Humans survive four sword hits. The amount of ground they have to cover is comparable to walking from one end of Hemorrhage to the other. There is no way of regaining health once lost, besides the health packs which are few and far between. It plays fine in my extensive playtesting. You can even find gameplay demo's of the maps here if you need proof. ZipZapZop123773's Channel - YouTube
jesus! now that's dedication holmes! XD. Maps look epic. definitely gonna play these. These also just gave me some inspiration
Trust me, it works best in Journey maps, one hit kills make it so that it's literally impossible to reach the end. Also, this emphasizes teamwork. And don't worry, zombie gameplay is very entertaining.
I love the idea of making the survivors move around rather than camp and also giving it a story plot. This is one of the best map sets for infection and I look forward to trying it out, especially the D.C. one.
The idea of a "Journey Map" wasn't mine, I just build on it. Alot. Rifte Gifle was a huge inspiration in making this, as well as iflod101.
Well... After playing these, I have to say I'm impressed. I got a lobby of 14 people, and we ran through all 8... they all are a wonderful blend of aesthetics and gameplay and are truly enjoyable. Keep up the good work.