This is my attempt to make a "Where Amazing Happens" Vid... let me know how I did :] [MEDIA][/MEDIA] Thanks to Vicious Vice for getting the Embed up :] -Zstrike13
Thanks man, I put the embed into teh OP and gave you credit for getting it up. I dont know why it didnt work for me... anyway, thanks :]
hmm... yea I didnt take time to do that unfortunately, but I didn't think the font was that bad or important that it ruined the vid.
thats not the point though. If you've ever seen a "Where Amazing Happens" vid, its only a montage of pics, not actual vid.
My suggestion are quite simple make it longer make the text look better and smaller and space it between the action like the other "when amazing happens" videos but definitely longer u get going and its over already. and yeah use my Viceball pictures but thats just me
alright thanks for the tips. Instead of editing this one I'll just make a second one with new pics and such. And ill look at your viceball pics, only cause you helped embed the vid.
If u dont like em (the pics) dont use em. I help just because it was a nice thing to do. I dont expect any "payment".
woo hoo!!! 555th post for zstrike! and thats pretty cool. wasnt that a halo 3 trailer thing? the where amazing happens thing i mean EDIT: i have thought of the word for it. that was beautiful
lol knight where have you been? Havent seen you in forever. Glad you liked it. Took weeks to make. not 30 minutes, weeks lol... ok 30 minutes. But I thought it was cool, happy you did too... EDIT: 556 WOOT!!!
It really cool, one thing tho, do u use windows movie maker, i cant figure out how to get text on my vids
that was pretty good, overall. The music really made it work, I think. I would've made a few changes, namely a few choice pictures didn't "scream" the type of awesome they were meant to portray, and the text was often obscured or whited out by the image behind it. Maybe you should look in the Screenshot subforum for some good shots? It'll be sweet when your second is released. Oh, and one last thing; the music should carry some form of conclusion to accompany the final image and title. If you have it, maybe look into mating your footage with the "Believe" theme from the Halo 3 trailer. If the time works out, that would be wicked.
To UEG- yes, movie maker... just click edit movie on side and then click add title/credit and then write out the words and press done Thanks toochie :] To Kwirky, thanks for the tips. Using movie maker, it wasn't so easy getting the words and such out of way and good, so it didn't come out to good. As for using pics from here, next time I definitely will. Also, I wouldn't use "Believe" because that isnt how it is done. If you look up, "Halo Where Amazing Happens" on youtube, you will see tons of them. They all use the song I used. Don't know why, that's just how you make this kind of vid... Taxi, I think you meant that in a good way M I RITE? lol thanks (unless Im wrong) it gives me teh ch1llZz too...
yes it was in a good way, i thought it was really good, the teamwork one is what gave me the chillz, great job dude
the teamwork pic was my fav because of the way I used the old western style... and it reminded me of back to back in Army of Two, but yea, it gave me chillz to, and my AT-AT one, because its mine and I needed the advertising lol, also, no other one of these vids used a forge pic... least, not one I saw