MAV? MAAV being the mobile anti air vehicle? What's the other? Meh the jet mission was ok. But single player isnt what people but this game for. Same with COD it's always about the multiplayer. BF excels in the multiplayer field, COD is just an arcade game about trying to get points instead of win. These new assignments are pretty cool... But I'd prefer it I there were Jer or Helicopter ones :/
He's talking about the drone that recon gets, I think. And the kill with the blowtorch for the G53 gave me the most gratifying triple kill in the world, left to right on three oblivious snipers.
My current recon build: M39 EMR (holo, foregrip, laser sight), 93R, MAV, Squad sprint. You're absolutely right about the EMR.
For short range, a scopeless SKS is best. 4 shots unlike the 3 of the M39, but fires faster with less recoil.
Battlefield. It requires patients. LOL I might be getting this game for christmas... i might not though, which case I'll probably buy it. Just saying
Battlefield 3 | Thats a very nice tank you have there | PTFO - YouTube I uploaded an old video of Mass shotgunning and stealing a tank. Im really starting to miss the scout chopper its not in any of the new maps.
Well my internet didnt work today so i finally finished the campaign... it sucked. Now back to multiplayer.
The campaign was there so you had something to do when the servers would inevitably fail when it first came out. ****ing EA.
I did it once, but it was a teammate, the helicopter was stationary, and was on hardcore. Still felt awesome. Anyone using the AS VAL? It's my new favorite gun right behind the QBU-88.
Am I the only one that doesn't like the B2K maps? The only map I had played before was Wake Island in BF1943 (which I thoroughly enjoyed), so maybe I'm missing out on a factor of nostalgia, but none of them seem to suit my style of gameplay. That, or they just suck.
So bought both BF3 and MW3. I really like BF3, but I haven't been able to play multiplayer yet. MW3 has been great because I've been kicking my roommate's ass back to Filipino. But really wish BF3 had splitscreen :/
Just got my first USAS-12 Service Star. The Proficiency Dog Tag shows the imprint of a SPAS-12... wtf.
They don't have tags for all of the various pistols, unfortunately. I happen to like the silenced Glock.