uʍop ǝpısdn pǝddı1ɟ flipped upside down The other day I finally got around to playing the featured map, Shift. When I played it I was amazed at how innovative it was, and I thought, most maps being made and still coming out the same. 2 bases, stuff in the middle, done. Not much other than whats in the middle. As I was playing Shift, I thought of a flash game I played on newgrounds (look it up yo). The point of the game was to get to the objective, but sometimes the thing was impossible to get to. You could hit the "shift" button on your keyboard and the map would flip over. Cool idea for halo eh? So, I made a quick example map for people who don't understand, and to hopefully encourage someone to make an awesome map. Here's blue base: It's really small =p, taking the teleport will "flip" you to red's base. It almost looks like I just flipped the image around. You can now see (alby I think) getting the flag and running to the other flipper. He's in red base now, and you can see blue's base on the ceiling. Taking the red "flip" will make red's base go on the ceiling (I messed up and forgot to put the wall next to the stairs) I hope someone uses this concept and makes it into a much cooler map than mine.
To make these you actually have to make 2 maps in one, the right side up one and the upside down one. Then 2 way teles to "flip"
This would be so awesome if gravity could flip aswell. But you can't, and so the idea becomes more or less retarded.
The gravity does flip in a sense. It just has to be executed right. *EDIT* It's not like we are going to see spartans walking on the ceiling. We have to emulate it.
yes but if u altered gravity and could walk on it then it would b just a normal two based map because u wouldnt realize ur upside down
Reminds me of Legend Of Zelda: Majoras Mask (inverted dungeon) I like this idea, and had a somewhat similar one involving time. Oh, and kongregate is so much better...
Klink, you double posted. D: Fixed it. Driscoll: Except that you could shoot at people walking on the ceiling. I mean, how cool would that be?
The only problem with this is that the roof would be blank, and the floor, or roof, in the flipped version would just be blank... So you would have to design two maps, in one =] If you understood that?
I still don't understand... it would just make two bases on a map, but they are seperate... how would it be flipped? And that game is fun... lol.
Moore, the bases would effectively be seperate. But it's supposed to feel like the room is fliping upside down when you go through the teleport. I guess technically it would be like switching dimensions or something with different people on each base. But I think the idea is pretty cool. Even with just two small box rooms like you have as the example would be cool.
Right, but how would it feel like you are switching upsidedown? All the objects would be flipped and you would be wasking on the "roof"? That would serve no point... but if gravity flipped, that would be sweet. Actually, I don't get this, but if it works, it would be awesome!
The problem is on the flipped base the objects would be floating with no ground/ceiling below them. To make it really upside down you'd need to make a floor and ceiling from wall and boxes in each base. Shame about the item limit.
Right, I Get that... but then you would have no cover... if tht is upsidedown ("flipped") YOU would be upside-down, not the map... also, there would be no cover.