Capris "It was originally one of many forerunner research facilities. Though through the course or their studies, the infection known as the "Flood" broke free of it's containment, destroying it. Now derelict, it remains a testament to it's once mighty creators." This is not my first map ever created. Though on that note, I do not have the knowledge of gametype setup to do anything other then two flag CTF and Slayer. This is in part due to the fact that I haven't taken the time to look up how to do it. I intend to remedy that soon, and be able to bring everyone here a more enjoyable experience! I also have four other maps sitting on my hard drive waiting to be posted on here. So I'll try to get them up soon. But back on topic, Capris: Originally "Caprice", as it described the feel of my map. [kəˈpriːs]n A sudden or unpredictable change of attitude, behaviour, etc.; whim Though I decided that Capris sounded better in the long run, and so changed it. It was originally intended to be a 2v2, though it can be played with a 3v3. I haven't tested anything higher then that on it since I don't have many people to help with testing. It was heavily inspired by the flood. I wanted to capture the sorta spooky mixed with a little desperation feel that I felt back when I first played Halo: CE. I'll leave it up to you the viewers to decide if I succeeded. Weapons: Plasma Pistol x2 Sniper Rifle x1 (180 second re-spawn) Spiker x2 Needle Rifle x2 Concussion Rifle x1 (180 second re-spawn) Gravity Hammer x1 (180 second re-spawn) -Considering for removal Needler x2 (No spare clips) Grenade Launcher x2 (0-1 spare clips) I've forgotten at the moment DMR x2 Assault Rifle x2 Plasma Grenade x3 Frag Grenade x4 Over shield x1 Once again I've forgotten the re-spawn time Active Camo x1 Same as over shield Oh, and before I forget, hi Forge Hub! You guys have inspired me a lot over the years. Thanks you guys! Now to let the pictures say the rest.
Hey awsome map I really like the yellow in the map, reminds me of citadel a bit. Also I really like the structures you used to form your map. Here are some things you should consider though. 1. Opening up the map, it seems crowded. (I'm not sure if that is just your screenshots) 2. Is your budget okay, you used some expensive pieces? But sick first map, better than alot of maps I've seen.
Thank you! I'd love to open the map up a bit more, unfortunately there's some problems with that; My budget is at zero. And it's built in the Hanger. I used three building pieces, two FX, the shield door, and two lights. So I could get a thousand+ back from getting rid of those. Sadly I used up all the block, bridge, and decorative pieces while in construction. So any potential extension is quite limited. -Though I could delete and then extend the roof, which may help. I'll try that out and see how it goes. As for how crowded it is, the three main rooms are relatively open. I designed them so that the Jetpack could be used, and be useful. The back room, ramped hallways and top floor are a bit more crowded since they have closed roofs. Download it and look around. Hopefully you can give some suggestions for opening it up a bit?
Welcome to Forgehub! First off, this map is freaking amazing for a first post. The only problems I could find with it were the sender node looking a little weird in the walkway, and even though people say it's too close, there's nothing wrong with that, especially if all you have are Concussion rifles and a GL. The snipers may not be much use though.
This map looks amazing! Im a little concerned though as the aesthetics look like they could be very distracing. Apart from that, good job!
I guess you're a fan of yellow. I don't know much about the map since I haven't DL'd yet, but these aesthetics are great for a first post. I just want to see how they affect gameplay. DL'd
Nice map but it does look a little crowded so I am not sure how well the sniper is going to work. I do like those three open rooms that you have added in and if this is for 2-6 players I think you should get rid of someof the weapons because I personally think there are to many weapons for a 2v2 or 3v3.(Is there any frame rate issues)
This looks really unique actually, but dun dun dun the troll that argues about all the glass piled up close to each other in your players perspective. Otherwise wondering how the gameplay is, you really showed off the color theme
I wasn't happy with those ether. I originally had the receiver nodes out on the ends of the large Antennas that I'm using for pillars. On the whole I was trying to hide them. I felt that the blue clashed too much with the yellow look of things. Thanks! Over all they weren't too distracting during gameplay. Usually you'll have someone shooting at you, which is WAY more distracting then the aesthetics. Actually I like green a lot better. But I wanted to make a set of maps for each base color +green. So far I've gotten three done: Nemesis Ark -Green Aquius -Blue Capris -Yellow And have yet to finish my red variant. As mentioned above I haven't found them to be too distracting. Though I've only played three games on it. And none of the people I played with are good with giving input. No known frame rate issues. The Sniper is only there because I felt that there should be a weapon there, and that it should not be another DMR. Or one of the other weapons on the map. I wanted the gameplay to be a fast paced game. Where if you survived, I tried to encourage people to pick up weapons, quickly use them, and then drop it for a new weapon. I'm going to make a custom gametype for this. with just the Assault Rifle as your only weapon. And no radar, since in such a small map it will help get around without being noticed. (Though I need to test it before anything is set in stone). That way I can replace the Sniper with the Pistol. Gameplay is fast paced. Probably the best two loadouts are the Jetpack and Armor lock. Though the others are all very good too. Falling for a hologram can mean your death, invisibility is amazing, sprint is, well, sprint. Only Evade is not advised. While it still can be used, since it's a smaller map, it's hard to avoid smashing into a wall. Also a lot of assassinations. One of the hot spots for them is in the center with the over shield, since someone will drop down to get them and usually get's assassinated by someone else who was going for them as well.
This map looks amazing. I love the textures in the walls and ceilings, and the incorporation of yellow creates a great feel to the map. It's clean and there is a nice aesthetic piece to it, however, it appears to be flooded with weapons. There are too many heavy weapons sprinkled throughout the map and may create some unilateral gameplay. But, other than that, well done! Sweet map!
I'll do that. Thank you. I didn't find it to be much of an issue. There are many weapons with low clips, giving everyone a decent edge. The Medium/heavy weapons didn't tend to give anyone one player an overly large advantage. As Zigywig suggested I'll submit my map the the Review Hub, and let them help with the testing of my weapon set.
Well, at least the map wasn't orange. But if you have any budget left, you could hide the teleporter in an object, then mess with the radius to make it like a door. Does Review Hub review maps that are already released? Or is that just a rule for Tester's Guild?
Wow .... i saw about 6-10 power weapon on the map ...... Its alot . The map looks small .....maybe the picture make that effect ? Anyway i give it a download to see how it looks in the game .
Hadn't thought of that. I could possibly put it in the strut underneath the active camo. And yeah, it's just the testers guild. The review thread require that your map already be posted. It's just the pictures, or at least I like to believe so. And it is a lot of power weapons! But it doesn't hurt game play much since they are all low clipped. At least from what I've found.
Well, Frenchy's is right. Even though they are low clipped, if they're all in use at the same time, it'll get pretty frustrating.