
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Hydrolysis, Dec 10, 2011.

  1. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    Quandary -

    Quandary is a map that I began working on quite a while ago my inspiration was to build a tight focused map that was optimized for 3v3 matches. I recently stumbled upon Quandary in my list of "in progress" maps and spent several hours re-working and polishing certain areas of the map. Quandry supports: Slayer, CTF, Assault, HeadHunter, and Oddball.

    Weapons on Map:

    DMR [2x/60sec]
    Magnum [2x/45 sec]
    Needle Rifle [2x/60sec]
    Plasma Pistol [2x/45sec]
    Sniper [2x/90sec]
    Grenade-Launcher [1x/120sec]
    Frag Grenade [2x/45sec]
    Plasma Grenade [2x/45sec]

    Amor Abilities:
    Armor Lock [1x/120sec]

    Red and Blue bases are symmetric

    Bottom of Red Base

    Overlooking top-mid from sniper spawn


    As always, feedback/critiques are welcome and appreciated!

    #1 Hydrolysis, Dec 10, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2011
  2. wpcubs

    wpcubs Forerunner

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    Hmm very interesting symetrical design with unique arcitechture. It's nice to see a unique map like this but I would change some things.

    1. Put camo ability top mid and remove anntena's. Camo or custom powerup seems to always make a map better than armor lock. (Plus armor lock is stupid)

    2. I would erase the colums on the ground in your second screenshot. You will have a better lines of sight with the colums gone.

    Overall, great map!
  3. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Great map but I'm not a big fan of amour lock because it ruins game blay and makes it to unfair for other team
  4. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback! I'll definitely take your suggestions into consideration. I'll work on removing the Armor Lock and replacing it with an Invisability. I was also thinking that I might remove the snipers all together simply because the map itself is designed for more close-mid ranged combat. What do you think? Once I have more time on my hands (right after finals!) I'll try to get a newer version of this map uploaded! When working on a map, I feel that peer review is the most effective way to improve your forging as a whole as well as individual maps, so thanks again!
  5. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hello Hydrosis. I've downloaded your map and gave it a fly through in forge.

    In general the map looks like it'll flow fairly nice. You have two Respawn Zones not assigned to any game type, which might not compliment Slayer too well, since it's a small map, though I've never play tested it so I couldn't really know.

    I'd personally think it'd be a good idea to remove Armor Lock as well, players can spawn with that anyway. Power ups are a good incentive but keep in mind 343i would most likely remove this if it ever was a MM contestant.

    2 neutral Snipers is generally a scary idea, but this map doesn't offer any long sight lines. Perhaps you could swap one of the neutral Snipes for something else? A shotgun would be a STRONG power weapon on this map, especially for Camo and Armor Lock players, it could be a good or bad thing.

    You've still a decent budget left. If you ever have any problems with FR then you should definitely trim the map down. I would do this anyway. You a have a lot of decorative pieces and building blocks that serve no real purpose or just block LoS. Lowering your object count will keep this map's performance up during a game.

    ASSASSINinWH1TE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks fantastic, the only recommendation I have is getting rid of the armor lock. The mix of the natural and artificial environments is done well here :)
  7. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    Thanks for the comments/suggestions...I've had multiple complaints about the amor lock and I'll definitely look into removing it or replacing it with an active camo. Now that finals are behind me I plan on spending some more time re-working areas of the map and making the before mentioned changes (including removing of the 2 neutral snipers). In fact I might even change the map to make it's reflected/mirror type symmetry rather than symmetric across a diagonal...

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