LOST season 4 is coming to an end. May 29th is the last episode of the season and will start at 9 pm est. Here's a ''promo video'' i found: link http://youtube.com/watch?v=qLv8qD-Ul1M Another one: http://youtube.com/watch?v=ADTHhtjG13k Go to '1:00 I personally think they are all still alive somewhere, and Jack lied on 4x12 to protect the people in the island. What do you guys think will happen in the last episode? -------------- Edit: Some more vids http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM2zRv66to4&eurl=http://www.lostinlost.globolog.com.br/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuBSI5rPFkU&eurl=http://www.lostinlost.globolog.com.br/ im starting to think this may belong in the vid section for all the above reason....kk
People still watch this? I stopped watching this after season 3... It just kept going on and on and never wind anything up? It never gives you answer to anything substantial... I heard season 4 is good but... Ehhh I just couldn't be bothered continuing to watch...
I have to watch it. They film on my island. =D What's cool is that you just see the actors walking around local places, like restaurants and Longs. So cool.
Dude! That's sweet! Have you ever gone up to one of them to ask for a picture or an autograph? Have you ever seen Freckles (Kate, the hot one) there? Dude... she is...better than words. I think if i could choose to go up to two people from Lost they'd be Kate and Hurley, cause he's awesome
They don't like the publicity. They're nice and stuff. The majority of Jack's hospital scenes are filmed at where my dad works, the Hawaii Medical Center (Previously known as St. Francis Hospital). I've only seen Hurley and Sawyer.
I cant wait for this episode. My friend hadnt seen episode 12 so I took it into school and we watched it in a lesson lol
I think the island moves through time and is why the Oceanic 6 looked so freaked out when they were on the plane home. They saw the island disappear. It would be a plausible answer to why Ben ends up in the Tunisian desert wondering what year it is. Reynbow, I'd recommend watching it again. They're wrapping everything up now that they have a definite ending date to the show.
I love LOST! Everytime I guess at what's going to happen, I always end up wrong, so I have no idea. But it should be really good!
i kinda agree with some parts of that... what i dont agree with is that i think they were stunned because like, i think a lot of people died...idk. your theory is better I'm still very curious about JACOB, and the smoke. Lol'd at when Jack found out Claire was his sister
The Island moves over time due to this 'Orchid' station, apparently. And there should be a picture of Jack that says 'Pwnd' when he finds out Claire is his sister. I don't exactly understand why that loser scientist guy that has a crush on that red head geologist is in such a hurry to get off the island before it gets moved, though. Maybe because when it moves, the island blows up? lol
Based on earlier episodes, the scientist (Daniel Faraday) has apparently moved through time already. It's quite possible he knows the outcome of the island's move and what it will/has done to it's current inhabitants.
huge fan of the show, I'm thinking of getting the game, just because of the review in G.I., they said that it would be awsomefor hardcore fans of the show but boring for anyone else
I think that maybe it's cause when they change the time, the people will need to be in this ''safe spot'' in the island, and Faraday knows they won't let him in....idk
Oh yeah, and that safe spot would be the Temple station, or whatever Ben told his daughter, Frenchy, and that weird boy to go to, and then they get shot. =/
Yeah, Nemi, that is sweet. But I can't watch this show, it is just an annoying loop. Honestly, they are on an island (that only no one can find, for some reason) with monsters, none the less, and they have been there for over 4 years. They have little food, yet that guy is still fat. They still know nothing about the island, and gahhhh... whatever. It annoys me. It makes no sense. Watch House or How I met Your Mother. Now that is good TV.
over here in britain were a few eps behind so ive still got a little way to go to the end but im looking forward to it. Im sure the island has some funky time thing going on becuase of all the starge time anomlys like the helicopter taking days to get to the boat and the doctor washing up dead on the island before he died!