This thread is mainly a poll, I'm curious of how everyone plays. Do you have your settings hold to crouch or toggle to crouch? I want to adapt to hold to crouch, it seems more effective, for example in DMR battles I believe crouching helps but when controls are set to hold I find myself having to constantly keep pressing in the left analog. In addition, I like being sneaky too, which toggle helps.
Hold is the best option. Especially if you do any amount of crouch jumping. With toggle set, crouch jumping is near impossible.
Toggle is convenient for bitches who spend the entirety of any given game crouching in a corner. Hold to crouch FTW.
Toggle is for people who cant hold down the thumbstick and aim at the same time. Hold2Crouch is actually faster too, because it activates once the thumbstick is entirely depressed, while Toggle waits until it is released to switch modes. Plus, the benefit achieved in accuracy from crouching (in DMR battles) is lost when factored with the loss of mobility; no more straffing. For best results, you want to pop in and out of crouch in time with your shots. This also ****s with the opponents aim-assist, causing the reticle to shake awkwardly. Basically, Toggle is for guys who cant keep their women happy and idiots who dont realize halo fightin tactics.
Turn off Toggle, and then start playing. Lol. Same way you adjust to a different button layout or sensitivity: practice! Pinho, urdumb
I checked the stats (I assuming you're going by K/D) and there was no difference large enough to not likely be part of random error.