Hey guys, I wanted to announce a contest I'm getting ready to run this January. UPDATE: Auditions are now closed. I'll be selecting the 7 contestants from the auditions that were submitted. The contest will start in January and episodes will be posted at idleduck.com when they start to become available (late January/early Februrary) Do you have what it takes to out-Forge the competition? Last Forger Standing is a 7 week Forge Competition starting this January for Halo: Reach. 7 contestants will be selected from the Halo community. Each week, I will give them a Forge Challenge–something they will have to build. At the end of the week, their creations will be judged and one contestant will be eliminated. The process will repeat until only one remains: the Last Forger Standing. The one contestant that claims the title of Last Forger Standing will win a grand prize of 4000 Microsoft Points*. Nice! In addition to that, the entire competition will be presented in the Last Forger Standing Machinima Reality Show, giving all 7 contestants an opportunity to show the world what they’re capable of. Now I just need those 7 contestants. I’m looking for jack-of-all-trades Forgers who can build anything from Rube Goldberg machines and Forge Art to Invasion and Slayer maps. This competition will highlight some of the breadth of what is possible with Forge, with a heavy emphasis on creativity and resourcefulness. The competition will be in Halo: Reach and will not require any DLC. Here’s how to audition: 1. Send an email to petetheduck@idleduck.com from your preferred email address. 2. In that email, you MUST include: your gamertag and a link to a specific file on your Halo: Reach fileshare that you consider to be your best Forge work. Make sure that file’s details show that it was created by your gamertag. 3. You are welcome to include anything else–anything at all. If you have an idea that will make you stand out when I’m sifting through auditions, please include it. Text, links, images, videos, whatever–show me why I need YOU in this competition. The last day to submit your audition is December 26th. The competition starts early January. *To be eligible to recieve a prize, you must either be a resident of the United States of America or have a Paypal account. More details on prize delivery will be provided to the 7 contestants when they are selected.
Thats crap. Must be american. ¬_¬ I was really looking forward to taking part until i read that part.
To be eligible to recieve a prize, you must either be a resident of the United States of America or have a Paypal account.
Nobody in Europe has a "Paypal" account! Some of the best forgers here are British. Those people deserve to easily enter a contest like this without meeting conditions such as this. why would you NEED to be american anyway? what is stopping you from telling the winner the code?
Microsoft Point codes are region-specific. I live in the United States of America--if I buy a code card here and give you the code, it will not work for you. As far as I am aware and can tell from Paypal.com, Paypal is available in Europe. I can't tell by your post if you know something about Paypal that I don't, or if you've simply never heard of Paypal and are getting uptight for no reason. Using Paypal is my attempt to include people from all over the world. I know plenty of Halo players in Britian personally. You're welcome to give me a better suggestion that is as simple, safe and secure as Paypal. I don't care if you're American or not. You can be an American living in Britian and the code wouldn't work for you either! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Looking at your signature.. I hope you do
Quite untrue. PayPal is international and is used by almost anybody that buys from online vendors, eBay, etc.
Indeed. I'm from the UK and I have PayPal. Pretty much anyone who uses eBay has it tbh. Pete, are you sure about MS codes being region specific? I know that Xbox Live Gold codes aren't, but to be honest I've never tried an MS Points code so you could well be right.
Make sure you actually finish the contest and give out the prizes. Don't be like others who make people work hard to win then not finish the contest. Just sayin' Sounds interesting, though.
Heh, I've been a victim of that myself. No, I've put my reptutation on the line here. I've been a member of the Halo community for 10 years, I have NOTHING to gain by shortchanging the contest winner. And you could always ask xXRiot JesterXx who won the last contest I ran--he got his prize. I can't, however, protect my reptutation if the winner decides to be a big, dirty liar.
If there is a new challenge every week, please do not include invasion, as an invasion map designed in a week by anyone who does not really know invasion will not work out well. The gametype is just too nuanced to build right in that short of time and we will likely only see a group of fairly bad maps at the end of the week. Other than that this sounds like a good idea, just keep in mind what can actually be done in a week, especially when everyone will be juggling the contest and their work/ school lives.