Hey guys im Frenchys ...... Im looking for Forgers that want to do matchmaking , test map , show unfinished map and co-forge with me . So i have cleared my friendlist and im waiting for you firend Request ! My GT : Frenchys
I am a bad forger but definitely an active on so yes, expect one from me. Maybe I can help you test or something.
@Naughty Badger : I add you and i want to see some of your map . @Blaze : I finished the spawn on Superior. Im waiting for you to get Online .
I can't always be on frequently, but I'd love to help when I can. Perhaps you can help with one of my maps?
I meet all standards and would like to forge with people, anything works but my mics. broken and I only play on weekends due to my homework load. I try to send a friend request and if your any good with video editing, I could use some help for my 2 maps which have been beat on my file share for about 2 months and I just updated but for some strange reason my "Refugee" main platform under red base disappeared in custom games so excuse it for malfunctions, I would really like to get some videos on my Youtube Channel and my Forge Hub account thank you very much.:happy:
Im not the greatest forger, but i'd definatly do some map testing and MAYBE matchmaking. you could help me with some of my incomplete maps too. I've never really co-forged, but I'm willing to give it a shot!
Dont forget to send me Friend Request on XBL ! Cauz if your not my friend on XBL how can we forge ? Anyway thanks to all people i add .
I am looking for parties of 12 with CEA DLC to help test my new invasion maps on Breakneck and Ridgeline. Anyone interested let me know here or in PM or xbox FR. [br][/br]Edited by merge: You can send invites to anyone. There is a menu item that allows you to enter gamer tags. and it let's you know if you misspelled it too.
Hey there Frenchy! I don't get on forge hub a whole lot, but I do forge a lot and I think I am getting fairly decent at it, so I'd love to fool around in forge world with ya. I guess I have been kinda keeping my maps and creations to myself but I think I want to change that and start posting and getting feed back more from the community. I'll add you on xbox live and maybe we can compare notes and help each other test. Sitting there with a second controller trying to test alone is lame lol.
Frenchy's! Glad to have met a skilled forger like you. Just letting you know, our finished map will be uploaded soon. Also, we need to finish The Pit remake. Stoked on our progress.
Well thank you ......... i like to forge with someomne ...... it's more interesting ! I got a couple idea's for our Pit Remake (Reamagination) Yup im French ! I dont have a good spelling but i have a good speaking . Add me GT: Frenchys