Resistance in a Infected City

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Minion, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map is my best map by far and is extremely fun to play on. I went back to my previous posts to see what I could improve on while making this map. One of the major things people said about my other maps were that the aesthetics weren't great and there were camping places. In this map I made sure there were NO overpowered camping places, and instead I made holdout spots. I also spent lot's of time once the maps layout was finished working on aesthetics until I had no more budget left. After that I tested like crazy, and finally finished tweaking it until it was perfect.

    The gametype for this map is very unique. One reason why it is unique is because the zombies have active camo but when they use it the humans know that they are there because a jumble of red dots will appear on the radar, but when the zombie isn't invisible, the humans radar won't detect them. Also, the humans have bottomless clip and spawn with a shotgun and a magnum, but headshots do not effect the zombies. Anyway, here are some pics:

    Here is a pic of the stronghold:

    This is just a nice aesthetic touch

    Broken building:

    Entrance to building

    Entrence to stronghold

    Here is an overview:

    This is the main room of the building:

    Here is a video:

    Halo reach maps - YouTube

    Constructive criticism is welcome just remember I have no more budget.

    Please download!
    #1 Minion, Jan 5, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2012
  2. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Remove the bottomless clip, the open sightlines will still make the pistols OPd. Also, while the aesthetics were good outside, try to vary a little more in the holdouts. Having the same kind of wall and floor is ugly. I know you're out of budget, but removing some of the warthogs would give you some more money.
  3. X RS Sniper X

    X RS Sniper X Forerunner

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    What is the small antennas for ? and agreed, Needs a bit more athentics on the hold outs and the map looks small overall. Bottomless clip should be removed and zombies probably shouldn't be invisible.
  4. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    what do you mean what are they for, they make the map look more destroyed. also, I will try to get better aesthetics, and change the map and gametype around a bit then try to release a V2
  5. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    They're supposed to be rebar, it's an iron support bar built into concrete. Yes, the map is small, yes bottomless clip should be removed, no, zombie camo is fine.
    Focus on a rebudget. Expand the map, or make it look expanded, for tips on how do that, click here. Also, change the walls and/or floor in the holdouts. They should be different.
  6. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
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    I find the map a little bit small also bottomless clip isn't to good when it comes to game play I have another thing and that is it looks like the rest of your money went to the holdout I sam saying that becuase it looks like you tried to fit as many crates and barriers in there as possible which makes the map look sloppey and rushed but besides that great job on the map
  7. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the advice, also please download and try it out soon and tell me what to improve because I'm gonna start making the V2 soon. I'll definantly change the holdout areas (especially the stronghold) and remove bottomless clip.
    #7 Minion, Jan 7, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2012
  8. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hey there, cool idea. I like destroyed structures. Good gametype. But heres a couple friendly suggestions:

    More height variation; humans are going to get way too many pistol kills if they never have to move their y axis (up and down.)

    More sightline blockers; your map layout is basically one big courtyard with two holdout spots. You did a good job making it look good, but if you want fast gameplay, quick rounds and no camping, there needs to be walls, ceiling, more rooms, smaller fighting ares with contstantly changing cover. One big open room makes me unhappy and makes most people quit.

    One more thing. Where did all the budget go?
  9. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yah, I'm making a v2 right now, and I'm fixing the rooms, and adding more open buildings. Also the pistol isn't too OP because headshots are off so it takes quite a few shots to kill a zombie. Camping really isn't a big deal on this map, and the rounds are fair yet long. Cover could use a little more, but it isn't that big of a concern for me at the moment. If you get a game on it, you'll see what I mean, because the teleporters take care of the camping, and cover isn't that necessary because the zombies are invisible, and when they aren't invisible they are not detected by radars. Thanks for the comment and I'll make sure to change it in the V2 I'm making.
  10. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The zombies shouldn't be invisible in my opinion and as said b4 bottomless clip should be removed
  11. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    the reason they have invisibility is because it adds more strategy for the zombies. For example, if the zombie is behind a human, he shouldn't be invisible because if he's invisible, the humans radar will have a bunch of red dots and the human will know the zombie is there. But if he is visible he won't show up on the radar. Basicly it adds a twist to infection and gives it more strategy instead of just the usual mindlessness of infection. Also the bottomless clip is there because the zombies are immune to headshtos. And it's too hard to kill them without it.

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