I use my iPhone to come here on forgehub to look at and occasionally download maps. But recently when I go to bungie.net it starts to glitch out. I would just go on my computer but it is a hunk of crap. I have it set up to automatically login to bungie.net every time I go there but now it will cycle through the login URL and bungie.net URL. I've let it go on for like five minutes but it fails to ever go to the site. I'm just wondering if any one else out there has had this problem or knows how to fix it. Thanks.
Well it wasn't the cookies, I guess I'll have to go on my dinosaur computer to email Bungie. Thanks for the help any way.
Last time I posted on their forums about why screenshot links were not static I got a warning for being off topic. I then proceeded to send him a message asking why I got a warning for that and could he please take the time to answer my question. He then proceeded to post the message in some group they have for laughing at people who ***** about getting banned without the part where I asked if he could answer the question, and gave it a caption something like "these little kids even complain when I give them a little warning" Needless to say I laughed my ass off while crying for humanity inside. Occasionally stuff that requires a windows live login will put you in an infinite redirect loop on an iphone. I've found if I close it and try again it will work a lot of the time. You might be able to click on the person's gamertag, go to their fileshare, and then download the map which takes more time but might work.
Forgehub is the only forum I know, so I have no idea how bad the people over at bungie.net are, but I heard some stories ..
Its a redundancy with Window's Live, the worlds buggiest login server. It basically checks for a file that doesn't exist, returns with "cannot locate verification," and then is given the protocol to deal with that situation; try again. In other words, reading an empty book until it finishes 100 pages. It is caused by some glitch with the safari browser needing a different key to verify, and bugs the whole system to hell. The only solution I have found is to go to the windows live login page, log out of all accounts, then go to bungie.net and log in through that. He needs to be able to log in to do that.
I have found the problem to be that Apple products do not work well with Microsoft components. That being said after I threw my iPhone across the room. Stupid technology!