Okay so to start off I have been away from the forge community for quite some time now. I couldn't really tell you why I just strayed from halo really. So if this is something that has been discussed that is why I was unaware. I was playing with a friend the other day and we used to play halo 3 together all the time. He doesn't own an xbox so his knowledge of halo is as far as I've showed him. Anyway, we were playing on forge world and he asked if you could shut off the barriers like we did back in halo 3. I was confused and asked what he meant. He said, "you know when we threw down all those trip mines and the lifts and guardians shut off." And then it hit me. He was talking about overloading the map, and to my knowledge this hasn't happened in reach. My question is, is it possible to overload a map in reach and maybe shut off the guardians?
The kill barriers are coded differently so it won't work. It's more like the absolute kill barriers on the halo 3 maps that still remained active after overloading.
I dont know if this is possible in Reach... You see, Halo 3 had more lifs and gaurdian mechanics (like the mines in Sandtrap). And there isnt anything like the trip mine to overload the map.
You can already forge above FW's barrier, to an extent, and out in the water past West barrier. But if you get far enough out there will be 10 second barriers that can't be broken. And even if you did, the areas way far out aren't forgeable.
The easy way I get out of forge world(without teleporters) is spawn a grid in the gulch and make it perpendicular with the ground(long side up and down). I then stand on top, go into monitor mode and use the direction editor to make it go up until it can't anymore. Delete the grid and wala, you're out. Just don't forget to save a spawn point.