Tower Defense

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by enti0, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. enti0

    enti0 Forerunner

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    "Tower Defence" is a Map and Game type where the enemies (Elites) have to walk through the path while the towers (Spartans) have to try and stop them, made for at least 4-16 players and it uses the custom invasion game type "Tower defence". The weapons of both teams upgrade, so each team has an equal chance. The game type is made as an invasion game type so the different weapons are easily placed after each objective. The Elites also have a lot of armour abilities and power-ups to help them (It makes the Elites slightly faster and do more damage to towers).

    Of course, if the game was just a matter of trying to run through a fixed path with a load of weapons mowing them down, it would be rather boring. Instead, the Elites can fire back at their attackers, ending up with better weapons than the Spartans themselves (needle rifles compared to the Spartans magnums). The towers also have a few fusion coils around them, to make it easier for the Elites.

    This however, is countered by the Spartans, since they don't need to run around a path, and also have teleporters to switch them from tower to tower (although they are all on two way nodes, so you have to keep going in until you find the tower you want). They also have considerably a lot more cover than the elites, and can see them all a lot easier than the Elites can see the Spartans. Although it seems like the needle rifles are a lot stronger than the magnum, it has to be taken in account that the Spartans have more defensive positions than the Elites, and can swap position if under fire.

    Main Picture of Tower Defence


    Inside Enemy Spawns at the start

    Inside Enemy Spawns at the end

    Spartan Towers


    Fighting in the Game


    For people who want to know how the "invasion" gametype works on this map.

    The objectives work by all of the objectives being territories. Then, by placing them at certain points through the map. The Elites are stopped from going any further through the path by 1-way sheilds. As each territory is captured, there are weapons and abilities that spawn in the enemy base, as well as weapons for the spartans in the towers. Both elites and spartans get better loadouts as the game goes on.

    Pic's of objectives

    1st Objective

    2nd Objective

    3rd Objective
    #1 enti0, Jan 3, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2012
  2. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    If you made this an Invasion gametype, please show where the objectives are. I'd like to see how you used Invasion for this. Also, try making different types of towers by giving each tower different weapons. Like one could have a laser, while another could have needlers.
  3. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    wow, for a 3rd post this is great. Keep it up man, you got my dl
  4. enti0

    enti0 Forerunner

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    - reply to southern number -
    As all of the weapons have infintite ammo, i doubt putting needlers or lasers in the map to be a good idea =P. But I understand your point to have differnt weapons in different towers. Its just the fact that since each tower has a teleporter in it, people could use/abuse all the weapons. Thanks for the comments though wasn't a bad idea =D
  5. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Well, maybe not lasers and needlers, it was an example, but with Invasion, you get to pick where you spawn, and that could eliminate the need for teleporters.
  6. enti0

    enti0 Forerunner

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    If you ever try or play this gametype and map, you will find you can do both, as the spartans can change where they spawn, so they spawn closer to the enemies, and if the enemies get further away, they can then go into the teleporter to get to them.

    This may seem like it would make it biased to the spartans as they can pick wherever they want, but trust me, it isnt, as explained before the elites get better weaponry to fight them off, and have parts of the map where they can hide from spartans, and armour abilities, and powerups.
  7. HatchedHarp

    HatchedHarp Forerunner

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    Theres a Scenario called like that in Aom: The titans expansion game , and its exactly the same, if u didnt know :p its a great remake and looks very similar but gameplay not so much, but its still fun, i had aproblem, elites instead of trying to take objective, they are always shooting the spartans at top and dont concentrate in Objectives :/

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