Magnus Pons

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by thefightdude, Dec 3, 2011.

  1. thefightdude

    thefightdude Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Magnus Pons
    (Great Bridge)


    Magnus Pons means Great Bridge in Latin as my friend came up with the name. Of course I would not have named this map Magnus Pons unless there was a bridge involved. You may say from the picture 'What kind of great bridge is that?', and I would reply by saying 'It is named Magnus Pons because just the word Pons doesn't bring out any emphasis. It is great because without the bridge you would not be able to reach each others base unless you had jetpack. Last is that the bridge holds one of the most powerful guns in the game, the rocket launcher.'


    There are two bases connected by a bridge. Realistically there are three but only one main bridge but all bridges are connected in the middle. Under that bridge is a lower walkway thus forming a '+' and is also home to the grenade launcher. There is a bridge that goes all the way around the perimeter of the map. This could be good for possible counter attacks and escape routes for CTF. There are a total of two ramp bridges that lead to the top of each base. I also tried to add cover while making the map open (such as lowest bridge where I added crates for cover). Bases are made of long tunnels and 2x3s. Any questions on the layout post a comment.

    Weapons and positions

    2x Assault rifle
    4x DMR
    1x Grenade launcher
    1x Rocket launcher
    2x Shotgun
    4x Frag grenade
    2x Plasma pistol
    8x Plasma grenade
    3x Health station

    There is also a Health Station that is on the lowest bridge that should be placed above the Rocket launcher​



    Side View​


    Lowest Bridge​


    Back of Red Base​


    Back of Blue Base​


    Front view of Red Base​


    Front of Blue Base

    Magnus Pons
    Download Now
    #1 thefightdude, Dec 3, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2011
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Generally having waves wash over a bridge like that is a bad idea because it can contribute to framerate problems, and the water will occasionally flicker when waves of certain heights come through. It's best to have a bridge like that either entirely submerged or entirely above water. The center platform with the rocket launcher is completely open, and while it is good to make the rocket launcher a risky weapon to obtain, such a venture should not be suicidal. The walkways encircling the map should also have some sort of cover, especially since they are a disadvantage with height, and have ate least one if not two more connections along them. A long walkway means a player cannot react to the changing battlefield by going along a different path.

    Please note that thread titles should contain only the name of the map.
    #2 pyro, Dec 3, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2011
  3. thefightdude

    thefightdude Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I do understand by what you mean with the openness and lowest bridge water problem. There are two possible ways to get out of combat in the middle. 1) fall back to your base...the bridge is high enough so that you can avoid DMR shots, but a grenade can be thrown and bounce off the wall behind the bridge. 2) go left or right to fall down to the lowest bridge or struts that are connected to the bridge. Thanks for the tips I'll be sure to avoid those things in my future maps.
  4. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    good job on the map fightdude. could have been a little bigger. we need to make a competitive map soon.
  5. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    This. I learned something new today in forging.

    I really hope you fixed the spawns on the weapons, the rocket spawned instantly when I played this with you, if you're talking about jetpacks on the map, I assume you added soft kills and all that fancy stuff. This map is alright, I like how you can get on top of the bases.
  6. thefightdude

    thefightdude Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I did set soft kill boundaries. rocket launcher has 180 spawn time. and deleted some of the weapons.
  7. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    To add my own personal theory into the mix;

    Avoid long pathways. To misquote a fairly well known man, a map that is all catwalk and no dance-floor leads to a terrible ballet. By creating long, thin paths (what your Bridge XL's and Bridge Corners do) you create areas where movement is incredibly limited. On top of that, if you are in a fight you have nearly no cover and nowhere to run. Factor in the fright factor of having no walls to sidle up against, and you have created a very poor space for players. Open floors separated by walls and changes in elevation, on the other hand, create an open AND safe feeling, provide multiple means of cover, and offer a greater multitude of paths for a player to follow, creating a map that doesn't get as stale during multiple plays and is much more balanced, and far less frustrating.
  8. EpICx ReMiX XD

    EpICx ReMiX XD Forerunner

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    This is the first time I post this on the website. But I'll say that it's a good map to play on. But next time when you make a map. Can you put like should I say around 20 - 30 decorations on the map to make it interesting. And I'll say this again, a good map to play on.

    ASSASSINinWH1TE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice layout and very clean. Lots of elevation too, good job :)
  10. ixamxcanadian

    ixamxcanadian Promethean

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    great layout. u should just add a few decorations and u defiantly need a lot more cover. at the moment competitive games would just end in huge stalemates because nobody can safely flank around the other team. Also when i make maps i try to avoid using ramp bridges and normal bridges with the railings facing up since they create long narrow pathways. so try replacing those add a bunch of walls and cover and i think this map will be really good.
  11. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Forerunner

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    Not sure if serious...or something is getting lost in translation since English clearly isn't your first language. Are you saying he should put 20-30 pieces on his map that are from the decorative category or that he should simply have more aesthetics? Since you are quantifying a specific number of pieces be used, it leads me to believe the former. Having decorative pieces does not make your map look better. Would adding 30 satellite, smalls make a map look better simply because they are from that category of pieces? Not really. Aesthetics ought to be smartly incorporated into a map, not just thrown in because you haven't filled your quota.

    Back to the map- Reflex Ion is 100% correct about the bridges encompassing the map. I would completely remove this aspect of the map since the top of it looks pretty decent. In fact, I would recommend scrapping the entire lower half of this map and rebuilding it differently. Try to make it feel more connected to the top rather than segmented like it does now.

    Lastly, if there is any way to make this look less like Narrows, please do so. The higher elevation bridge spanning bases with rockets in the middle and paths going underneath is very played out.
    #11 UnfrozenLynx, Apr 5, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2012

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