text below each screenshot is relevant to the screenshot above. For clarification vehicles are indestructible and all player's are invincible. All players have Way-points associated with them that are visible to everyone. Just thought I let every one know that I've patched the blue base teleporter bug. I may have not been clear about the Hill Marker bug. What I meant by the Hill Marker "de-spawning" itself was that the Hill Marker will disappear and reset itself one second later. This however, can't be fixed. I also removed two of the Revenants and replaced them with Ghosts. I will release the updated map as soon as I get some more feedback. Red team's load-out cam. Blue team's load-out cam. This screenshots shows all of the vehicles available to the red team. Ghosts are worth one point. Four of the mongooses are two points. Warthogs are worth three points. Two of the mongooses are worth five points. The two five point mongooses re-spawn every two minutes. Once a member of red team has gotten in vehicle, this is where you need to go to score points. Once you go through one of the goal slots you and your vehicle will be teleported back here, and your ready for another go. Here's me scoring with a Ghost. Try to keep the vehicle center with goal slot. Here's me scoring with a Mongoose. Notice that I keep myself center. With a mongoose, if you're not close to the center of the goal slot, you might not score, as this screenshot demonstrates. That or your vehicle is not wheels down. Another possibility is that the Hill Marker that has the label "Skee_Ball_Object" de-spawned itself, but that rarely happens. Here I score with a warthog, you really can go through the goal slot with a warthog anyway you want. When you score with a vehicle, flaming skulls will shoot up in front of all the goal slots. This can signify to the other team that points have been scored. I think it adds a nice effect to the goals. Flaming skulls also shoot out in front of the return. On the top of blue team's base there are three Warthogs available. Two Rocket Warthogs and one Gauss Warthog. On that same level are two Grenade launchers and two Rocket Launchers. One of each on each side of the base. You can always teleport down to the vehicle bay or up to the top floor. There are two teleporters on each side of the base, one on the left side and one on the right side. You should know where the lead. I took the right side teleporter and ended up in the right side vehicle bay. There is one thing that I couldn't fix with the teleporters on blue base. The problem is that, if you go through a teleporter on blue base more then twice it wont teleport you. I have no clue as to why it does that, but if you enter then exit a vehicle, you can use the teleporters aging. There are three Revenants and one Wraith per vehicle bay. Now time to talk about some restrictions. To help balance the game out, I limited the distance of how far certain vehicles can go before they get teleported or deleted. The Wraith can not go onto the second grid from the blue team's base. If the Wraith does it will be teleported back near the goals. This can work to your advantage. The Wraith's limitation is marked by a row of Flag Stands. The Revenant's limitation is a bit farther up the grid. If a Revenant crosses the line it will be deleted. A bit harsh, I know, but couldn't be done any other way. The limitation is marked by a row of Flag Stands and two white lights. To prevent puppy guarding, a Soft Kill Boundary has been placed two grid squares by five grid squares in front of the goals. If you go into the goal area while in a Revenant... it gets deleted. At any time you are not in a vehicle and in the main area or the in the goal area, you will be teleported to your death. The dead body will eventually hit the floor and you can laugh at it. Time to talk about the scoring machine. When I was compiling this machine, I wanted it so that it can't be taken advantage of. The main problem I found while testing it was, if a player got out of their vehicle right as they entered the goal, it would keep scoring points over and over aging. With this machine the vehicle will be pushed to the back of the machine. Here's some examples. Here's a Ghost being forcefully pushed to back. The vehicle did score, but you'll have to wait for it to re-spawn to use it aging. Same with a Mongoose. Same with a Warthog. In one of my test's I wanted to see if the machine could handle more then one, and it did. I tried five vehicle and they all fit, there were two Warthogs, two mongooses and one Ghost in that test. Players can use vehicles normally, so don't forget to have a passenger disabling vehicles with the plasma pistol provided. There are four rounds to one game, rounds last ten minutes each.
Wow! This game looks fantastic! You really must have spent a long time figuring out all this stuff! If this goes over well when I play it, it may just replasce stealin your flags as my favorite vehicle minigame! However, I'm not sure how I feel about the Hogs up top. Revenants and a gauss hog seems kinda OP'd, but it still looks amazing anyways. 1 DL for you
It looks interesting... but it's filled with complicated gameplay with too many bugs for me to care. I like a vehicle-based Hockey gametype, but keep it on the simpler side to attract more people.
I've only play tested this with four people, I wish I could play test with more people, that would really help me balance out game-play. I would like to your feedback Xyl007.
Nothing shall replace Stealin' Your Flags. Ever. I think it's good, but the gametype needs work, and by that I mean try to fix some of the bugs in it. Too many of those.
It's not really the game-type that needs patching, it's the map. I will see what I can do about some of the bugs. Now that I think about it, I probably should remove two of the Revenants, and replace those with two Ghost's. It's just hard for me to balance out a map when I don't have some play testers. Feedback from players can help me out a bunch.
If you want to play test REALLY badly, I would suggest searching for big team battle and backing out right before the last person joins in. It's a quick way to rack up on-line recent players and works especially well if you have 2 people. If you want, you can add me and we can play it together sometime.
Any hockey gametype where you have labeled an object skee_ball_object, you are going to run into the problem where most of the objects with that label decide to disappear halfway through the game. When they do it takes the whole respawn time for them to come back. There's no way around it. It''s a glitch that just comes with the gametype. There are so many games I wanted ot do but couldn't because of this. My suggestion is to just have all the vehicles be worth the same point and set the respawn time to 1 and the min count to whatever the max count is. It looks like you put alot of thought into the point system and respawn time but sadly enough this gametype is not ready for complexity yet. Maybe in Halo 4.
You have a point. When we played, there were no glitches, BUT whenever we flipped the vehicle would simply litter the field. Eventually vehicles became scarce. Since there isn't much to do about it, I would recommend 6 or 8 players at most.