Floccinaucinihilipilification Floccinaucinihilipilification is an inverse symmetrical map co-forged between Frenchy's and me(X2Sora). The map at the moment can support up to 4v4, and the current power weapons are two concussion rifles, two sniper rifles, and a neutral rocket. I am unable to get an overview at the moment, but when simplified the layout is a fancy infinity. Concussion Spawn Lift Teleporter Receiver/Sniper Spawn Tac Jump; leads to sniper spawn
The map looks very good, but, as nibs said, the name is horrible. Tac jump looks good and original to me, so IMO, keep it.
Like neverending said there was a little lag when I was playing on this, but I like it. I kept falling off the edge near that tac jump though -_-
I have to go with everyone else on this. Stupid name and the tach jump is cool and also looks nice. The lift looks a bit sloppy. It may just be that angle.
I like the hexagonal tunnels. And the name reminds me of something Sky ♥ would find amusing, therefore it sucks.
I played this map two nights ago, and I only found 2 problems with the map: 1. As basketskate3 said, I kept falling off the edge near the tac jump. The jump itself isn't terrible, it looks nice, but I recommend putting railings on the ledge so people wouldn't fall off all the time. 2. The name has GOT to go, like nibbles said. So far Nick Taber is the only person who can say that correctly. I don't even know where Frenchys gets these names from. Other than that, the aesthetics are just perfect, and the gameplay is fair and balanced.
fix'd(lrn2spell) How the hell did you even think of me seeing that word? On Topic: Nice map dude, most of ur piccys don't work (1st 3rd and 4th) but from what I can see it looks clean and neat. I'd suggest a name change to simply Flocci. Or Rare. Btw, you spelt it wrong, its Floccinaucinihilipilification. Google says so.
Here's the video of why we called the map like that (Start it at 3:10) : Muse Ultimate Funny moments - YouTube [br][/br]Edited by merge: Ok well it was hard to understand that word well so its why i spelt it wrong .
Looks great. The first pic also reminds me of orbital. I think if you don't want the map to tank, you should give it a name more people can pronounce, lol. Hopefully we'll see this one at tgn...
Keep the name. Don't name it some random word that sounds cool like Replicant, Acacia, Cadence, Voodoo, Hellium, Haze, Premise, Cladite, or Gully. These people have no imagination or sense of style.
Well Blaze that a random name ! Floccinaucinihilipification mean : Rare Hat18463920373 mean : a Hat whit a series of number ? Anyway ......
I'll gladly give you a load anytime, anywhere. And, no. A random word with a series of numbers isn't original. Maybe someday you'll be able to comprehend what the word "original" means, but I'm not going to hold my breath.