Ooh, it's cool to see a preview of this up. does this mean we're not counting it as a co-forge though? If we're not, just make sure get credit for all my contributions.
I was wondering when this would show up. I feel like this could potentially beat Metropolis because it takes some of the best aspects of multiple maps you've done, as I believe I told you before. Keep us posted on any additional changes you make.
Wow I thought this was posted already when we played it. Its a big improvement in your forging since metropolis. Hopefully you've fixed the hog so flamingo cant break it out again. The biggest problem I saw if you haven't fixed was the lack of kill zones on places only reachable by jetpack.
We went through and put killzones down a while ago. the hog can be broken out with a grenade, but can't be driven out. I'm not sure how we could really prevent it from being grenaded out.
I have enjoyed watching Port Authority grow from its swooshy beginnings (badum-cha) and I'm glad you have a preview up! I haven't played enough times to comment on gameplay, but it has always looked very interesting. Good job Mock!
Things can get a little crazy at times. Red Team is about to barrel roll for epic wins. Stationary warthog defensive turret, being used to good effect.
Fun fact everyone, that stationary warthog was originally an idea I planned to use in Cargo Port. I think it's used to better effect here though, and the map has lots of other cool tricks up it's sleeves. Testing on here should pick up soon now that S is out the door, and everyone is welcome to join in!
Damn, I loved running tests on this, I hope I can join in on some more! The stationary warthog was a nice touch, and I can't exactly remember, where were the sniper(s) on this map?
Must...play...map... Send me an invite sometime, I'd like to give this a try. Of course, it was Flamingo of all people to try to get the warthog out of its stationary position. Him and his shenanigans
There are none! I'm experimenting with a non-standard, asymmetric weapon layout. There's a focus rifle on the raised platform out by the rocks (just visible on the left side of the first picture), a grenade launcher in the tunnel, a rocket launcher in the center near the platform XL (spawns behind the blue warthog in picture #4), and a shotgun in the Blue side central building (inside the far door in picture #2, to the right of the crate). "But Mock, y u no put sniper?? I are MLG pro status, and big map is big!" Yes, I know the map is large. However, I wanted to mix it up and pull the gameplay focus more towards closer-quarters fighting as opposed to the BTB norm of cross-map spawn-sniping shenanigans (I'm looking at you, Breakneck). DMRs and needle rifles are plenty good at taking people out at range without the potential of abuse. I also wanted to use the needler as a semi-power weapon, which is something else you don't often see in large maps like this. The lack of long-range heavy weaponry means that you're able to get close enough to people to actually use it effectively. Plus, snipers tear up hogs and having one would make the stationary turret a complete deathtrap.
Holyfuckingshit! Nofuckingway! Actually, I just realized it would wreck the map. I'm glad to see the incorporation of the focus rifle, and the grenade launcher was a key weapon when I play this. Also, this map needs a revenant, you won't agree, but I promise you, it will happen!
Ehh, there's already too much awesome stuff to have a revenant. We actually had one (I think) at one point while building the map. I feel like a revenant would make warthogs a lot less fun/useful. Also, it would probably cause our stationary 'hog to fall out of the crane quite a lot. Still, it's something we could try... I guess?
The idea for the stationary warthog was originally from Cargo Port. It fid the theme of having some sort of cargo being transported. I mentioned the idea to Mock and we decided to incorporate it into this map because it is much more unique than using a regular machine gun turret. It provided red base with some interesting aesthetics, as it is now a shipping area, complete with gantry crane and something being shipped.
Honestly Green, the hog as a turret was really just an idea for shits and giggles that we decided to run with. The hog turret is really no better than a stationary one, save for maaaybe a little more accuracy at range, but we figured it would be awesome anyway and we found a theme to support both it and the rocket hog billboard (shipping company), so why the hell not?
Update!!! Hello everyone. Work on Port Authority is really picking up. Mockknizzle is currently unable to use his Xbox, so I'm currently in charge of the map, although with Mock's guidance. Testing is going great. Objective placement is being finalized, and weapon and vehicle placement is likely final at this point. Right now I'm focused on testing One Flag and Territories, but there will be a whole list of asymmetrical big team gametypes to be played here by the time the map is finished. Enjoy these screenshots, and keep your eyes peeled for more info in the coming weeks!
Wowzers this looks epic! My first time seeing this, but it looks awesome. When's it coming out, this preview's been up for a while.