gamertag: Loaja343 Original post found here:This button ______________________________________________- Read the Beastarium that came in the Collectors and Legendary Editions of Halo 3 and you will see just how many Covenant forces there are remaining on the homeworlds. Their are 12,000,000,000 (12 billion) Brutes still alive on Doisac, their homeworld. That's over double our current (2008) Earth population. There are the homeworlds of the Drones and the Jackals, each with millions upon millions of soldiers. The Covenant fleet over the Ark was only Truth's, whereas the novels state their are hundreds of ships in the Covenant fleet. There is plenty of potential for the war to continue, and the extinction of mankind could be accomplished easily if some Brute would come along and organizee the Covies after Truht's death. No, they are still out there, and the UNSC is still outnumbered...
Yeah, but the Elites made a truce with the humans. And it's safe to assume that because the Ark was destroyed and their Holy prophets were killed, there beliefs will be shaken and they will disband.
Yeah, the covenant is pretty much done. Their intergalactic capital is destroyed, one of their most powerful fighting forces disbanded and sided with their 'unholy' enemies(And, judging from Halo 2, there are quite a few former members of the covenant who are NOT Sangheili who also joined the elites in their coup), and their leadership is completely shattered. Not to mention that they were almost thoroughly defeated by what should be a 'lesser' species. I think it's safe to say that, even if the covenant IS NOT defeated, they will not trouble the UNSC for a very, very long time.
Bah. The game's story is filled with loose-ends and plot holes. I don't even bother stressing my mind out trying to find a reasonable explanation for all the "what ifs" and "could bes".
I think the big thing you have to think about is that, Is the Covies really that organized? Or was it just this Roman army pushing them along? Because in all idea's the brutes are factions in them self... the Jackels' them self hated working for the covies and loved exploring ... SO I think that halo 3 ending set up a play of breaking all of the power of Rome, If it were...
Also, from what I read, the Elites were the only race that had slip space capability. The ships that the Brutes held were all sent to the ark and the Elite army defeted them so now none of the species of the Covenant have any way of getting to Earth or anywhere else for that matter.
The brutes, jackals grunts and whatever you can find and call still call Covenant, wont do a thing without those Prophets. They're dumber than Peter Griffin, and Chirs Griffin combined. They cant do a thing without being puppeted around by the prophets.
Yea they are defeated. As soon as their prophet was killed then the war is over. Just like if you kill a king all of the followers stop fighting.
I agree with Nemihara that humanity won't face it's next threat from the Covenant itself. However, the Sangheili are still present in great numbers and armed with slipspace craft. If a political shift occurs in this early stage of governmental transition between the old Covenant rule and the reinstatement of Sangheili tradition, they may once again present a formidable threat to Earth.
the covenant will still exist but instead of being controlled by the prophets, they would be controlled by the last powerful race in the covenant, the brutes, also bungie has yet to introduce the brain aliens from the book series
The Huragok (Engineers) were apathetic regarding the positions of the Covenant. If they wanted to kill the Humans, so be it. They didn't care. The reason they existed was to fix things. And not all of the Prophets have been killed, just the major ones. And even though the 'religion' has been destroyed, if you were Christian, don't you think you'd be a little angry if someone killed God? Hypothetically.
So, what this thread is suggesting is that there is still a possibility of Halo 4... Highly unlikely, but hey, we can all hope. As for the covenant, we blew their butts to pieces.
I doubt the Sanghelei will trouble the human race now that the prophets are dead, their whole opinion of the faith was probably somewhat soured when it was ordered that they be wiped out. While it may be possible that a political shift could cause them to turn against the humans, I doubt the arbiter would stand for it (And now that I'd imagine he's somewhat of a hero among his people, he'd have a considerable say in the matter) As for the Grunts, without a strong presence, they likely won't try attacking the humans. I doubt they are too fond of the Brutes OR the covenant at this point (There have been a number of rebellions by them in the past, and the Brutes didn't exactly treat the grunts particularly well) The Brutes are too violent and volatile to pose any consistent threat, and human technology is too close to their level. It is unlikely that they will attempt anything (especially since their culture is based around war, including war between their own people-they will probably have dissolved into infighting without the Prophets to lead them). Not to mention they may have a fleet of VERY pissed of Sangheili to deal with now that the Covenant Civil War is done-and if you recall correctly, much of the covenant military technology was of Sangheili design. It's been implied that the drones are essentially mercenaries,and the hunters seem to lack the drive or leadership capabilities to function without the religious hierarchy. Many of you also forget that High Charity, their holy city, their base of operations from where most of the prophets HAILED(The Bestiary reads that the home planet of the prophets was High Charity, if I remember correctly) was completely and utterly destroyed by the flood. It seems likely that a very considerable number of the prophets (if not all of the prophets) would have been killed in this crisis. Not to mention that even if the covenant did exist, their morale would be at an all time low for having lost to, of all opponents, the humans (even if the humans were aided by the elites, it would be a considerable blow against the covenant doctrine that they were defeated by this 'lesser, forsaken race'). So, my conclusion, after rambling endlessly about it for about ten minutes, is whether or not the covenant still exists is a moot point; even if they do by some unlikely miracle still have a number of their leaders intact, the threat they pose to humanity is minimal, at best. You also all seem to be forgetting that the Elites were not the only ones who rebelled against the Covenant. Though for some strange reason Halo 3 didn't bother to include this, a number of Grunts and Hunters sided with the elites when the genocide was ordered.
The Covenant::Rome comes into mind. I can't see how, w/o the strong leadership of a figure that would stop disputes, the Covenant would tear itself apart.
After Truth died, the Covenant will basically kill each other. Self-projected blame, for not winning the war. It's a reasonable theory. Wait, what about the Flood? (Dramatic music) Da da Dummmmmmmmmmm!
The Flood be dead. Supposedly. Didn't they only kill the ones that were on the Ark? What about the Flood on all the different Halos?
Yeah, they only killed the Flood on the Ark, and unless every flood form in all of existance was on the Ark, the Flood is still on the other rings. We won't have to deal with the remains of the Covenant, but the Flood we might have to deal with again.
Because only the Elites and Humans have slipspace capacity, and they know what the Flood can do, there won't be any dealing with the flood for a very, very, very, very long time. Until some other race gets slipspace technology. Then again, hopefully the Elites or the Humans will find them and let them know about it.