
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Confused Flamingo, Dec 27, 2011.

  1. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    Yeah, **** it. Might as well ship it out. I'm going to go ahead and mention that the gameplay is solid; there's no camping, specific environment, good weapon placement. I'd like to say I've created a truly unique atmosphere, but that's my general opinion on the matter. It's quite the experience dashing around the levels, probably due to the almost experimental concepts I strived to implement. Railings for cover, tac jumps a plenty, et cetera. Maps I build are mostly smaller than I intend, but I think this was an observational step in the "right" direction. It's quite the ancient. I mean, I've almost completely forgotten about it in recent events. It's kind of hard to explain the gameplay in a thread, so yeah, I'm gonna shut up now. XD​

    Equipment Listings

    X- Does not spawn at start
    Custom- Rechargeable Overshield​

    3 Health Packs
    3 DMRs
    2 Frags
    3 Plasmas
    X 1 Grenade Launcher 150 sec (2 spare clips)
    X 1 Custom Powerup 120 sec
    1 Magnum 90 sec (0 spare clips)​

    I can has video?
    No, you may not has video.​




    Skrall (Custom Gametype)

    Thankies :3

    Oh god, it's been so long I can hardly remember who to thank. If you helped me with this in any way, shape, or form, I thank you from the bottom of my famished stomach. And that is quite the thank you, indeed. You guys are awesome (you know who you are).​

    Ba Bai

    It may seem that I'm radiating a lack of enthusiasm. Don't let it fool you. My lethargy is mostly due to the slow thump of my headache, quite possibly mixed with this voracious appetite of mine. I think I'll grab a sandwich on concluding this rant. Oh, I'm done? Well then...​

    #1 Confused Flamingo, Dec 27, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2011
    Blaze likes this.
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Yay posted. This is one of the few 1v1 maps I actually like. Despite getting destroyed by flamingo every time. I think the floor is worth downloading the map for. We all know that's the most important part of the map.

  3. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is cleanly forged And unique compared to other maps.
    And I'm glad to see that purple/nova effect again. It doesnt effect gameplay at all in my opinion.
    but why name it platypus?
  4. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
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    This is I very interesting map I love the concept and the ideas put into this map and I absolutely love the floor you made with bridge medium great job I will give it a DL. I also live how the name seems to connect with the map because the platypus is a very original and unique thing just like this map idk if you meant to do that but I just noticed it
    #4 bullet2thehead9, Dec 27, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2011
  5. Zigywig

    Zigywig Forerunner

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    1v1 maps seem to be the thing nowadays. No matter, it still looks good anyways! Good job!
  6. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Yay, you finally posted this. I was like, "Flamingo, Y U NO POST??!!" after seeing that sexy preview thread. The floor is amazing, probably the best I've seen in a 1v1. If only there was some way to make my maps this good...
  7. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Always had fun kicking your but on here, especially when thou raged... :)

    Platypus is a fun map that looks pretty darn good too, and I know you learned a lot from making it. Enjoy your Murping!
  8. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    And I always thought the floor was boring, and the least compelling part of the map...

    This was a good attempt, Flamingo, it manages not to feel generic, and had fairly good gameplay. Your newer maps are certainly an improvement from this though.

    I nominated this for FHF because there are absolutely zero other maps that have come out recently that I find worthy of a nom.

    Go murp yourself.
  9. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
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    a chekerboard floor... hmmm sounds like a map i know. lol jk i am downloading this map now and i'll post feedback when i see it.
  10. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    I thought this map got so much comments because of favoritism on the forum, so I downloaded this myself and got a game on it with thefightdude, the layout is fun, but one question... How the hell do you get under the area where that grid floor part is? I've looked all over.
    -Voted for FHF
  11. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    I thank you all for your kind words. I'd like to give each and every one of you a hug made of writing. :D

    It looks like I couldn't have been more right when I said "you know who you are."

    Hmmm. Um, because...

    Well, uhh.


    I don't have an answer for this question.

    Under the covanent crates that rest on the top level. I considered removing the shield door altogether, but no one ever experienced that sense of confusion before.

    #11 Confused Flamingo, Dec 28, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2011
  12. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
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    Herp derp murp derp. I was one of those people that helped a lot with the map, I believe. The map itself has some pretty unique features and gameplay improvements that help make it stand out. Great map, and i hope to see Bara and Themmur finished so that the map pack can be released.
  13. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Played a quick 1v1 against Ticky and we discussed the issues we had with the map.




    -Dead end one way tunnel

    -Raised railings


    -Weapons (specifically GL)

    First off, Platypus's aesthetics. To me, they just weren't there. There was no consistency in piece use except for the central floor and even then, I don't think it was used anywhere else. The FX, while not headache inducing, were still kind of a pain of fight in.

    The teleporter-lift system was one of my least favorite aspects from the entire map. It immediately gives away your position, and on such a small map, it almost always ends in death. When using teleporters, you should really restrain players from entering from more than one angle. This reduces the randomness factor of coming out of a tele looking where you don't need to be looking.

    The dead-end one-way shield tunnel. It's oh so much more than just a mouthful, it's the one spot on the map that can slow gameplay to an absolute halt, having a similar effect to that of a glass wall.

    The railings were extremely awkward and kind of made the high point in the map not worth using.

    Overall, Platypus just felt too small. Because of this, the spawns were quite easy to predict and it made the battles blend together much too quickly. Also, I would start drop spawning your power weapons.
  14. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    May the Murp be with you always and forever.

    This map is wonderful and fantastic in every way. Even when you slapped me across the map with your DMR up, down and sideways I love the map and game and everything else that existed, ever, ever, ever, in the whole day, the whole week, month, and everything, everything in the universe. This map is a definite download to any who enjoy 1v1 customs.

    But I have one question: Splitscreen capabilities, yay or neigh?

    EDIT: Also, I must say that I read a few concerns and issues others had and can say personally none few of them really apply to me. I love the raised railings, the railing-walkways, and teh FX are unique and interesting. Remember when I was convinced there was none at all? I do have some reservations about teh tele-lift, but it never bothered me once I understood it. Also the grid area never seemed needed to me. It could easily be replaced with a tunnel and make gameply no different or better. However I love this map regardless of these small things and love that you finally finished it. I look forward to your next projects.

    HOLY EDIT, BATMAN!: hey, another edit. I saw Psychoduck's comment and thought to myself, he's right about the floor not being that interesting. Thought I would mention that too. Okay, I'll try not to edit any more.

    EDIT: I lied.
    #14 Audienceofone, Dec 28, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2011
  15. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Oh so you think you're a FUNNY GUY Huh?
    You think you can go out and about, and name your maps whatever the hell ya want and just get away with it?
    Well I got news for ya buster, you can I tells ya!

    But back on topic, once I get a hardrive by later this afternoon, ima gonna hafta download it. I looks fun, no joke.
    But one problem though, those railing that are partially lifted in air prevent shooting across to the other platform. Wouldnt you get your balls shot off while not being able to fire back?

    #15 RoboArtist, Dec 29, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2011
  16. Mynx

    Mynx Overzealous
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Surprisingly, this was actually quite fun to play on. But then, I was winning the whole game so that might have been why. Lol, I agree with almost everything NexogeN said.

    I have to agree. Though it does give the map a more pleasing and suitable atmosphere, the more competitive players seriously hate playing in that ****. Or, I do, at least. (Kudos for being able to use FX and not rape my eyes though, congrats.) I would consider removing them, or in the least, making two versions.

    Again, agreed. I was able to kill someone at least 3 times because I heard that lift go off. I also saw them camp the hell out of that teleporter [DISLIKE!]. So I suggest, if you have the pieces, turning that into some sort of aesthetic door or something of the like that makes it look nice and eliminates the possibility of entering from other angles besides the preferred one and camping behind it.

    I, too, think this should probably be removed or altered in some less game-hindering way. When chasing a one-shot, It's never good to chase straight behind them because that is heavily predictable. Unfortunately that's the only option this dead end has left you unless you get lucky and they push themselves out of the shield before they regenerate, whether on purpose or on accident. (Luckily during my 1v1 they pushed themselves out on accident.)

    Never a truer word. I found myself jumping on top of them just to get a better view. I then found myself falling because they were so awfully thin and I'm rather clumsy when it comes to jumping on thin surfaces. It was, to say the least, extremely aggravating.

    Yes. Drop them. For those who hate/don't have the ability to time weapons, dropping is certainly a good fix. (And an easy one at that.)

    Now to the good.
    I think what really made the map fun to play on was what could make or break the map; the layout. The many halls and different routes make it extremely fun to predict people on and provide many fake out techniques to be put into play (with the exception of that damn one way hall.) and it's fun to use brainpower in 1v1's. I feel it's much better to have to think your actions through as opposed to fire randomly, and this is what Platypus does. Overall, a decent map, fun to play on.

    EDIT: ^ Yes and.
    omglol the pic
    #16 Mynx, Dec 29, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2011
  17. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    I agree with virtually everything Nibs said. I reached the point where I could learn no more from Platypus, and pretty much needed to scrap it or post it. I was just done. I think in my mind I had given up on the project months ago. But the thing is, I'm not a perfectionist, and I see no harm in posting what I had finished. Maybe I'd even learn something new from the comments. I didn't then, and I don't now want to be bothered with the project. However, I learned a lot from the experience. It basically taught me what not to do when designing a map, lolactually.

    Think of it as the best of a series of terrabad "training" maps I made for learning's sake (beleive me, some weren't even playable). And hell, if even a few people will have a good experience on Platypus, I see reason to post it.
    #17 Confused Flamingo, Dec 29, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2011
  18. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    I'd like to expand on the few of these that I can answer without having played the map:

    -FX: used to rape me until a few days ago: on decent HDTV's, their effects are increased drastically, and what may look like a subtle accent to some comes across as a solid-black demon to others. I couldn't even play on half of the Haloween maps because they were pitch-black, with Pandora's Fear being a great example. So keep that in mind, and use them ONLY if you have no other choice, and NEVER while forging (you get used to the filter being on, and end up numbing yourself to the effects of it.) Basically, only use it as a "I'm done with every single thing and its tested to its quality-limit and I just want to try and manipulate the atmosphere a bit, maybe I'll get lucky."

    Yes they make the map look better, cause the textures to flow better, and causes the atmosphere to stand out more, but for some players they can entirely ruin an otherwise amazing map; so if you are making a map to appeal to your friends, they are wonderful, but if you are creating something for the whole community to enjoy, never use them.

    -Aesthetics: lern2continuity. Create a theme, make the map feel like a map, don't use pieces who's textures don't line up, etc. I understand that you will counter with the argument of either "I wanted to make the map stand out" or "I wanted players to instantly recognize where they were," and I'd like to stop that by saying "Use geometry, background aesthetics, or subtle changes instead of a hodge-podge of gimmicks."

    So on your map (which I have loaded up right now, since it was the last one I downloaded before my adapter got shat upon ^_^) you have at least five different flooring pieces, which sets of alarms in my head instantly. Just as important as making players constantly aware as to their location is making players aware as to the purpose of a piece. For example, "this is a flooring piece" and players will always know that they can walk on it, or "this is a ramp piece" and players will always know that it will take them up/down to a new floor. Its a subconscious deal, and if you run around on a map with 'clean' floors and one with a bunch of mis-matched tiles, one of them is more pleasing on the mind and less stressful. Obviously, stress is to be avoided at all costs!

    -Tele-lift/Dead End: bad in every way. Campable, gives away your position, slow, disorienting, etc. Disorienting being the worst thing that you can ever do on a map; if at any time something feels unnatural or strange, you have failed to immerse them in the gameplay and your map is less enjoyable for players, who like to ***** at any flaw they can find. Dead ends? Consider them akin to being at the top of a bad lift; you can see, hear, and KNOW there is a way down, but can't take it. Another good way of visualizing it would be making a recorder, and filling one of the holes in. Suddenly, a huge majority of your sounds are either ruined or removed, severely limiting the capability of the instrument. Obviously bad, but thankfully a much easier fix in a map than a recorder!

    -Size:Honestly the 'size' of a map isn't determined by "hey my map is 20 units wide and 10 long," its determined by how mobile players are and how far they can see. You can have a map spanning the better third of the gulch still support 1v1 by making it incredibly open with a healthy sprinkling of teleporters, lifts, and other methods of speeding up movement; you can have a tiny maze-like construction with ten floors support a full 4v4 game of slayer. It all depends on LoS & Speed. The problem with your map is a low speed with very open lines of sight, creating a case of mistaken identity.

    Basically; its too open.

    Anyway, I haven't the rest of the problems that Nibbles n' Bits mentioned, cus I haven't had an opportunity to play yet, but I got inspired and thought I would rant for a bit with my own thoughts on map design. Keep in mind that its all situational, and I haven't played your map yet so I can't tell you for sure whether any of this actually applies. Just... enjoy that I felt it would be a good use of my time to write so effing much about your map! :p

    EDIT: Oh, you already know all that...?

    #18 Jex Yoyo, Dec 30, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2011
  19. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    Sweet jesum scissorhands, that was in depth.

    Although I would like to hear what you think of your game on it (should you choose go ahead with it), I was posting Platypus for my own sake, and understood the issues going into it. People still managed to enjoy the games, which made me feel like I accomplished something. But that's not why I love Platypus. I love that map because it taught me how to forge 1v1s, specifically by teaching me how NOT to forge 1v1s. I made so many mistakes that I will never again have to encounter.

    Either way, I gathered previously unknown information from you and Res and Nibs and the feedback you guys provided, which I can not thank you enough for.

    #19 Confused Flamingo, Dec 31, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2011
  20. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    How do you lose to Flamingo? He's so bad. Proof: : Reach : Game Details

    I'm not sure whether or not I've played this. Was this the map with the incredibly abusable teleporters, or was this a separate project? Guess I'll give it a download either way.

    Agreed. It would be unfortunate if someone were to TL;DR that post. Very informative, and something that any forging noob, or any forger for that matter, should read.
    #20 4shot, Jan 1, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2012

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