Five years of Oblivion, that is 5(365)+1 days (leap year,) or 1826 days, or about half an hour every day. Ten years of Morrowind is twice as many days, or 3652, or about 20 minutes every day.. Factor in random marathons where you randomly get 50 hours in over the weekend, and it becomes an easy amount to achieve. I have a probably similar playtime in Halo 3, actually, I'd guess about 800 hours of playtime counting everything from campaign to customs to randomly leaving it on for two days and forgetting about it. Also, keep in mind that I just said that the fourth digit is the place where you can 100% it. I didn't say anything about replay value ;D
i put 600 hours into pokemon diamond... that's the most ive put into any game and i dont have a job. the things you are saying, are crazy sir.
Most hours I've put into a game would be Fallout 3 with around 600, and that's 4 playthroughs. Anywayfaic, there are some seriously cool items hidden in those small, unquested dungeons. The GhostBlade is so damn badass looking, too bad it's weak as hell. Since turning the difficulty up to master, the game has really taken hold of me again. Combat is so much funner on the higher difficulties. Feels a little Dark Souls sometimes. I'm starting a new character later on tonight to just Pure Mage it, between Conjuration, Restoration and Destruction. Pity I never use Alteration for anything. It must be a ***** to level up.
I was contemplating increasing the difficulty now that I can upgrade my gear so well, but the post-patch issue with magic resistance currently leaves me too vulnerable to certain enemies as it is. I'll have to wait until it's fixed. I never had a problem with soulless dragons pre-patch, either, but now I've already had four of them.
Brought the xbox and Skyrim to work. Started an orc, gonna focus on heavy armor, Sword + Shield, and Smithing. Basically a big orc tank. But we're only going to be playing that character when we have nothing to do at the shop (When it's not busy).
I'm pretty sure I'm just not going to download the new patch. I think my only problem I've had was it crashed twice after playing it all day. Then it was fine.
I, for one, have experienced plenty of bugs. - A door would not work, I was forced to go up two levels, use become ethereal and jump. - Lydia did not have the marriage dialogue. - Quest character murdered - Plenty of Z-fighting - My sister's profile can't use her dragon souls, stuck with whirlwind sprint, unrelenting force, clear skies, and dragon rend, and a couple others I think. I have not had any problems with not getting a dragon soul, though.
I've only had problems with soulless dragons and z-fighting. It might not be a bug, but my resist frost/fire/shock potions don't do jack **** since the update (well, it might be). Alchemy has turned into only being useful for health potions, invisibility, and paralysis. So much for becoming a master. Useless.
I chose not to download the update, seeing as I haven't had any problems with the game. Why fix something that ain't broke? I seriously have not had any major problems at all, and I get the feeling that if I download the patch, **** will hit the fan. One of the weirdest things that has happened to me though, was I came out of a cave/dungeon, to be greeted by a Blood Dragon. Though this particular dragon was already dead. I watched as it's dead body flopped around and I thought it was still alive, and this was just some kind of collision problem, but when I approached it, it started dissolving and I absorbed it's soul.
I personally like the dwarf centurions that can't walk through arches or climb stairs, makes them easy to kill for my spell sword.
It was a decent attempt, but combat is comparable to Minecraft, from a melee perspective. But i dont really care, because i love both games Anyone else getting similar bugs to my NPCs dying and cannot be conversed with to complete quests?