Dude, they're not even serious reviews. I thought you would be able to tell by the fake interviews alone. I agreed with some of the points that he raised but it doesn't ruin the game for me. It's hilarious imo.
It's a work in progress... Pardon the POOR quality... PART 1: New Minecraft Creation: Beseiged (work in progress) - YouTube PART 2: Minecraft walkthrough (part 2): Beseiged - YouTube
We are still trying to figure out how we are going to do it. We have big plans, and small plans. Its either we make the Spawn city, or make a Spawn Building, and let the community make the city.
Hmm, I can see that turning out good and bad. All I ask is that there is either one store or a number of stores close-ish together and near-ish spawn. The "put 4 stores in 4 corners of spawn" idea wasn't my favorite, even though it wasn't even implemented. The idea of walking/running between stores sounds unnecessarily tedious.
Only you. Only do it to friends, who will go with the jokes and take the rewards of participating. Bro and pres are one in the same. He plays with mods, I play with plugins. He teleports to people randomly and so do I. We both build things to make people go wtf. So I find it hard to distinguish that pres "trolls" while I "greif" when down to it we do the same **** to people.
I really wanted to get Minecraft, but my piece of **** laptop wont run it. It's beyond depressing. Annnnnd now I'm left with the iPhone version. Which kills my battery in under 30 minutes.
You could do the spawn pad thing have users build the city, but have a preset area for shops. I suggest not the spawn building thing though, I've not been to a server with one of those yet that it didn't annoy so much I didn't bother trying to get out so just left.
Like we didn't already expect that to happen. lol. I wish they showed the game off more and gave a little face time for the game but they just rushed it right off.
This. Assuming it uses something along the lines of the common sense control schemes that all those Minecraft rips on the Marketplace section use, then the controls are perfect. In my opinion, based on my experience with these control schemes, and my love for Minecraft, I think Minecraft on the 360 will be ****ing great. I'll probably prefer it to playing on PC, simply because I much prefer chilling out on my bed, playing games on my big ass LCD, as opposed to sitting on an uncomfortable chair with both my hands stretched over a keyboard and mouse, occasionally getting finger cramps while looking at a much smaller screen. So In my position, I fail to see how playing Minecraft on the 360 is morally wrong. It just seems like that childish "PC MASTER RAEC" bullshit that populates the internet.
Agreed You should get a bigger PC monitor though (or connect your pc to the LCD with one of those magical PC wires), and go to IKEA and buy one of their nice chairs and sit on that Much more confortable
I hate my current setup for my laptop. I don't even use a mouse -.- ... I think I'm going to get arthritis when I'm 30. In this way, I'd prefer a controller, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'd prefer playing on xbox.. even though I probably would since I don't use mods. However, call me a noob but would you be able to connect to servers like Minginbros still?