On behalf of the "assholes"

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nick Taber, Dec 24, 2011.

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  1. Nick Taber

    Nick Taber Forerunner

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    I just wanted to say something. It has come to my attention that many of the people on these forums have unresolved anger issues that they like to project onto our more brutally honest map critics. When one of these people that you consider to be jerks posts in your forums, it shouldn't automatically be assumed that they are there to insult you or your work. They took time out of their day to come into your thread and post criticism about your map. Now in my opinion ALL criticism is constructive, as well as destructive, it really depends on how the person taking criticism feels about the project. If 4shot or xzamples posts that your map shouldn't have a certain line of sight or that the weapon spacing is sketchy, it means exactly that; They feel that those things should be resolved, not that you're a shitty forger or that you should scrap the project. If you take criticism to be destructive, that is a reflection of your own opinion on the map. If you really like the map that you've made than you will understand what they are talking about and do your best to resolve the issue, NOT argue with them over the internet about why they're big meanies to people on forgehub. The truth is that we're all here to help one another become better forgers, not get mad anytime someone makes a suggestion. Thank you and have a nice day.
  2. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    What the **** is this?
    Bro, what are you doing?
    I personally found this hilarious, especially when you pointed out examples (no pun intended) of community members you regard as fellow assholes. Therefore, you not only just called 4shot and xzamples "assholes", you made a fool of yourself.

    May I also suggest that you use this thread next time something pisses you off. Ya know, instead of posting it in the forge discussion.

    It is my humble request to our glorious moderation staff that the thread be locked and I be infracted for this spam post
    #2 Berb, Dec 24, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011
  3. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    There are some people who just don't like to compliment things so they find something they think is bad in everything. After all nothing's perfect. In some cases, on well made maps, testers think it's great and never come up with any criticism and the creator still wants to improve the map but cannot find anything to improve. In such a case complainers can be useful for some brutal criticism to get some ideas. When these people go into a random map thread and go through everything they think is wrong with the map in the manner you are talking about, they are being assholes. Having seen this go on for a long time with many different people I know what these people do is counterproductive and we'll leave it at that.

    You should also learn the definitions of "constructive criticism" and "destructive criticism."
    Constructive criticism is criticism which is aimed at improving something by pointing out specific faults and in most cases how to fix them.
    Destructive criticism is criticism which is aimed at destroying the object of the criticism.

    Since you brought 4shot into this let's look at his most recent two comments on maps (both on Lateral)
    Looking closely I see nothing constructive about this. It simply says the map does not deserve the attention it has received, that the entire layout is ripped of another map, that this map is worse than the one it was ripped from, and finally goes on to indirectly say the map is bad and insult other maps and that it's not worth downloading.
    Now he goes on, not having been destructive enough in his previous comment to directly insult the map's creator and his other maps. He now offers a single compliment followed by reminding everyone that the map is worse than the pit in every way and that there's of course another map in reach that is much better. Of course in defense of himself he claims he's just being honest, not flaming, and closes on a strong note by saying he "absolutely hates the map."

    I don't flame, I just give honest opinions about people's attitudes. After all you brought up specific people and I'd like to defend all those who dislike those people.
    #3 pyro, Dec 24, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011
  4. Nick Taber

    Nick Taber Forerunner

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    i clearly insinuated that i have heard them both referred to as assholes, you can ask either of them, i've no issues with them. i treat everyone in this community the exact same respect i treat my good forgehub friends. hell i met my best xbl friend on here[two of them actually] i didnt mean this thread to offend anyone and if people are going to take point against what i thought was a peaceful suggestion, then i guess i deserve to have my thread locked and or be infracted. i'll say this; i'll accept either punishment with pride.

    also, i dont have shift keys so grammar nazis can stfu
  5. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    4shot isn't an asshole, he's a tryhard. Those are completely different things, sir.
  6. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    90% of the people reading this are going to think you're calling Xzamplez and 4shot assholes, when you're actually saying that they're just brutally honest.
  7. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
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    4shot may go slightly over the top, but not all of us are great forgers like Ace or Kuroda. Xzamples isn't that bad, he's completely honest, but not as unforgiving as 4shot.
  8. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
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    Oh look, more drama.
  9. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    From what I've read of his posts, xzamples is a pretty reasonable guy who has a very particular perspective and all his feedback grows from that position. He's not an asshole, just very focused on MLG-style map planning. He can come off as arrogant but worse things could be said about many of us.

    4shot on the other hand is a bottomless well of negativity. The posts quoted above are just a couple of dozens, maybe hundreds, of examples from this forum. He also comes from a very specific, limited approach to Halo - one which is not very different from xzamples, since they are both MLG guys. But whereas xzamples might say, "This map needs work on its lines of sight and I don't like the design of that piece of cover," 4shot will say "The lines of sight suck and that piece of cover looks bad, and also this map is a sorry ripoff of a map I dislike, and every other map I've seen for a month has been much the same." He has good feedback at times - if your map is in a mold that he likes - but it's usually buried in an avalanche of hostility.

    As for this "brutal honesty" thing, that is a pile of happy horseshit that people hide behind. Brutal honesty almost never makes anybody better at anything. That's what constructive criticism does, and part of such criticism is a modicum of reasonableness, open-mindedness, and politeness. Brutal honesty is a cover for people to act like the biggest **** wagging in the room and draw attention to themselves. And such brutally honest people are inevitably first in line to crow about how brutally honest they are, and even to call themselves "assholes" like it's a badge of honor. Well done, gents: I agree with that part of your self-assessment. Just not the positive connotation you give the word.

    I'd also hasten to add that many of the "brutal honesty" contingent, 4shot included, have a nasty habit of making intensely negative comments about maps they admit right up front they haven't even played. I have no patience for that. Commenting is one thing, but trying to deliver a death blow to a map based on a few screenshots and a description is pretending to a level of psychic abilities that I don't think exists.
  10. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I wish I had a topic dedicated to me.
    #10 Overdoziz, Dec 24, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011
  11. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Forgehub Drama.
    Makes as much sense as a firebreathing gnome.

    Its amazing to me that we cant, as people with similar goals (map creators and Halo fans) just NOT fight. Its really not that hard.

    Nick Taber is right in a sense, that some (referring to nobody directly) are considered assholes when they are just criticizing the maps (constructively).

    However creating posts/threads like this only created more nonsensical drama. If someone has an issue with a person they should bring it up with that person. This is how I see it all. This is just as if a person violates a rule a moderator should be notified. You dont make posts or threads about how 'I was infracted for no reason', or 'people are stupid'. You adress the issue- not try to involve the whole community. If the community should be addressed then it would be put in an announcement by the staff or a site update.

    Anyway there is my 2 pennies.
    Now enjoy the happy face! :D
  12. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    Speak for yourself. I'm a better class of asshole.
  13. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's not the goal, it's the means.
  14. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    haha! well said good sir!

    I know, but it's still absurd that an MLG player and a casual person cant get along.
  15. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    I've never seen xzamples as an asshole, I think he and 4shot both mean well. (Usually, in 4shot's case.) But 4shot could be a little nicer if he wants his advice to get across. People don't like somebody tearing down everything they worked hard on. He has good advice, but needs to deliver better. Now guys, it's Christmas day. Can we stop arguing like little girls and have a good day without trashing anybody, no matter what your opinion is? Happy Holidays, Forge Hub.
  16. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    what the **** is this?


    This thread is full of win.
  17. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    lol. grow the **** up and lock this thread.
  18. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  19. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, this isnt gonna go anywhere. Thanks for the discussion though.
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