Forged 3 way!

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by hunEtER0121773, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. hunEtER0121773

    hunEtER0121773 Forerunner

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    (original version)Now finally my newest map, which i do wish for a matchmaking option Labyrinth: yes the name does not suit the map but i had no other choice, it does have a bit of eye candy, you remember construct from 3,the whole map has the same guild line, a up and down map, with every weapon on canvas, a large spire structure near the sword and hammer ,(yes they do spawn in different area)not one camping spot i could realize because i had many game testers reviewing my map. But it has possibly reached its limit, when i do open a lobby with this map it is limited to the second floor,but i have tried to draw them away and around. it also has all human vehicles but the scorpion you got an clear area to fly about, it is now perfect map revolving around every game type BUT invasion,so something new,spawning should be decent and the layout is amazing, you cannot understand this map unless you play on this map,its nothing until you feel the experience picture show nothing! reviews of my map so far have been by friends(their gt will appear or they may not want any veiws:

    Sackofdeadbabyz:"funniest map in the world son!!!"

    ZonkedBrandon and timmytonka162:"sick map its perfect not one problem, perfect for any style of combat, the weapons and vehicles spawn perfect! 8.5 out of 10!"

    Cj the plonker: “It was a great map,so send it to 343 industries!”

    ODST gremlin: “It was alright!the space was good.”

    now some images of it:

    its a long way up,but at least you lost a bit of weight!

    the spire tower(recommended to hide around it not in it)

    Blue side

    red side

    Hall were you should never bring a a gun fight!

    bang and then a splash!


    ninja boombox!

    I am not driving up that!

    Houston...we have a problem...

    "The matrix" "yeah i watched it!"

    So I've realized its a tragic map from its original state,but i have done a quick edit,and i will be improving it,its called jellyfish now,cause my friend suggested it was called that from its birds-eye-view.I will be posting images of jellyfish soon,the changes:
    No sniper rifle and sword.
    grenade launcher spawns on a balcony.
    A concision rifle spawns where the sword once spawned.
    lights indicating sides.
    cover added on top platform.
    a new bridge where the gravity life exit was.
    the gravity lift replaced by a teleporter.
    the receiver is were the sniper spawned.
    5x5 flat flooring replaced by Colosseum walls.
    the windows to view underground are no more.
    An active camo,where the magnum spawned.
    No more spire tower anymore.

    Plasma repeater x2
    Plasma pistol x2
    Concussion rifle x3
    focus rifle x2
    Fuel Rod x1
    Needler x1
    Needle Rifle x1
    Spikers x2
    Gravity Hammer x1
    assault riffle x2
    DMR x3
    Rocket launcher x1
    Spartan Laser x1
    Shotgun x1
    Grenade Launcher x1

    And that concludes to my update on labyrinth for today! I hope you like the new changes.
    #1 hunEtER0121773, Dec 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2012
  2. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Um whats with the name?
    Id take your GT out if I were u. the file says its made by you.
    The name looks crappy with a GT like that in it (no offence)
    #2 RoboArtist, Dec 29, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2011
  3. hunEtER0121773

    hunEtER0121773 Forerunner

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    I AGREE,LOL buh its got 3 of my maps so i couldnt think of a name,i'll change it now,n i do now my gamertag is crappy...i want to change it!
  4. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Really relevant Anyways, your picture "bang and then splash" reminds me a lot like Damnation. This map looks really random though, I can't quite wrap my head around the layout, even though you posted a forge monitor view.
  5. thefightdude

    thefightdude Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map looks pretty good for a BTB but it needs a lot more cover on the second floor. You probably don't have any money left but if you do I would definitely add some cover.

    EDIT: I have know idea how that video relates to this but whatever.
    #5 thefightdude, Dec 29, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2011
  6. hunEtER0121773

    hunEtER0121773 Forerunner

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    i only got 10 forge bucks

    its got damnation in it yes,and construct on the top!
  7. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    "perfect map, 8.5 out of 10." Wouldn't a PERFECT map be a 10? Either way there is a serious lack of cover. And some of those lines of sight are pretty long. Also it seems as though you used a lot a bridges, which limit directional movement. And in the second picture those inclines are really long and really exposed. I would think twice when choosing whether to go up or not, and so would most players. The layout also seems very flat. The main level is pretty much just a bunch of 4x4's layed out next to each other. And finally, the comments you posted are from people I doubt anyone on forgehub knows. They're most likely the average everyday players. What they like is getting a power weapon and getting to dominate their opponent. What you really have to look at is balance and fairness for every player. If you got your hands on a sniper it would be like one player is god and the others just suffer. A sword or hammer would be almost useless on such an open map. Nice attempt but there are other maps that would be more suitable for online play.
    #7 xDTx Kaos, Dec 29, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2011
  8. Xyrc

    Xyrc Promethean

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    I don't really understand the layout of this map. It seems way too vertical to have any decent gameplay. I understand you took ideas from Spire, Damnation, and Constrruct but I'm not too sure why you took the parts of those maps. It doesn't flow very well and I predict there is a LOT of camping in the spire......I don't get it
  9. Cavitated

    Cavitated Promethean

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    epic vid!
  10. Xyrc

    Xyrc Promethean

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    I love you for that video
  11. hunEtER0121773

    hunEtER0121773 Forerunner

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    as i said about the review that one was done by tinkytonka(gave the rating) and zonkedbrandon(gave the review) i found it stange 2 buh the people are always right! :)

    Edited by merge:

    i dont get where the spit=re came from,buh i have tested it enough times with my xbox community,and they have said it is an amazing map,they have shown and told me where "they" could find camping spots and i took the time to fix it!

    Edited by merge:

    i understand what your saying,me and my freinds were in forge with me saying were it was limited to,and that was the lower platfoms and the middle platform,so i had to add a few weapons here and their,but thats the thing i said you need to play before you say anything,the images are usless it dosent help,and my frainds do agree with what i am saying

    Edited by merge:

    Thank u and i do no about the cover,both teams hav a bunker and ther is a small area under the gavelift,where its a walkway up,and area below the sniper dish,andthe underground! i have no idea how the vid has anything to do with this!

    Edited by merge:

    i might be able to get some more monet,just got to see how many walls i got
    #11 hunEtER0121773, Dec 30, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2011
  12. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Sigh. This makes me want to facepalm. So from the overview, it seems like it'd be a BTB map. Kind of open, maybe there's some vehicles. That'd make sense. Oh, there's no vehicles. Why is it open then? What is up with that Spire? Something that campable should only have been even considered for an asymmetrical objective type, but it'd still need work. Oh, a hammer. That won't do anything.

    And that was my thought process while going through this map. For a no vehicles BTB map, this is WAY too open. Also, stop using prefab pieces as prefab pieces. I saw no aesthetic creativity in this. You used 5v5s for the entire floor, threw down some bridges for a "second" floor, and used coli walls as walls. The map was kind of ugly, and it didn't have anything that made it stand out. Since you're new, I'm going to assume that you haven't looked around the site too much. Look at some of the other forgers, see how they build their maps, and try to find your own creative spark. Also, I will never take advice from somebody called "sackofdeadbabyz".
  13. hunEtER0121773

    hunEtER0121773 Forerunner

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    one its a gametag,i never liked it my self but thats him,two their are vechiles i am not new,yes it for btb,and as i said,the images are nothing,only play is evidence,not pictures!
  14. Mynx

    Mynx Overzealous
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Not true. The pictures mean a lot more than you must think if you're saying they're nothing. The images are generally the reason people download a map. It's what you use to advertise your map, and when the screen shots suck and or show poor quality forging, you're underselling yourself and your abilities. In my opinion, I feel these maps aren't worth even looking at in forge mode, let alone playing. From the pictures you posted, your attitude, and even your grammar, I lack the urge to test it out. Though these assumptions on your maps may not be fair, this is what I've gathered over the last two pages. It looks incredibly open, and in all honesty, poorly forged with lacking creativity. It appears to me that you're a new forger, and you probably should have taken a good look at where you're posting your maps and the standards you should try to meet. Though I said it doesn't seem remotely worth looking at, I decided I couldn't write even a small review without doing so. After seeing what you've made, I can only feel like my previous opinion was correct; poorly forged.

    So to hide my walls of text, I'll put this in spoilers. Tips and things that should always be kept in mind when forging will be in bold font.

    Everything from the weapon/vehicle placement down to the spawns is wrong. There are hardly any re-spawn points, and of what few you have, they are poorly placed and grouped together in a bad fashion. They're too close to the initial spawns which makes it extremely easy to spawn trap, which generally wouldn't be a problem, but seeing how you have none anywhere else, it becomes a huge game play factor.
    Weapons should be laid out in convenient, strategic, and game enhancing places around the map, not bundled together like an armory. In aesthetic maps, this might be okay, but since you posted this under competitive, you're expecting people to play with weapons from only one area of the map. This can lead to high traffic in that area and bad game play. Not to mention 2/3 of the weapons you have in that one little corner are considered power weapons (depending on how you view the concussion rifle).
    Now to the vehicles. For this small, enclosed, and flat space, there are way too many. Two of them being way overpowered. A scorpion and a wraith? There's no way that would ever work on a map so small and unbalanced, let alone so close together.
    The blocks you placed in front of blue spawn are just downright irritating. It's obvious you know of coordinate snapping, but are unaware of fine-tuning. TIP: Hold down on the crouch stick when raising/lowering/moving objects. You will see the objects move significantly less than when you move them without the crouch stick. This technique is useful when putting objects on the same coordinate plane to prevent z fighting. It also makes it so you can adjust bumps in flooring between pieces and whatnot.
    The random, or seemingly random pattern you have as the blocks for the wall just makes the map look messy and unprofessional. You also have no kill barriers. HLG kids eat that sort of stuff up.
    The other half of the map almost has no purpose. Too open. I've got more to criticize but no energy to do so for this one in particular.
    Okay attempt at aesthetics.

    Okay, for starters, this name does not fit whatsoever. You yourself even pointed this out, and that whole "I have no choice" thing is nonsense from what I can see. This map is incredibly open as well and lacks any real interesting design. Some of your pieces are incredibly off center which makes me wonder if you really got a good look at your map for yourself. The lift is extremely ghetto. It isn't really even a lift... you might as well have made it a teleporter by itself and saved some money by not including the lift. Your spawning does not appear to have improved very much on this map. They're incredibly random and it seems like you hardly put any thought into them at all (which is hilarious coming from me). The weapons are again, quite ridiculously placed. Sticky grenades on top of spikers? Facepalm indeed, S0uthernNumber1. Even your health pack placement is thoughtless. I can walk from one to the other in an instant. When you fall off the top level, you're pretty much screwed. It doesn't matter if there's a floor down there... the fall kills you.

    Instantly disoriented. The FX are overwhelming, and no, not in a good way. The spawns are still below average standards, and the centerpiece in the main courtyard is anything but centered. You attempted the same off-patterned block technique as Metropolis for the courtyard wall, and it again, isn't working.
    The stairs are awfully ghetto. There are ways to make stairs (that I don't feel like explaining...) look and work much better than what you have here. Nice novice attempt, however. Better than my first staircase. Most of the room after that is plain and empty aside from the train and the uh... security room? The train is probably the most aesthetically pleasing thing you've made so far, and it was particularly amusing to see that you even included seats. But the weapon placement killed my amusement almost instantly. Rockets and snipe? But no, not even that. There are plenty of even MLG maps with that combination. It's the fact they are so damn close together. The sniper better be good or else they'll get blown to bits immediately (being locked in a one way train of course). I'm sure there's more I could say, but for my sleep's sake, I'll save it. This map, to me, is unplayable. The FX along with everything else I've listed make it impossible to even maneuver around.

    After all of that, I can only say I hope this post will help you in future maps. It may take a while for you to grasp what forge can really do (and judging from a few of your aesthetics) with a bit more time and effort I feel you could end up doing far, far greater things than what you've done here. Hopefully. Forging is generally a time-acquired trait that you have to work towards (unless you're just naturally gifted, I suppose). So perhaps one day you will make a map that I might find worth trying out.
    Best of luck.

    EDIT: As for the herp-a-derps who don't understand the video reference. =.= the thread and the video both clearly are titled "3 Way".
    So props to Shikarix for that one. Pretty hilarious IMO.

    EDIT: I also like the way this has more posts than most decently made maps out ATM. Awesome...
    #14 Mynx, Dec 31, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2011
  15. hunEtER0121773

    hunEtER0121773 Forerunner

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    okay, i see alll the critism u given me and have trying to keep it in my head,i will go edit every one map i heard so it please even some one like you,but at least did have a go at it,unlike all the other lazy people in this thread,when ever i critisize a map in the threads it has to be SPAM without downloading the map,but when all these people look at the map,i dont see the download bar rise

    Edited by merge:

    their are no vehicles on this map, i can see them but if you cant you,(i know its an insult but i cant think of any other words) bllind

    Edited by merge:

    you talk about design,i'll tell you all im good at in forge,its creating vehicles.if you think i need work,you could help me improve this!you could even improve the name, i called it labyrinth because i had a choice <--- or jellyfish...

    #15 hunEtER0121773, Dec 31, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2011

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