Armour abilities in Halo 4

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by GsRREAPERxFS, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. Javidson Ist

    Javidson Ist Forerunner

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    I think halo 3 equipment (with balancing tweaks if needed) plus inbuilt sprint. Any arguments?
  2. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Going back to previous Halo games made me realize that if the movementspeed is upped a bit having no sprint isn't a problem. I recently played through Halo 2 legendary and I never felt like I needed sprint.
  3. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Jetpack is fine. That's why we have killzones. I would like to see the return of the portable gravlift as well, however.
    Armor Lock: Either get rid of it, or if must stay around, it should be like a pickup. I agree it should not be able to destroy vehicles; it should work like it does in the TU.
    Evade: Pretty useful. Yes you can cross small maps easily, but in an objective game, it won't really matter that much (you drop the objective when you use AA's). it can be OP, but it's no gamebreaker.
    Active Camo: I like how it combines AC and the radar jammer. However, 343i should take the active camo powerup from the other Halos and simply add the radar jammer function to it. None of that movement fading, though.
    Sprint: A good AA, but it should be available by default. It would make for an odd pickup.
    Drop Shield: Make it a pickup by combining the re-generator and the bubble shield.
    Hologram: Good, but it should be a pickup. It's fairly easy to spot one, but it's also funny how many people fall for them.

    Armor abilities, if they return, should only be loadouts in customs and firefight (make Flood Firefight already!). Otherwise they should be pickups.

    Also, bring back the trip mine.
  4. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Could you please go into more detail about what you're trying to say?

    It's most definitely a gamebreaker on small maps in objective games. What if red team kills blue team and grabs the flag and get it about halfway before blue team respawns. Blue team can get across the map way too fast with Evade which completely negates the penalty of dying.
    Like I said, only the person using active camo should have his radar jammed. It jamming your teammates radar makes no sense and it only puts your teammates to a disadvantage. Opponents shouldn't have their radars jammed either because it's makes an already hard person to spot even harder to see. The person using it should only have his radar jammed so it's not as easy to camp with it. He can't see when people are coming around corner thus making it inadvisable to camp.

    Like I said, give a boost to the movementspeed and you (at least I) wouldn't miss sprint.

    Combining them?! They are already too powerful on their own. A quick-safe AA just isn't a good idea. It wasn't in Halo 3 and it still isn't in Reach.
  5. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    To me, if everybody were to have the sprint, it would just turn Halo into an overly choatic frenzy fest. Imagine everybody using sprint in a small map like Epitaph, Guardian and Zealot. I just don't think there would be a lot of good map control anymore.

    But if you were to convert the Evade into a pickup, I would combine it with the Jetpack. Where if you were to tap a certain button, you would unleash the whole amount of the jetpack in one burst to boost you in the direction you want to go. (Like the Evade normally would) But it would only be a one time use and would let a huge sound that can only be compared with the grav-lifts on Gaurdian. Where as if you were to press and hold a certain button, you would fly up in the air as you were using the Jetpack. It would last a little longer then the Jetpack we have in Reach, and again it would be a one time use. But this is honestly the best solution I could come up with.

    Plus with this, if a certain map ins't suitible for a Jetpack/Evade, now we could always just not include in of our maps anymore. Just as a Radar Jammer would be to OP on maps like Gaurdian, Blackout, or Epitaph. So as result, it was never placed on the map. (But, on the other hand, that would be a good way to assault the sniper tower on Gaurdian)
  6. n3rdness

    n3rdness Forerunner

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    >If there are AA's in Reach
    >AA's in Reach

    In all seriousness, I won't mind if AA's are in Halo 4, just as long as they ditch Armor Lock and fix the godforsaken Active Camo.
  7. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Fixed it. Happy now?
  8. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Sprint is a tactic. It allows players to recon ahead, set ambush traps, or escape a battle that isn't going your way. All these strategies would be much harder to pull off without sprint. Reach really is better off because of sprint and I've heard very few complaints regarding it. It's the other AA that cause the balance problems.
  9. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Fixed that for ya.

    But yeah, besides Hologram it's the least offensive, but it's still too often used to cheaply escape death.
  10. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Didn't need fixing. There is more then one strategy you know. Running toward enemies like a chicken with its head cut off only relying on how good your hand eye coordination is makes for a pretty shitty, stale, play style. Hologram's the least offensive to you because people hardly use it, least of all in the slayer matches you probably take part in.
  11. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Halo 1, 2 and 3 didn't need sprint to add strategy. I've honestly never seen a situation like what you've described except for people running away because they're nearly dead.
  12. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Escape a battle that you should have lost, you mean. If you make a dumb decision to challenge someone, you should always be punished for it. Sprint has allowed bad players to do well in MLG only because they get to cheaply run away with Sprint.

    And they should be harder to pull off without sprint. Sprint ruins the skill gap by making it extremely easy to stay alive.

    Completely disagree. You seem to understand very little about what makes Reach good and bad. If you want to see why Sprint and many other things are better off not being in Halo 4, read this thread. It's about custom settings very similar to Halo 2 settings with reasons given for each setting change, but it's still very much relevant to this topic: Official GoldPro MLG Community No-Bloom Settings - Major League Gaming Forums

    That's because you're on a forum where few people have any knowledge of the game they're playing. The way it goes here, aesthetics are more important than gameplay, armor lock is the greatest thing to ever happen to Halo, and there is absolutely no problem with bloom. Go over to any competitive gaming community and you'll see posts that make a lot more sense than they do here. Why? Because people there take the game seriously, and gain more knowledge of the game because of it. 343 made a good choice to work with the MLG community much more than any other community. Just check out that thread on the MLG forums I posted above. The guy who posted that is one of the most knowledgeable players on that entire forum IMO, despite being a newer member. He might give you a completely new view of Halo, but if nothing else, he'll at least open your eyes a little more.

    AA's and bloom don't belong in Halo. Bloom might have worked in Shadowrun, items similar to AA's might have worked in other games, but this isn't something for Halo. These need to be removed completely in the next game.
    #32 4shot, Nov 21, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2011
  13. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
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    I just get pissed that sprint rips me off of my hard earned headshots.
  14. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    4shot, when will you and over learn that MLG does not constitute the majority of gamers, nor are they the end all opinion of what makes games fun.

    You people resist change to a game's mechanics like its some foreign plague that must be wiped out. Only the original of any game would be the only thing people play if it was up to MLG or is it specifically only the original as far as game play mechanics. You want the improved graphics.

    Also, if games were real life 4shot you would have died instantly. How you view games is no more then a glorified slapping match. Yes we get it, the player with the faster reflexes and better aiming would win. But in a real conflict there are many tactics to achieve the same end result. Be that finding a low-key spot and waiting for traffic to come by, or guerrilla warfare which involves fighting, weakening an opponent with a stronger advantage, running away, then coming back to finish the job. You know how well head on head collisions worked in real warefare. So well that millions upon millions of people lost their lives. So you know what, this time MLG doesn't get to tell me what they think is a cheap tactic. If they can't throw a grenade at a person who's been camping in the same spot, or run after a weakened player when they try to run, then maybe that player isn't as good and needs to blame the game mechanics for their own fallacies.
    #34 PacMonster1, Nov 21, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2011
  15. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't say this often, but I agree with you 4shot.

    I think you're better of actually responding to what he said instead of complaining about his mindset. Stop beating around the bush.
    #35 Overdoziz, Nov 21, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2011
  16. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    MLG doesn't constitute to the majority of gamers because the majority of gamers listen to only the negative opinions about MLG, and refuse to give it a try. If you played MLG with people of your skill level, you would enjoy it much more than anything available in Social. Unfortunately, and no offense to you here, there aren't many players at your skill level playing MLG.

    Change is rarely a good thing with a game, but it's only natural for game developers to change or for the community to criticize them for making the same game over and over again. CE was fine. Halo 2 brought some nice new touches to the game. In Halo 3, Bungie decided that instead of combining the best of CE and H2 and creating an even more amazing game, maybe adding just a few of the ideas that Bungie had at the time, they would completely screw this up and add spread, something that was proven a bad idea when Halo 2 first released. And don't even get started about graphics. Graphics don't matter if that's the only strong point a game can offer. I'd play CE over a terrible-playing game like Reach anyday, but because much of the community decided to move on to Reach, I must do so as well.

    Games aren't real life. That's why they're games. This is the least effective argument you could have given me.

    And did you even read that thread I linked you to? I encourage you to do so. You'll learn a lot about the game mechanics in Reach, and why certain changes need to be made.

    And I don't say this often either, but it seems to me that you agree on most things I say. Perhaps it's the fact that you're one of the few people on this forum that can disagree with someone without coming off as flaming.

    It looks like you've made a typo which completely ruined the message you were attempting to send, but from what I've read, I can't tell whether or not I agree.
    #36 4shot, Nov 21, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2011
  17. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    >Implying bloom only exists in Halo Reach
    I don't know what people don't get about this, but it bugs me. Bloom existed in the previous Halo games (even CE). The only difference is that in Halo Reach, bloom visually expands the reticule, where as in the other games it didn't. Test it out for yourself, bloom is not exclusive to Reach.

  18. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    ^ This is the textbook definition of a pompous ass.

    Never played me, probably has never played with anyone that has played me, assumes that every skilled gamer is one of them, and basically reaffirmed my first point at the same time.

    So let me get the MLG viewpoint on every game summed up in one bit of punctuation.... \ (the top of the backslash being the first game of a series and the bottom being the last game). Again, reaffirming my second point while pretty much not defending yours other then to add that better graphics don't matter. I don't want to get much into this discussion because Pegasi will swoop in and defend but just remember, resisting change doesn't maker you better. Adaptation is what leads to a stronger being. If you can't adapt to change you'll be left behind. You think its "cheap" for a player to do any other strategy then the 2 basic strategies someone like you does, (get the best weapon, run at the player while strafing side to side while assuming you are better in both reflexes and aim, or get a sniper rifle and do the same thing but staying further back), and then get mad at that player when they kill you doing basically anything else. So if they kill you maybe they are better because they adapted to a situation.

    And this was the most predictable response you could have given that didn't defend your point of view.

    I did and am aware of all those things. Tell ya what, why don't you give some of those tactics that you despise so much a try and see how your kill/death ratio is affected. With your uber-skill I'm sure you can incorporate them for better rounded play. Try using sprint to get to a better position faster or to use a jetpack to get a better vantage point for a longer range weapon. Maybe try a little camping here and there if you've found a good spot of high traffic but don't want to get shot at every 10 seconds. Try some armor lock as an approaching vehicle comes. By incorporating a more rounded style you grow as a gamer by adapting to a new game instead of fearing it and hating it. (By the way, some of those "tactics" involve team-work, a skill that goes past everyone on a team grabbing the best weapons and doing the same 2 strategies I mentioned earlier)

    This time I'll come off as flaming (don't worry, I'll take whatever consequence without complaining). Mostly because the first thing you said pissed me off, secondly because you refuse change based on...well really no reasons other then dedication to a community that really, really liked quake/counter-strike.

    Assuming you mean this,

    If that e really messed you up and prevented you from understanding the paragraph, you're an idiot.
  19. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Alright ladies, you're starting to get out of hand.

    Back on topic.
  20. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    Just because some dont use sprint right doesnt mean we should get rid of it.
    Its helpful in capture the flag and gives you a chance against vehicles. I'm for sprint being on reach I dont care what 4shot or anybody else says.

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