ok, this is a great map, and i loved annoying you by hopping on the wire spools and then lunging at you if i was in reach (rarely). and now to show off wii's ignorance. ^^lololololol anyways, i don't mind if it's new or old, as long as you didn't steal it, which i'm quite sure that you didn't.
I am glad that people are keeping this style of mini-games alive. This puts a new perspective on zombie games. I might just have to play this with you some time.
wohoo pictures of me being killed by guardian over and over. The boy in light blue (me) never looks so good.
This is a good idea and was fun. The only problem was most of the time anyone was hit with an object they died instead of falling off the platform. This made for a very boring time if you were stuck as a zombie.
this was sooooo much fun playing, i am happy to see such great, new, mini-game style maps out there, 5/5
Lolz as everyone has said this map is fun to play on. So cool =] As much as I hate not being able to jump when you're a Zombie, it's so fun =] 3/5
Wow, I made a map almost exactly like this, I don't want to call shenanigans or anything but mine is so similar
This map was originally made a week after heroic map pack's release. I have just updated it with new versions. so, i guess you can say, this IS one of the original ideas. V4.2!!! pwnt Plus, the only other one that Ive seen around here was barrel blaster, and I have been here A LOT longer than you have