I love the final version! I especially like the catwalk/overpass in the center. I also love the elevation changes you made. My only gripe would be that some areas are a bit too boxy for my taste (some rooms are enclosed with hard corners). I know they are meant to be safe spawning areas but they may contribute to camping. Overall I really like the map and I think you've really impressively balanced out warthog and personnel combat. I look forward to seeing what you cook up next.
The faulty killzone actually kills you if you jump anywhere on the right side of that block. But, the killzone in question is located in the block used as the right wall in that area.
Well I finally found the phantom killzone, and fixed it. That means the map is back to zero likes, zero downloads, and zero tags. I would suggest re-downloading, as that killzone could be rther bothersome. I'd appreciate it if everyone who tagged in the first place re-tags the map as well. Sorry this issue wasn't fixed sooner. Also, here's a video showing off the map: Halo Reach Map: S - YouTube Thanks Eightball and Cyborg. Camping tends to be quite difficult to pull off on here, due to how movement based the map is, so I wouldn't be too worried Cyborg.
Well at least after Flamingo's antics were done he turned out to be a pretty good driver. That was the longest I have ever been in a Hog I think. Well now that that kill zone is gone we should probably play it about 10 more times just to be absolutely sure.
Man, I have been away from this place for far to long. It is great to see this map finally released duck, a lot of work has went into this map and is a must download. This started out as a unique idea, and after being re-designed turned into a masterpiece. Great job duck and I look fwd to your next map.
I have been looking forward to the release of this for ages. I know you have put a load of work into this and it shows. Expert presentation too! I will be loading reach up shortly to take a closer look!....and I wasn't disappointed, first in forge it was all laggy and flashing and I thought there may be problems, so I put a custom on split screen, and I was pleasantly suprised there were no problems. There were some nice areas to battle and the ramps were nice with pleanty of headroom, lots of thought went into this. I like how you have limited vehical movement using pillars and doors. A guaranteed fhf . And my nomination. Great job !
Ssshhh Pyro, he didn't waste any warthogs, or betray anyone. This is good for him. Thanks for all the comments and noms guys!
hey its shikarix59 from LIVE. This map is pretty insane, a lot of combat happening, the hard kills are spoofed really nice. I love the warthog to warthog collisions, unique map and fun with a full party.
Great map but i have 2 gripes. Your post was the most annoying ive ever wanted to read because of the shape and the font. but whatever great map i will be testing it sometime this weekend.
I Played this this week with some friends and it was a lot of fun. It's very symmetrical, maybe a little too much. If you are not paying attention you can easily get disoriented and go to the wrong base because the walls are so similar. This happened a few times with a few different people during the game. Perhaps a little bit more obvious color coding? Maybe with more play time we will learn not to make this mistake lol. Other than this small thing, it's a really great map and is well balanced between the vehicular combat and the on foot combat. This is a keeper for sure! Thanks for a great map!
I have the entire thread written out in regular font in the spoiler in the OP. The thread took me around six hours (or more to make). I never had trouble reading that font, but someone suggested I change it before I posted the map. I started changing the font, but realized that that would have likely taken another hour or two as I'd have to re-situate all the text in the thread. Throughout testing, orientation was something I got a few complaints about I tried lots of things like windows, and prior to rebuilding the map, I had a good amount of colored pieces. However, upon rebuilding the map, I did not have the resources to add more color. I had some ideas like adding a glass floor on one side of the map, but I also lacked the resources to do this. Luckily, complaints about orientation more or less stopped coming in. If you pay attention, it's still very difficult to get lost. You'll find navigation easier as you play the map more though.
It's not so much a problem of getting lost as having no clue where you are upon spawning. The update helped a lot with that, but in the sewers for example there's no way to tell which side is which and the area just above them is just as confusing.
Hey man. Awesome job. There needs to be more maps like this. It reminds me of rats nest. Lots of vehicles = lots of fun. I like how you used structures on the floor in certain spots so that you can pass through on foot but not on vehicle. Giving this a download
I would agree with that, it remains my only real complaint about S. Otherwise it's a great map, Mr. Duck. I especially enjoy the laSer.
Well, with the static spawning which has been implemented across all gametypes, I don't understand why someone would really have trouble. It should be immediately obvious whether you spawn in a base, a tunnel, a mongoose room, etc. You will always spawn on your side of the map, so you should know where you are right away. There are only four possible areas to spawn on each side of the map, so I don't feel like it should be too confusing. You will also always spawn facing sort of away from your base, and towards the center. If you spawn in a tunnel, walk forward and you're in the center. Still, I wish I could have done a bit more with player orientation, although no one who's played the map more than once or twice should ever really have a problem. Thanks as always for all the comments guys. Paints, I can see where you're coming from with the Rats Nest comment, although the similarities are minor. This map mostly inspired by my map U-turn from Halo 3, which in turn was inspired mainly by some of the great racetracks of Halo 3. More than anything though, this map just blossomed without really being based on anything but a letter of the alphabet. In addition to all the great comments, thanks to everyone who nominated and/ore voted for S for Forge hub favorites!
It's not so much about knowing where you are on the map, as which direction you are facing and thus where to go. For a lot of people this probably wasn't a problem because they played the map dozens of times, but whenever I spawned in the high room, which was almost every time, I had no clue which direction I was facing, and would just walk out a random side orient myself.