Shock Coil

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by SYLUX, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. SYLUX

    SYLUX Forerunner

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    SLX plattform/shock coil

    SYLUX 1 Map pack
    first i want tell you im from Mexico and cant spell ( and express myself ). in english openly. so i only want to show you my first 6 maps ( i can only put 6 im my fileshare).

    i resently adquired my own xbox console but i love halo since halo 2.
    before that i went to rent some consoles to play with friends lan games and make some small maps because there only max 6 people playing. thats te reason all my maps are small or medium but was made with care and atention to the distribution. the navigation and the appearance. my maps i feel are well balanced but i like more make asimetrical maps but the most are symetrical. if this post sucsess with opinions an constructive reviews. i promise put 3 more maps at the end of the month. i have a lot of sketches an ideas but working and studing i run out of time.

    i only request to forgivethe my spelling.
    if you got some space in your xbox live friends some space can send me an invitation
    im ready to test new maps and modes and understand enough english to folow comands.

    so give it a try to my maps and maybe some of that like you.
    the maps are in order of creation.

    gametipes: slayer. headhunter. crazy king.
    Min: 2 Max: 8
    My firsrt videogame was metroid prime hunters for the nintendo DS. great game an that game contains a multiplayer mode with this map originali called " sic transit".
    now its a power amplifier of the forerruner electic network where the jetpack is your best friend.
    its an small map for lone wolves or teams max of 3. its a quik map for quik battles.


    this bridge is open and dangerous to cross


    the green arereas become bomb battlefields.


    the narrows corridors and a hamer are like bread and butter


    and finaly the center of the map. this map is almost simetrical but its tecnicly a remake.

    gametipes: slayer. CTF. team slayer.
    Min: 2 Max: 14

    my firsrt multiplayer map based on teams its a kind a perforation platform where the air vehicles rules and the snipers had his nest. a large hall conect the 2 parts of the estructure and 2 more with te perforation tower.
    the banshees becomes a mightmare for the spartans but he granade launchers can send it to the sea and the falcon yoin the action.
    the main deck. now the blue base


    the refinery is the red base.


    the hall its the fastest way to get the flag ante dangerous too.


    the tower awaits for the daring snipers but usualy the banshees get first.

    I DIDN´T know htre are a limit extencion for the posts. so im gon to frafment in 3 posts.

    i hope one of this maps like to you and give a try to my second and third post.
    thanks to all. this site is great.
    #1 SYLUX, Dec 9, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2011
  2. Pikapi 360

    Pikapi 360 Forerunner

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    These maps are wonderful! I find Plattform especially interesting, because of the tower, and the manner in which players on the platform can compete against the aerial vehicles. At first, it seems linear enough, but once you take to the sky or head up the tower, things become more interesting. The only thing that I find somewhat inconvenient is the abundance of flying vehicles in such a compact arena.
  3. Grif2200

    Grif2200 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    These are truly exceptional, aethestically astounding.
    Congratulations on a very successful first post.

    I have next to no critisisms, bar one:
    Could there be a disco affect?
    Due to the large amount of items in the space..?

    Well done though, these maps are fantastic
  4. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    These are really nice looking maps I can definitely tell you have been forging for a while I really like platform but I does look a little crowded but I have to say very nice aesthetics.
  5. PinkishObject

    PinkishObject Forerunner

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    These maps have perfect layout, the kind i wish i could do. however for insight they are not the cleanest forged so if you can work on that you would and will be an amazing forger
  6. quietgiant72

    quietgiant72 Forerunner

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    These maps are great and dont let anyone tell you different. I personally really like the original layouts. I wish i was as talented as you. My favorite is platform my only concern is the number of air vehicles. Is it overpowered in gameplay?
  7. SYLUX

    SYLUX Forerunner

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    ok thanks: in platform the banshees spawn each 180 sec and in shock coil the map was designed for 4 players in the original metrid game.
    in the rest i going to work on that
  8. BlondishFiber

    BlondishFiber Forerunner

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    Man dude you build some awesome stuff!!
  9. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    I really like the nice ideas you have put together, even if shockcoil is a remake many of us dont remember the maps within metroid and I'm sure it wasnt a easy area to remake in general. Platform itself is very unique I like the idea of having a four corner aerial and infantry battleground its one aspect that hasnt been pulled off as successful as I wish on most reach maps. However it looks like you have done a great job with this map, as others said if your able to clean some of the forging up maybe by removing a small amount of the aesthetic appeal then you will be a excellent forger.

    I cant wait to see more of the ideas you have sketched up, thats one thing Im very interested in and love when a forger can bring his ideas to life. Keep up the good work :).

    AMALGAMATIQN Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I really like the aesthetics. There are a ton of cool pieces you've fooled around with which I think are really great. The whole map looks great and plays quite well, and the platforming is also quite nice and detailed. Nice first post, dude!
  11. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is amazing.
    To me, it seems like a whole new forging style. It has a HUGE variation in pathways. And I'm shocked how well you conserved your pieces.
    I'd like to see what u have in store next time.
    Keep it up!
  12. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    The way you create structures like the one on the ceiling in the second picture is amazing. I love those kind of structures. The map looks good for gameplay. But as of platform, i can only say the opposite. The floating platform thing throws me off. As well as the banshee which would be way too powerful on this map. there is no hiding spots from it.
  13. SYLUX

    SYLUX Forerunner

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    in platform as i said the banshees never are safe because the granade launcher + too close the water and no place to landing = boom!
  14. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello, nice work on your first posts. I do like the look of your map platform. There seems to be a hell of a lot going on, nicely structured, and nice different areas and a variety of ways around. I like how it is structured and looks like a base and believable structure. An areal picture would be helpful and help show map layout clearly and a weapons list... All will help you get more interest in your maps. Good luck in future maps!
  15. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Somebody's blind... there's support beams under the entire map, so it's not "floating", and there's plenty of overhead cover, weapons, and falcons to counter the banshees. Read carefully and look at the pics next time.

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