Embus "Set on the outskirts of a Forerunner city, this facility is used to import resources to the inland. 4-10 Players" Download to blank canvas outside of map: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-casual-maps/135034-out-ridgeline-massive-building-zone.html Introduction/Info: Embus is located outside of the map Ridgeline, which is available in the Anniversary DLC map pack. My original intent was to get outside the map and find a big enough building area for new maps, I believe I have succeded. I will also be posting a blank map with teleporters for those who wish to build in this open area. I had no plans to build an actual map outside the safe zone, but decided it was a good idea to just throw something together for those who are curious what the outside looks like. The map does has safe zones and kill zones implemented into it, for the map when not played in forge. Simple weapon layout, only supports a few gametypes, just something I'd reccomend the community to try out. If I get enough requests I'll actually set the map up for every gametype. The spawning system however is 100% complete, with zoning incorporated. Photos
Very nice haven't seen many good maps on ridgeline yet but this looks to be very pleasing the aesthetics look nice and I am sure it will play nice great map +1 DL
Thanks a bunch! Yeah, this is just really an example of what you can do in the massive building area outside the map.
men. this can be made in other maps i mean obviusly in forge word no but may be in tempest or others ??
Very well forged. I'm disappointed that the lighting looks so much like tempest. And after a while this can lead to horrible seizures and life threatening explosive diarrhea... (trollface). But it looks entertaining. Aesthetics arent top-notch, but it looks like gameplay could run smoothly with the map.
Thanks! I wasn't trying to make anything amazing, I was just throwing a creative idea together to show off the forging area I found. It does play decently well though, me and my buddies enjoyed som fast paced CTF.
Nice map, dude. I love how you found this space outside of Ridgeline to build it, too. The aesthetics are great, and I love the incorporation of the new Forge pieces available on Ridgeline. I'll do something like that myself in the future - you gave me a great idea! Thanks, and really nice map!
Thanks! I really liked the new pieces that are available, and especially the skin on the rocks in the "natural" category.
I looked over this map and it is pretty nice. The only complaint I have thus far is that you have too few spawn points, but I know you said it is finished... The fact that you used the side of the mountain as one side of your map is pretty nice as a reference for orientation along with the other surroundings.
Thanks! I really wasn't expecting people to rate the map in such a standard as some of you have, but I really do appreciate it! If enough people want me to work on the map some more, I will rework the spawn points and such.