
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Shik, Dec 5, 2011.

  1. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    I've been working on this map for a while, mainly testing and adding more into it. It's finally up and ready, Zzonked supports 2v2 slayer, and free for all. I would recommend using DMR weapon settings. So far everyone that I showed the map to loved it, this is also my first Slayer map so enjoy. Also I received some help from Nick Taber.

    Here are some pictures for you to wrap your head around what the map looks like, a overhead view wouldn't correctly describe the layout.

    Red side(same as blue) I didn't want to cover them in aesthetics because the map is capable for FFA.

    A wrap around from the sides to the middle of the map.

    Going to the middle.

    What's for dinner? ROCKETS (plasma nades in 2 seats, pistols in the others)
    #1 Shik, Dec 5, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2012
  2. Nick Taber

    Nick Taber Forerunner

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    im not gonna lie, i love this map dude, ever since u showed me your basic inside layout and we formed it into the awesomeness that is zzonked, youre becoming a champ man, dont let anyone rag on this for stupid reasons, youre new to slayer and it shows, but this is exceptional for your amount of experience
  3. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    This map is completely awful. There are problems with everything, it's ugly, the spawns suck, and blablabla, I'm not 4shot. If there are any problems with it, he'd come here and troll. I love this map, though. It's clean, great in Ffa, something I actually don't play a lot of, but there is only one small thing I'm worried about, and that's the Rockets being with the plasma nades. I know it's not a big deal, but that's just me.
  4. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Custom powerup is on my table so I can eat shots! Rockets are cool though, just a little harder to take down the throat (that's what she said). Clean from what I can see so far, nice man.
  5. Zigywig

    Zigywig Forerunner

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    So this was your map you told me about earlier. I have to agree with Nick Taber, even though I haven't played it. This is pretty much the exact opposite of my first slayer map :(. We need to play this sometime. +1 DL
  6. bawward

    bawward Forerunner

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    interesting use of the pieces, and some good spacial progressions from large-medium and even "tight" spaces. Nice job bro!
  7. II Sh0 Time II

    II Sh0 Time II Forerunner
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    For your first slayer map I’ll give you two thumbs up.
    It looks nice and looks like it could flow well. The only thing that concerns me is the rocket launcher placement. The rockets are placed on a higher platform meaning you'll have to jump up to get them. Not that it bothers me but this may cause some frustration for the people that are all about quick play.
    Over all Good job!
  8. thefightdude

    thefightdude Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Glad to see it up. Like i said everyone has their own style of forging and yours is one i like. Nice job on the map. Definitely like the aesthetics.
  9. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Thanks man, I took a lot of feedback into the map of what I should do, I personally think the table with rockets is hilarious.
    If you played the map, it's really not a problem, this was one of my worries, the table used to be a little higher, you really don't have to jump for rockets, you could literally walk right past them to see the notification to pickup the rocket launcher.

    Thanks man, I got a little help from my buddy NickTaber using the platforms, I knew I wanted to space those areas, but I didn't know the pieces. Also a little bit of help from Child7Of7Christ.
    We should play it sometime then ;)
    I wouldn't actually mind if 4shot got a look at the map, I want an experts perspective, I'm open for any feedback, though I won't be releasing a version 2. The map took a while mainly to fix little errors, the spawning I worked with so much, there is no spawn kill at all.
    Hehe, I wouldn't have made this map if it wasn't for you. You're one of the people that inspired to forge slayer maps.

    Also, to anyone that think the stickies would overpower the rockets cause they are so close to each other isn't a problem. Mainly, if you're playing a DMR match, everyone is out skirting the map from the walkways to the corners to the middle. The stickies have a 60 second respawn too, rockets are a risk/reward type thing.
    #9 Shik, Dec 6, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2011
  10. wpcubs

    wpcubs Forerunner

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    Things I like about the map:
    1. top scenery (use of platform XL's and 4x4 tall's)
    2. connections throughout the map (it seems like it all fits together)

    Things I would consider changing:
    1. I like the "table" idea, but I think the plasma nades should go
    2. Try to add some more color to the map (rocks, grass, or colorful pieces)

    Overall great map, and welcome to competitive map forging
  11. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    I'm looking foreward to playing on this map. (once my friend brings over his xbox).

    Those chairs are surprisingly new to me. I never would have thought of using the satalites in that sort of way. Great job on the map.
  12. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Both of you guys thanks for posting on my map, especially with positive comments.
  13. child7of7christ

    child7of7christ Promethean

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    Hey Shikarix :)

    I'm glad you posted this up and told me about it too the other day. I never knew this was your first map, regardless of that, this is a well done/designed map.

    Simple layout, but clean flow.

    I liked playing 2v2 Slayer on here. The teamwork required really is what made me like it. If you were to split up from your teammate at some point, you were at an immediate disadvantage because of the straightforward nature of the map.

    You work together as a team, you win together as a team.

    Top Middle feels like the place to be a majority of the time, however it is not impossible for you to be contested while your up there.

    Walking around the ouskirts is useful for gaining an awareness advantage over the enemy team. They may think that you are still in Top Mid, but you actually are waiting for them to come into view of Top Mid, giving you the first few shots.

    Rockets in Bottom Mid is a solid choice as it creates flow. The are 4 direct ways into Bottom Mid, and 2 indirect ways in. It certainly is a risk to jump down from Top Mid to Bottom Mid, but it is also a great reward to have Rocket control.

    I'm not sure if you made any other noticeable changes from the last time we played, but those things are the things that stood out to me, in terms of gameplay.

    You didn't complicate things with a 2v2/small map, which is a good thing. I like this map because it is straightforward and to the point.

    ZZonked also rewards players that can navigate terrain well via Sprint. You can flank a team very quickly, creating a fast paced feel, which i think you were going for when you made this map.

    I can't comment too much about the FFA gameplay on here because I've only played 1 or 2 games, but the same things apply from Team games. It was faced paced and you had to watch you back even more because you had no teammates covering your back.

    Also as a side note, i like the 2 Stickies next to the Rockets as it gives players a reason to check up on Bottom Mid when Rockets are on their respawn.

    See you around bro :)
  14. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Wow, that's one hell of a review/ post. Hearing you say that you like my map is pretty awesome to hear. You really need to get your maps posted up, people would love them. Yeah, at first the map was a larger scale for 4v4, but then it wasn't turning out how I wanted it to, so I made it for 2v2. I think it turned out great, thanks for the little bit of help on the map too!
  15. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Of course not. Your walls need more bricks.

    I'm not even going to download this because there is a table on this map. That might not seem like a good reason to you, but it's good enough for me. Plus, I'd never find it with all the maps in my HDD. I generally only download top-notch maps, and this isn't what I'm looking for.
  16. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    I was actually hoping you would comment, where else should I add walls on the map, and is the table that bothering? I put it there for a small joke, because I had a rocket on the flipped teleporter frame.
  17. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    As you might know, tables are normally used as aesthetic pieces. But aesthetically, it gets in the way. It'd be better to use something that doesn't make the rockets a pain in the ass to pick up such as a 1x1 Block.
  18. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    In my opinion I don't really think it is. Many maps have Jumps that you are required to take to get to a certain weapon. And in this case that weapon is a rocket (which most people are willing to die to get to).
    If anything it might be the chairs. Though as appealing as they look pretty disrupting for gameplay

    EHUDPOWER Promethean

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    Yeah i agree those chairs ar a pin to get around if u take those out i think it would be a good map man, good job!!
  20. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Since when was putting a jump to the rockets a problem? It was like a centerpiece in Mineral, and that got either featured or FHF, not sure.

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