The Halo Hangover!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SimJiv, Dec 14, 2011.


Is this a good idea or not?

  1. Yes, I would like to blast my drunk buddies in my own apartment!

    7 vote(s)
  2. No, I think the idea is stupid because I cant to this/or that...

    1 vote(s)
  1. SimJiv

    SimJiv Forerunner

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    Hello there dear Forgehuber's! I have some questions I would like to discuss with you. I am having a Forge + Custom Gametype idea for Infection maps, but I think I might need some help to even get started. Let's just get started with it.

    The Halo Hangover
    Party like there's no tomorrow have it's consequences.
    This is an idea I have had for a long, long time - but never done anything to it. It started as an idea for an outdoor map, set in early morning (some kind of FX to simulate dawn maybe?) in tents (made by simple Wall Curved, or what they are called) but never even got forged.

    The idea was born again later, in a new format, which is the one I am sticking to right now. With a story of you, the only "survivor" waking up after some wet night where you party like there was no tomorrow. Literally no tomorrow, cause you're friends are having the worst hangover - THEY'RE ZOMBIES!

    So this is how I thought of it:
    1 Survivor - You. You can only choose one loadout named "Kurt" or something. That is the name of your character. You spawn (wake up) in your bedroom. The only weapon you have is your Magnum, because you always keep it near you.

    Wandering out in your apartment you suddenly get attacked by your zombified-still-drunk friends. They may also choose a class in the start of the round. Like "Danny", "Carter" or "Mario" - whatevs really... They have the standard Energy Sword and either Sprint/Evade, their choice.

    Now I have to Suggestions for how to play the map:
    1: You have to make your way out of the apartment, maybe down the stairs or the elevator and out to safety. Maybe your car (Warthog/Moongoose) are waiting so you can drive to a safe place (an haven) ? Basically, move around and try to find a way to survive. The (eventuall) haven is a good place to be until the round ends, if not, just live.

    2: Try to live as long as possible in the apartment. I am making this gametyp for a low amount of players since I myself usually play with just a few friends over system link/split-screen. If played like that, you maybe can compare you're score - who survived the most / killed most drunken Zombies?

    Do you understand? Well, please read on!
    Since it's only one survivor he must be able to take a hit or few, otherwise the game would suck. The Zombies damage may be a tad lower and the Surviving human is a semi-tank. He can take a hit if he ain't on his guard, but can't live forever. He has limited sprint to move, but don't like to run because his fat. Sadly, his Zombie friends mostly drank Red Bull with booze, so they have the ability to run like hell (unlimited Sprint). Zombies life should probably be the same as standard infection.
    I haven't decided the recharge rate of health/shields on the survivor yet. Suggestions?

    Weapons on the map is pretty standard, with low ammo of course. I am think of a extra Magnum in the bedroom - just for ammo, and maybe an Assault Rifle just outside the bedroom door or so. In the living room he has his dad's ol' hunting Rifle (DMR) or Grandpa's (Shotgun). The Fridge or something maybe could be a weapon dispenser - giving him Frag Grenades. Also, this map would love to have a Flamethrower. Thank you Bungie for removing that, really smart. Thanks! Finally, he is a golf player. A super dangerous Zombie-smacking-death-club is waiting in the hall/Bathroom/outside the apartment?

    Map Design
    This is going to be hard for me, I ain't really an aesthetic forger yet. House maps is always hard to make really good, but I might be able to pull it of. The apartment need atleast a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. For gameplay purposes, Zombie's should spawn in one of the rooms or so, I don't want camping in the room! Vent's and hole in the roof could be cool. Maybe a room for guest filled with the evil bastards?

    If I go for the idea with leaving the apartment and escaping I need to make corridors and elevators, but I have Ideas for that so it might work.

    Finally, any ideas from you?
    Is this something that could work? Are you liking the idea? 1 strong survivor in his own house making his way out because his Zombie friends want to kill him?
    Suggestions for settings? Spawn times? Aesthetic ideas?
    Remember, I am making this for 4-6 players - because that fits my needs, any comments on that? Too few players, too many? You're girlfriend/wife as an Alpha Zombie?

    Please leave a comment, I would really love help "brainstorming" or what it's called, to actually make this!
    #1 SimJiv, Dec 14, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2011
  2. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Look at Zatherla's Apartment 5B for help on aesthetics. Don't go too into detail, though. I like the idea, but how will you get the survivor to leave his room?
  3. Burning1nWater

    Burning1nWater Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    If you construct the rooms well enough to discourage camping, the haven outside would be a great reason.
  4. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Most of Zatherla's aesthetics are made up of spawn points. It would be dumb to put aesthetics you can only see in forge.

    I dunno, Last man maps never worked too well unless teamwork was involved. I think you should make it with multiple places. In fact, here's an idea:

    Each person wakes up in a different house because their drunk asses got them somewhere. Try to make a popped blow up doll made of sandbags on the couch for good aesthetics. Each person (maybe 4 people) have to meet up with each other and use teamwork along the way. So yeah, getting out of an apartment/house and meeting up their buds along the way is really good idea I've never seen in a map before.
  5. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Yes, most of the aesthetics were spawn pieces, but as far as the actual building goes, look at the ceiling, the doors, the bathroom, things like that. Still, only for reference, because if you go that far into detail, it'll be hard for gameplay. Also, by last man maps, do you mean with the traits on, or just one survivor only?
  6. SimJiv

    SimJiv Forerunner

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    I have actually had an idea like that before.
    4 humans, all spawning in diffrent rooms, with different weapons. In one room there was a sniper, an Assault Rifle in the next, Shotgun in the third and a Machine Gun Turret in the fourth. All players needed to take the weapons and enter a teleporter before a Soft Kill Boundry killed them.

    Although in that map they ended up in the same place, working together. Maybe I could mix that idea with this Hangover-thingy, and make a map like in your idea.

    But, I would like to have a "solo-survivor" map too, just because I myself would have great use for it for my LAN parties with my friends.

    And for the problem with the spawn room, making it easily accesible for zombies (through roof or so) without camping spots would make survivors wanting to leave. If it wouldn't work I could be brutal and spawn a Soft Kill Boundry after a while. Although I hope that I won't need that, since it would mess with the feeling of freedom and free movement.
  7. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    If you need help with testing or making the map message me I have a lot of ides I could throw drown
  8. SimJiv

    SimJiv Forerunner

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    I am going to try Forge this, and if I don't succed so well, your help would be nice.
    Testing I can guarantee I would like help with, becasue my Xbox Live Gold is out... Always good with help!
  9. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Needler could sustitute the Flamethrower and for the right effect use Purple+Nova+Next Gen and for only one human set zombies to 1 and put 15 human spawns, 14 of them in a kill zone. The other spawn point should be outside the mapo in a enclosed room where after 2 second in-game a Teleporter spawns, covering the whole room(big radius) and the player is sent to the bedroom. Now what's the point of this well after the player is sent to the bedroom a block spawns in the first chamber so people that join mid-game can only spawn in the kill zone and thus become a zombie.
  10. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    I see where this idea is going, it shows the humans getting wasted, but the only problem is that if you play with less then 16 people, it might infect everyone the instant the round starts.
  11. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'd help whenever with aesthetics. I don't want to brag, but I am a pretty good aesthetic forger. Not the best for competitive maps or anything like that, but if you need any help, I'd be willing to help. Also, make sure to make no waypoint on the humans. That bugs me whenever I see a map that is supposed to be realistic, but they put waypoints on the humans. I can understand them for zombies, but humans don't exactly know where everyone of their allies may be in real life.
  12. SimJiv

    SimJiv Forerunner

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    I'm not sure about that, I think people will be frustrated getting killed.

    I have to decide if doing this for solo play or 2-4 player co-op.
  13. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    I was terrified to make a house, but with Michael Myers mini game infection maps, I made a few nice houses, I deleted them all sadly because well, I was clearing up my haddrive and did it on accident. Its all about using block 4x4 flats, teleporter frames for doors helps too. I would help you on this, but I can't get on LIVE at any moment soon. I love the idea though.
  14. SimJiv

    SimJiv Forerunner

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    My Xbox Live Gold is out atm, but if you had some maps were I can get inspiration I would really like to DL them.

    Also I have been testing a few things in Forge World recently, and yes 4x4 seems to be the best by far.
  15. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yes, 4x4 flats may seem good to use, but they aren't great aesthetically. When I began forging on forge world, one of the first things I built was a house. It was crap because it didn't feel like a house. The floor was made up of 4x4s, which doesn't look like an actual house or apartment flooring. I'm not saying it couldn't be of use to you, but you should try to use something other than that for floors. Check out some of the houses and apartments here on forgehub to get an idea if you want.
  16. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    I haven't seen other apt maps except for Zatherla's aesthetic map. I used block 2x4s two of those make up a 4x4 block. But for the top part of the house I use 4x4 flats, I paid more attention to what was in the house then the flooring, like I made sinks and so many details with flag stands for door nobs and capture plates for dishes and toilets. I really do like this idea though, kind of reminds me of Dead Island when you said they wake up in a house and one has a pistol and all those details.
  17. SimJiv

    SimJiv Forerunner

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    4x4 is a good size, that's why it's often used as floor. It's just easy to make walls, doors and windows fit nicely with that floor.

    4x4 is a good size, that's why it's often used as floor. It's just easy to make walls, doors and windows fit nicely with that floor.

    Edited by merge:

    Sorry for commenting this pretty late, I didn't see your comment! But your help is welcommed, I have seen your maps and they look really good - so you are "qualified" for the job ;)

    Edited by merge:

    Well, 7-1. Seems like I will do this!
    #17 SimJiv, Dec 20, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2011

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