Reactor 9

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Blaq Cloud1, Nov 26, 2011.

  1. Blaq Cloud1

    Blaq Cloud1 Forerunner

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    Please feel free to download, play test, and critique my map. Your feedback is highly important to any development process.

    Map Breakdown:
    Reactor 9 is designed to support Slayer (Team and FFA); KOTH; Oddball; Stockpile; Assault; Head Hunter and CTF. The map is two team based with equal weapon distribution, and weighted respawn zones to deter spawn killing. Intended for team sizes 2-5; however 8v8 is accommodated quite well.

    Boom is the theme on map with specific areas to take advantage of an unwitting enemy. Cross mapping is greatly encouraged on this facility, which allows for expectional game play on sniper game types.

    Reactor 9 is constructed upon forge world and is comprising of 2 levels, supported by 3 parallel routes which greatly influences game flow towards the center.

    1 snipers - 8 shots--- spawn time 160
    1 rocket launcher - 4 shots--- spawn time 180
    1 grenade launcher - 5 shots---spawn time 160
    1 concussion rifle - 12 shots---spawn time 160
    1 Shotgun - 12 shots---- spawn time 160
    2 magnums
    6 DMRS
    3 Needle Rifles
    4 plasma pistols
    4 frags grenades
    4 plasma grenads
    4 Assault rifles

    Back Story:
    Reactor 9 is an ONI testing facility where the UNSC has authorized testing of alternative energy sources, and worm hole technology.

    Download & Enjoy:

    Aerial -


    Blue Poral -


    Red base lower level -


    Worm Hole -


    Rockets -


    Sniper -


    Neutral Objective -


    Blue Base -


    Red Base -


    Special thanks to DHG ONYX for his work in floor plan development.
    #1 Blaq Cloud1, Nov 26, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2011

    AMALGAMATIQN Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    This is a very nice map. I like the aesthetics and the movement options throughout the whole entirety of the map. Very cool ideas have been brought up here. I love your use of the rounded objects (those are circular ramps, right?) Overall, nice work.
  3. Blaq Cloud1

    Blaq Cloud1 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thanks a lot for the awesome feedback man. I really tried to stay true to the overall industrial theme on both bases, and in neutral areas.

    This map is tons of fun in the slayer game type where the worm hole is activated. CTF really requires team work to move the flag as either team can be covered in three points.
  4. PractiseCactus

    PractiseCactus Forerunner

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    It does look really good, but I have a couple of questions;
    1. In the "wormhole", that looks far too long for someone to traverse, especially without any cover whatsoever. I don't think that will help gameplay at all, especially in TS, one of your suggestions for this map.
    2. You also said that the parallel routes cause gameflow to go towards the centre of the map. Does this mean the centre gets really congested?
    Aside from those two points, the map itself looks really great. Very cleanly forged, and I love the roundness of the's pretty rare to see a map that's not just all sharp 90 degree corners.
  5. Blaq Cloud1

    Blaq Cloud1 Forerunner

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    The worm-hole is at the bottom of the map inside a tunnel, so you are absolutely covered. Travel in the worm-hole takes only seconds as you are shot from one side to the other, with no manual intervention. If you play test in a slayer mode you would be able to confirm. The wormhole is not active for objective based game types, as it was felt to give too much advance in travel time.

    The only high traffic areas on the map would be the rocket spawn in the middle, which flows onto the middle bridge, and sniper spawn which flows neutrally to both red and blue bases. The map allows for successful bi-directional cross mapping with tons of areas for cover so in most cases is no real congestion. Confirmed by 5v5 CTF.

    Thanks for the positive feedback on the aesthetics design.

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