Here's your proof... Not one person has experienced lag. So i guess you can go on and on about MAY have lag, MAY have framerate issues. There's clearly none. You literally can't say stuff like that. Especially without testing it. So you're saying I could go into every one of your maps and say you may have lag, and somehow that's not defined as reviewing a map? This is your last straw, you have no evidence. Your just commenting on possible lag. THERE IS NONE.
PAINTS, let me clarify what Hulter is trying to say. You used pieces in your map that are known to cause screen lag. However, that doesn't mean it WILL lag, it was just a concern, and a common problem in other maps. If it didn't lag, it didn't lag. That's good. End of discussion, stop arguing it, both of you.
I Oh, "I literally can't say something may have something" without knowing for sure? Then what is the point of the word "may" even existing? You tell me that. And go look up the definition of the word "review". Anyway. I'm done. You just go ahead and suit yourself. That southern guy's got this all right.