There's a site going around at the moment that gets your xbox account information and eventually the creators go into your account and start doing things. If you have credit card information stored, remove it immediately. I've actually gone onto the site as it was before I'd heard anything about this Xbox hacking stuff, so if you got a message from me telling you to sign up FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DELETE SAID MESSAGE! If you have already signed up, you might have a few days before they get onto your account, so I'd advise you to change your password, and log into your xbox account and remove all your stored credit card information immediately. For once; I'm being serious. This is here to save you guys from having £100/$150 removed from your bank account without your authorisation. The website in question is Until this can be verified as a legitimate site, I'll keep it on this thread...
You know you sent me a message with this website over XBL? I almost went to it until Cryptokid told me not to because it was some sort of hacking thing....
Good thing everytime I get a message from you I light it on fire and show absolutely no regard for it's existence.
Mmm I thought it was very odd when my mate at work told me I sent him a link last night... I just signed up because I got it sent off an old mate I used to play with and he always tracked stats, so it was a little believable I guess, but meh, I've changed my password and removed all my active credit cards leaving a dummy one behind... I'll get an email if the card tries to get used.
Like I already said, it might've been a coincidence that your friend got hacked two days after he signed up. Then again... It seems like a few people here have already known about this situation. Even EpicChief117 said that people on Youtube have been hacked from Playfire. If this is not true: Then it is simply rumors that are flying about. If this is true: Then I'm going to kill my friend who added me on their buddy list. I don't think this is a situation to worry about, but just in case if you haven't recieved a message asking to join Playfire via a friend, IGNORE IT, DELETE IT, AND BURN IT (not really but you see what I get). Edit: Just to be sure, and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but once you create an account on Playfire can you remove it on your own?
Feck. How do I change my windows live password? EDIT: I never really finished the registration process on the site, because the information they were asking for was getting a bit fishy, but it's just to be safe. By the way, on the site, they ask you to sign in to your account, which is giving them your windows live password, and when they do, it's not a secure connection. Definitely a hack thing.
Wow, probably a good thing I haven't been online in a while then. Probably wouldn't have signed up for this anyway, but it's good to know. Cheers for the head up, Steve.
Log into [noparse][/noparse] using your existing stuff, it redirects you to [noparse][/noparse] or something and you click the arrow in the top right, account settings, etc... It's a little tricky to find, but yeah, you get the idea. Also, I noticed this as well... once I typed my password in and clicked submit (I was pretty tired and running on autopilot) I noticed it wasn't a secure windows live log in box all sites are required to use as standard now. I also found it suspicious it took about 60 seconds to verify the account without a cancellation box... Once I accessed the site, the final nail in the head was that I couldn't locate any "Close account" options and the companies "About Us" page was ridiculously short and had no history about the company. Saying that... other indications were: No terms and conditions upon sign up. The fact it requires your windows live password It asks for Windows Live details, but also states it operates on the PSN network, which as far as I'm aware, doesn't operate on Windows Live email addresses. They claim no responsibility if any details are used with third party advertising companies with which they state they are currently not affiliated with any advertising or third party companies but will only notify you of changes to these terms and conditions on their website. Meaning your details are hooked until you can find a way to close your account. They have no contact details other than a feedback form (you can only use when registrered) and a postal address in the United Kingdom. Like I've said, it could well be a legitimate site starting out... but with all the account hacks occurring at this moment in time, it doesn't appear very legitimate and has some serious legal loopholes. Just be careful guys.
Wow are you kidding..... I signed up for this site weeks ago and i didnt get hacked yet and there was no outragouse subtraction of money from my account. I even went on and explored the site and nothing about it shows that they would hack. They even have a "about us" section that shows pictures of the creators and how it all got started. so if you got hacked than i dout it was from that site because like i said i didn't get hacked yet and ive been on it for weeks along with lots of my friends. And yes the site has privacy policies and terms of use.
Like I said... it's worth letting people know until it's verified as a legitimate site. And it's unbelievably easy to google pictures of college students playing with video game consoles and just posting that up on a website. Compared to most corporate companies, that about us page is very light on content and hardly something that you could use in an argument to prove it's legitimacy... especially since there are so many counter points to prove the site is an account hacking system. Why does it require your Windows Live password for your Playstation Network account?
****, I signed up for that a week or so ago. Best go change passwords :/ Edit: Thank god, nothing has been downloaded on my xbox account without my knowledge. I think I might be a little down on my student finance, but I haven't received any emails regarding money transfers or purchases, so I assume I'm alright.