Roll for Cover

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by FreedTerror, Dec 15, 2011.

  1. FreedTerror

    FreedTerror Forerunner

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    Hello and welcome to my thread. I have a mini-game Infection hybrid, I would like to share with you all.
    Roll for Cover
    "Roll for Cover" is an Infection mini-game hybrid that's quasi to hide and seek. In this game we have the Hiders (humans) and the Shooter (zombie). Lets jump right into some screenshots that clarify how the game is played, and some specific tasks each side should be aware of.

    Current map version: 1.0
    Current game-type version: 1.0
    Notice: The text below each screenshot is relevant to the screenshot above it.

    Lets talk about the Hiders. This is where the Hiders will spawn. When you spawn you will be greeted by a nice "Return to Battlefield" message, this tells you to get into a hiding spot before time expires.
    This screenshot shows all of the hiding spots available. Once you are in a hiding spot you are no longer in a soft kill boundary. You may change hiding spots at any time, when it's safe to do so. Make sure to let your time out of the soft kill boundary build up before changing hiding spots.
    Moving on to the Shooter position. This is where a Shooter will spawn. You will have to wait for a teleporter to appear before you can continue.
    Once the teleporter has appeared, go through it. The teleporter will appear when fifteen seconds have gone by from the time you spawn. It will be 2:45 on the clock when it appears.
    This is the teleporter exit. Once you've gone through the teleporter, pick-up the sniper, and make your way to the shooting platform.
    This is the shooting platform. Here you will see fusion coils sticking out from the hiding spots. Shoot these with the sniper to detonate them. Anyone who is hiding in the spot the fusion coils detonated at will be killed instantly.
    OH NO! I've ran out of ammo. What do I do to get more ammo?! Well, first of all, you don't actually get ammo for the sniper, you have to pick up a new one to shoot more fusion coils.
    Step 1. You must have used all of the four shots in the sniper to acquire a new one. You will NOT get a new sniper if you don't use all four shots.
    Step 2. Find a weapon you can exchange your sniper for. In this case, I choose a Gravity Hammer.
    Step 3. Once you drop an empty sniper, a new one will appear in the same spot as you picked the first one.
    Step 4. Rinse and repeat.
    The only reason I made it this way, was because it was the only way to prevent foul-play (having more then four shots in the sniper at any time) on the Shooters side.
    This is where the Sniper spawns.
    This is where all of the trading weapons spawn. See those Shield Doors? I put them there because it would prevent foul-play on the Shooters part.
    This is the Load-Out Cam view.
    Here you see a screenshot of the whole domain.

    Extra data: The Hiders have unlimited Evade, use this to find a hiding spot quicker. The hiders have "good camouflage" on them, with this, Spartan players don't make a grunt sound when they Evade. The only sound you can hear is a player hitting the material when the evade is over.
    The shooter has a way-point associated with him/her that is visible to everyone. Hiders can use this to there advantage. The Shooter does have unlimited Sprint, with that you can get a new Sniper faster than you could walking.
    Rounds are 3:00 minutes each. There are five rounds to one game.
    #1 FreedTerror, Dec 15, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2011
  2. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Is there even any strategy involved in this? If anyone in the hiding spot gets killed by the fusion coil, it just turns into a game of chance.
  3. rid3relite

    rid3relite Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This type of minigame would get extremely repetitive if it needed strategy. This way, it's more of a game of chance and should be more fun. You have my download.
  4. FreedTerror

    FreedTerror Forerunner

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    There can strategy involved. For example: A Zombie could use all of their Sniper shots on one row. A Zombie could do process of elimination. A Human could change there hiding spots often, to keep the Zombie guessing. Chance and strategy are both factors in this.
  5. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Clever thinking of the four shots in the sniper. I also like how you made the Hiders invisible so you don't hear them when evading. It shows that you put some time into the actual play of the map before posting it on ForgeHub.
    For next time you could try to add some more aesthetics to the map as it will add a lot more to the overall feel of a map then you'd maybe think. I'm not saying you have to create complete works of art or artefacts in your next map, just saying that some aesthetics are always appreciated by most players.
    Also, I'd really like to see some kind of video with some gameplay because as other people stated, I'm not sure if this would be considered more of either a game of chance or strategy. I'll download it and see how it plays myself, but I think it would help getting more downloads if you would put a video in your post.
    #5 REMkings, Dec 16, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2011
  6. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    I really want to play this, I've been trying to create something similiar to this, I made mine with tents, then a player has time to pick a tent to hide in, then a finder would have to select the right tents. I had mine for only a 1 play game. This looks like it required more cmplex thinking. Nice job!
  7. FreedTerror

    FreedTerror Forerunner

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    I always put how the game plays ahead of anything else. As for aesthetics, I don't care to much for them. I do agree that aesthetics can add to the overall feel of a map. I just don't like putting objects on my maps that have no impact on game-play whatsoever. I may add some aesthetics to my maps in the future. I didn't get to play test this map as much as I wanted to, but I can say that strategy and chance are both factors. Both of those factors are heavily dependent on the player. As for a video, I don't have any recording hardware. Maybe someone could post a game-play video showcasing this map. If anyone wants to do that, contact me, I will gladly join in.
  8. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I heard people say that pinohkio, a member of ForgeHub as well, has got a capture card and that he can record it for you. You should contact him for more info, I think.
  9. FreedTerror

    FreedTerror Forerunner

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    I might contact him.
  10. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Ok, I played this game with friends with a decent amount of people in the party. I have to say, this concept is fun, I like the idea that you displayed of probability and having to predict situations. The mini game is worth replaying, it's fun having to guess out the hiders moves.

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