750+ downloads to date a shooting range/ sniper training map designed for parties of 1-5 ever get into a game of team snipers... and get owned? ever get into a game of team BRs.. and have the least kills? i hope to remedie this with my intense shooting range map players spawn inside a room where they get to chose the weapon they want to enhance their skills with (yes an armory) from here they have a choice to make take the teleporter on the right (with the red light above it) and go to the "no scope training" or take the one on the left (with the blue) and go to the "shooting range" we will start with the right as you go through you end up in a narrow corrodor to the side there is a custom powerup grab it to start the minigame it starts off slow with just one fusion coil rolling down a hill then it speeds up by adding a mancannon then two and a shield door and finially another coil (not pictured) NOTE: you can quit anytime by going through the upside down teleporter in the center marked with a roadblock XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX now the other side goin through the left teleporter leads you to the calmer shooting range where you simply take a seat and shoot cones and barrels (you can for more fun try to stick the soccer balls or the cones) NOTE: the most used weapons are avaliable in both minigame areas Download Map **********************If you look at this please comment********************* Testimonials/ comments -Blackorb77- "dude wtf???? how the f*** did you shoot me like that!... sign me up!" -PatAustin 11- "Best training course ever" -Blackfox03- "I saw this map while you were making it, and it looked pretty cool then. I've been looking for a way to warm-up before going into matchmaking (Especially Lone Wolves. Damn you Generals!) instead of having to play like 10 social matches. I'll definitely have to download it this time. Nice job." -Dutch Kid- So far it looks good, I like the idea of a warm up, because I rarely hit the Matchmaking because I basically suck at it with no time to hone my (lack of) skillz. This will definatley help coming in last with 1/3 of everyone else's kills. 5/5 -V3SPH- This Is ****ing AWSOME!!!!! __________________ Message me with your own testimonials of how this helped you please if you can survive 5 minutes on the right side (red) with the standard slayer gametype and on your own tell me. you deserve a medal the current record is 4:47 seconds by V3SPH
Nice dude, this is one of the most interactive shooting ranges that i have seen on Forge Hub. I especially like the addition in the first range. Question: Can you return to the first sniper practice area?
yeah the you can get to both of the areas again the overshield helps you get back into the game without getting creamed, splattered, or blown up
very interactive, best ive ever seen. you did spell game wrong in the sentence about brs, but who cares, awsome map. 5/5
this map looks really good. i like all the stages that you added. ill have to download and check it out.
this looks pretty decent, i had an idea like this once, but for some reason, i never carried through with it, i think i just forgot or something, great execution though, specially since you can "quit" at anytime, that's cool
i would but it turns out even the infinite budget glitch has its limits (i cant place any more objects even if i have enough objects of that kind
Ohh alright. Maybe you could have the shooting range toss fusion coils across the map? that way you get practice on moving targets from long range?
hmmm v4? long range training? ill work on it after my indiana jones remake (status = fail) indiana jones failed misrably same with long range and dont even say anything am i not intitled to use the word fail in my own posts
ok there are two mini games in one map the teleporter with an over shield over it leads to one where you shoot fusion coils before they hit you and it gets harder every few seconds the other side with the active camo over it leads to a standard shooting range with cones and barrels to shoot. and the ocasional soccerball that you can stick or shoot. you can quit any game by going to the teleporters that take you back to the other game or the "game lobby"