If Highlands didn't have such campable bases and had less retarded power weapon placement it would be a good map.
I'm mildly excited about that announcement. I finally got the rest of the dlc only to realize the premium playlist was gone. I have yet to play any of the new maps and haven't played the noble pack in a while.
Awesome to hear that announcement, will be playing that for sure. Yeah I definitely agree that it's not perfect, and those are the reasons that Ridgeline is significantly better. But tbh Reach is lacking in good BTB maps (I know it has map problems across the board, but I actually think the 4v4/5v5 sized map compliment is a lot better than most people seem to), and Highlands was a big step in the right direction. I honestly don't think the bases are that bad in terms of camping. Sure they each only have one consistently reliable push point each, but they are largely consistent: watching each of those routes enough to really lock them down generally means you have to abandon an effective camp and open up the less desirable routes to attack. It could do with some work to see the full potential realised, but it's still a good map imo and I'm sad that I barely ever play it.
YYYYUUUUUUSSSS! Arena and Dubs as well. All the playlists I care about are now updated, nice one 343.
Didn't even know that, but THANK GOD. How do you keep full bloom in a playlist that involves firing the DMR at max range? Anyway, I never really stopped playing BTB, but now I'm all the way back in.
Too much Classic mode. I was all up for the novelty of the 3sk Pistol but honestly it's wearing a little thin even in its intended 4v4 setting. Having it in 8v8 is just stupid, it's retardedly random. But it does have awesome maps, I'll give you that.
I never play it for that reason. But you can be sure you will see me in it now! Well, I do. Its superior to the DMR at close to mid range.
No I'm pretty sure its DMR+Pistol. Its not bad on Timberland, I'm just constantly switching between the two.
Exactly. Granted it's more powerful on Breakneck than Ridgeline, but it's still a factor on the latter in annoying ways. I've had people sit on our Sniper hill using it and this makes the approach much harder if you're trying to flush them out. No, that's what I want, but it'd hardly be a CE Classic mode if that were the case. Honestly I would be happier if "Classic" gametypes were just ZB DMR and AR starts. I know people want that CE Classic feel, but the 3sk Pistol is not only a bad idea for the Reach mechanics (huge hitboxes and massive bullet magnetism), but isn't even implemented in a similar enough way to warrant forcing it. With bloom and spread in tandem, it's wildly random. The CE Pistol was, whilst not 100% accurate, still pretty close. I'd rather they did a H2/3 inspired Classic mode pretty well than a CE one quite badly.
Unfortunately for you (and all of us), I don't think they've ever been devoted whatsoever to providing a true classic experience. Everything we've seen so far is a mere tweaking of the core Reach mechanics and thus you end up with something very different and adulterated. Not that I really blame them - it's a lot of work to make a hybrid Reach/CE or Reach/2 that leans heavily away from the Reach side of things, and it's just a relatively small group of old-timers who really want it. My experience with all the efforts so far (the various classic playlists) has been a couple days of enjoyment followed by a hasty retreat back to Reach gameplay. At least I have the TU now...
True fact. It will never truly be like the old stuff. And the TU, I believe, perfected reaches gameplay in every way. But thats just my opinion. And I discovered that the January MM updates don't go into effect until Tuesday. WHY MUST YOU MAKE ME WAIT???? WHYYYYYY????
I'm quite happy with post-TU Reach as well, except that I still don't like certain armor abilities and the way they affect gameplay. Armor lock and evade don't belong outside of BTB, jet pack only works on certain maps and makes others intolerable, and camo doesn't belong anywhere. Here's hoping for a Halo 4 with naught but sprint off spawn (in fact no loadouts at all except maybe weapons in silly custom games would be fine by me), and the glorious return of power-ups and maybe equipment. For me, the equipment model of 3 worked far better than AAs do in Reach. YES PLEASE LET'S HAVE THIS DISCUSSION AGAIN