Altar Overview The map Altar is centered around a middle 'altar.' The 'altar' is surrounded by two bases each guarded by a turret. There is a bridge that goes over the 'altar' which contains the energy sword. Surrounding the entire map are glass covers which allow for access to second levels (along red and blue sides or 2x2's) without using ramps and is useful for combat getaways. There is only one ramp that leads to each base but you are able to jump from the side 2x2's to main bases for possible counter attacks. There may not seem like a lot of cover but you can get away from most combat situations. DMRs are going to be a useful tool in this map. This map is smaller than any any original halo : reach map. That is why this map would be better for 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3 but 4v4 or 5v5 may be fun but may become hectic and not fun for some (because of grenades and not being able to capture anything due to camping). Q&A Are the turrets overpowered? -They can only shoot a certain distance (left and right) because the railings next to it block the fire. Is there anyway commit suicide from the water? -Yes, only in the middle if you slip between the satellite antennas. But nowhere around the sides. Can you reach the 1x4s and camp there? -No the is a soft kill boundary and the only way up there is by jetpack. But any other spot on the map is able to be reached. Are there any frame-rate problems? - Asked by 'Jackknife' When I finished this map I was worried about frame-rate problems. I have not play tested this map so I couldn't really tell you. Weapons list 4x DMR 2x Shotgun 4x Frag grenade 2x Mounted Machinegun 1x Energy sword 2x Needler 2x Plasma Pistol 6x Plasma grenade 3x Health station *Post any questions you have and I will update the post and add them in the Q&A section. *Hope you enjoy the map, feel free to post any suggestions or comments. Pictures Red looking at Blue Blue looking at Red Red 'side' connecting bases Blue 'side' connecting bases Red base overview looking at Blue Blue base overview looking at Red Red underside refer to pic 4(glass covers, easy access from floors) Blue underside, refer to pic 3(glass covers, easy access from floors) Red base Blue base Ramps and nuetral objective spawn only in assault and oddball. No others. THANKS More pics are available just ask.
In the first couple pictures the map seems to be very cluttered. After going through the rest, it looks like it would be pretty fun, actually. I would suggest possibly removing the braces on the lower ramps and clean up the 1x4's in the walls. For some reason I can't seem to get a feel for how big the map actually is... Are there any frame-rate issues? It seems like this would have some... Overall good map.
When I finished this map I was worried about frame-rate problems. I have not play tested this map so I couldn't really tell you. The braces were just a quick add in because i thought i needed more cover over in those areas. The size of the map would be about the size of asylum cut in half. Hope that helps.
I like this map... Sort of. It looks open, but at the same time it looks like there is plenty of cover. I am a little confused on how I feel about this map to be honest. I think maybe, up in the corners near the ramps there should be a large crate or some sort of cover. I really don't know, sir. Anyways, I will give it a download and see if I change my mind about the cover issue I am having.
This is a cool map. It's a cool concept to begin with, but if you can die when stepping in the water, then there's something that needs to be fixed about that. However, this looks like a good map for some 2v2 action. Nice work.
You are able to step on the water without dying (satellites are high enough) but...there are cracks between the satellite antennas that are able to be slipped though, only if you are not paying attention or don't walk fast enough (regular walk without armor abilities its alright). I wouldn't worry too much about the water there is a 10-20% chance you would slip through, not to big of a problem I would say.