well i cant give you guys an in depth description right now but i can give you pictures. later yo blue team spawn red team spawn
The name is pretty bland but the map itself Looks great! I like how you used the yellow decorative pieces to add a little color to the map
I like the look of this, especially the second picture. That parts looks cool. Oh and I like how you used 2x2s for some of the walls, you don't see that often.
aesthetically, this is a huge improvement on your forging style. I'd love to play this, and see if gameplay has improved as well. Is this a 1v1? 2v2? Or a 4v4?
I agree with the others, this looks very nice. I'm not sure if spawning will be good, though. It seems like the map lacks quite a bit of structure. Also, I'm not a big fan of the rock placement. Send me an invite. I would like to see this up close.
@ eightball: im working on the changes right now... @ duck: that's what everybody keeps saying and it is a 3v3 2v2 on objective @backskate: thank you! @ badger: thank you and I changed the name to limeanescent
The map is very Omninescent... lol jk I think it would be better if you removed the ceiling for an overview shot. The asthetics are good, but you should use more flat rocks so it is flat but has a rock texture.
well first lol Second that would look forged and like not natural third I will be adding more pics soon
Very nice looking design, only wish I could see more of the room connections to see how everything fits together so far. The area beneath the brace large designed bridge looks somewhat open, but it may just be that im not seeing the full scale or size of that area. I like what you did with the struts they help cover up some of the connections and bland look of the ramps and blocks, which is probably one of my favorite things about smaller maps they give you more options to cover up the greyness. I would love to see if this could manage to play a nice balanced 4 vs 4, but only time will tell , if your interested in some help testing id be happy to lend a hand and some advice if needed. Just hit me up on my GT: SilentRaine, Ill be happy to take some time off from projects to see this personally. And I must say I agree with the others this really looks like you took time to improve your forge style and technique with this map.
Well thank you for your kind word sir and I will be doing some testing soon... But i haven't had a chance to upload the new pics of the map yet because i had expanded some of the map quite a bit so I'll have to upload those soon then i think sience i expanded the map it might be able to play 4v4 but only time will tell and i completely agree i think I'm one of those forgers that get better every time i forge.