Hello, Forgehub.... BEFORE READING: THIS MAP HAS TO BE DONE WITH ONLY 2 PLAYERS. 1 GUY ON RED TEAM AND 1 GUY ON BLUE TEAM> I'm back with a brand new, quite hard 2 player puzzle map. I't combines the best old idea's and a lot of new epic puzzle's. First off I want to thank the players that got me so far that I eventually came back to reach and made another puzzle, these same players also helped me out a lot by finding bug's, glitches, shortcut's and part's they found ugly. these are the player's, again thank you. - Dadels - AlittleFlyingPig - ZyxeI - NoTime4Lag - 2Fast4YourHeadx - SMenzz - Pro justis - sr8 SNiPeZ Thanks a lot to all off you, if i missed someone out just message me on my current gamertag. 'ThijsGotPooped'. Now for the player Who came for the map. I'll start at the story.... You and a Rival Prisoner are kept in one of the hardest prison of the universe, then the prison was surprised, they fell prey to an earthquake. as the prison collapsed all prisoners are wunded or trying to get away, so are you. You and another prisoner are going to work together to escape the prison. you have to do this by solving hard puzzles and make use of the many, many hidden shafts, like in a real prison. These shafts - with or without steel in front of it - are everywhere in the map. with steel means they are pretty tigth and you won't be able to go trough, even when ur crouching. Whitout Steel means that u could easely get inside but you may have to crouch. The puzzle Has 5 Checkpoints, recognizeble by floating fusion coils, propane tanks, plasma batterie's or landmines. once detroyed they will never respawn anymore and you'll spawn at that position. NOTE" if a fusion coil is NOT floating in mid air is means it's NOT a checkpoint, so you DON'T spawn there when you died." As the puzzle has 5 checkpoint it has also 5 'Stages'. Each Stage has it's own Duration, Difficulty and Required Timing. This does not mean that te map has a Time limit, it means that you and your partner have to do some things at exactly the same time. soem times this can be very difficult. notice that the duration of the map is based on a FLAWLESS run, so the map may take you some longer. Whole map: Difficulty: 8/10 Duration: 30 min Stage one: Difficulty: 6/10 Duration: 2,5 min Stage two: Difficulty: 7/10 Duration: 5 min Stage three: Difficulty: 7/10 Duration: 7,5 min Stage four: Difficulty: 10/10 Duration: 12,5 min Stage five: Difficulty: 6/10 Duration: 2,5 min At first I wanted to make the last part a lot harder and longer, but I had a lot of money problems. eventually i came up with an nice eastatic outside (when you escape the prison) and a decent challence parkour. In some parts of the map, a lot of timing and teamwork is required, The Spoiler under here will give a perfect example of what i mean. Spoiler In this part, 2 players are trying to get armor lock witch isn't that hard, all you have to do is walk into a teleporter and you got there. BUT.... the armor lock is inside a shaft and it falling down WILL kill you. there is no other way. So in a part before this you and your teammate collected some armor abilities and your teammate is in control of a active camo and a jetpack. another detail is that he is where the shaft ends but he can't stand underneath it because there is a Hardkill boundry. This is where you have to time your teamwork to the maximum, MIC RECOMMANDED, you are going to fall down the shaft as soon as you got armor lock equipped and as soon as you and your teammate are ready. Your teammte is going to have to watch you and then swap one of the armor abilities into the open part of the shaft. Again,try do make sure that the Swapped armor abilitie is in mid air as soon as your teammate is about to hit the ground. This is how you should Time it as perfect as you can, Remember thet as soon as your teammate hits the ground, that he dies and you have to do it over again. If you timed is perfectly, you should be able to trade the armor lock, for the armor abilitie that your teammate just trew into the shaft, and you need to trade it back while the armor abilitie is in mid-air. Then Your teammate can pick up the armor lock (If trown right) and you can happy continue your advanture. Here are some pictures of the map, take look, the disciption is above the Pictures. Double hallway (Stage 2): Jail Red Guy (Stage 1): Main Room (Stage 3): Cannon Man Drop (Stage 2): Triple Hallway (Stage 4): Underwater Section (Stage 3): The puzzle is actually quite challenging and I descovered that most players who tried it, actually didn't pass the Second Stage, so Me and My Friend ZyxeI made a tutorial of this map. I don't have something to record this all with so instead we played my map, and we completed it. It is 45 Minutes long, most likely because we weren't able to Finish the map in a Flawless State. We have some faillures. (IF YOURE READING THIS AND YOU CAN HELP ME OUT PLEASE MESSAGE ME). Also in the Fouth and Fifth stage I had to explain him a lot of stuff so that´s why were doing nothing for 2 minutes sometimes. I also don´t Know how put this on youtube so i decided to put the video in my Halo Reach Fileshare so you can still download it and watch it on your Xbox. Here is the link http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=24903995&player=ThijsGotPooped Also I would like to thank ´MetalForgere´ Because very first part of the map was originally his Idea, and was first seen in the other Puzzle map ´The Legend Of Sigma´. I changed a lot of stuff and aestatics, so it still fells like a complete other puzzle. here is a link to The Legend Of Sigma. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-mini-game-maps/130561-legend-sigma.html I Think that was Everything For Now, I hope you guys Enjoy my new map. If you have any questions just place them under here and they will be answered. also if you have some remarks, found some bugs or really think i should chance something, just tell me and i will look at it. ...
Please don't make too bright of text, Its impossible to see on this page setting. Anyways, This map looks quite amazing. The aesthetics are great, especially the Cool block Illusion thingy. Anyways, what you can do is render the film, and put the Bungie Vid BBCode to link it to this post, or you could message pinohkio, and ask him to record a video of the playthrough, and he will upload it to his youtube channel. All you'd have to do is link the video to this post. Anyways, Great map!
Thanks, I have worked along time on this map, and what colour do you suggest, because i have a black background so its really easy for me to read it but i'll chance colours soon. also thanks for telling me about pinohkio, i send him a message now so i hope responds.