While I was at work yesterday, daydreaming when I should have been focusing on what I was doing, I had a grand idea. Wouldn't it be awesome if the bigwigs at Fox decided that making a Family Guy parody of Back to the Future was a good enough idea to go ahead with? I mean, they've already done so many jokes based around BTTF it's not funny, so why stop there? Obviously, these would be in the same vein as the recent Star Wars parodies, with all the main characters playing pivotal roles from the movie(s). It pretty much speaks for itself in terms of casting, but my ideas for roles would be Chris as Marty McFly, Lois as Loraine McFly, Peter as George McFly, Herbert (the old paedophile guy that's obsessed with Chris) as Doc Brown, Brian would obviously play Copernicus and Einstein, or if they wanted to run the joke of not liking Meg, she could play the roles of the dogs instead, Stewie as Biff Tannen, possibly Quagmire, Cleveland and Joe as his cronies (in all times), and I can't really think of any other important roles at the moment, but I'm sure they'd be filled by Family Guy stalwarts. If they run out of characters, they could even outsource to American Dad and The Cleveland Show again. The possibility for more paedophilia jokes between Chris and Herbert would be priceless, and seeing Stewie as the big bad guy again would be great. It's extremely obvious that Seth MacFarlane is a huge fan of the trilogy, and the Star Wars episodes came about through the same progression; doing tonnes of references in the series and then deciding to take it to the next step. I'd love to let someone at Fox or at the FG studios know about this, but 1) I don't know how, 2) it'd probably be written off as fan spam and deleted with the normal "thanks for your email" reply that doesn't carry any weight, and 3) chances are they've already had this idea but aren't allowed to do it because of licencing issues or something stupid like that. But I'm pretty sure if they can recreate scenes in certain episodes, then it can't be due to the licence. I don't know, anyone got any ideas?
Family Guy is on the slide these days, but I believe their writing is coming back to form. It's not quite there yet, but it's slowly redeeming itself. Doing this idea would put them up a few more pegs, in my eyes.