So you stole a map from matchmaking and modified it without permission, only changing up the aesthetics? Not downloading. If you're going to post a map here, make it yourself.
This. You edit Pulsekiller's map without permission? You didn't improve the layout in any way, and now the map drops more frames.
The changes you made do slightly improve the map's appearance, but they're too subtle to really be noticed when playing...and it will definitely reduce the frame-rate...but if this helps give you ideas and propel you as a forger I have nothing against it. Just make sure that you don't claim it as your own...
First off, don't steal maps. And if you're going to change them, make it noticeable. I had to go back and forth at least 3 times between each pair of pictures to notice the little changes you made. 4shot, from what I've noticed, you always have a problem with a map, and usually I disagree, but I have to agree with you 100% this time.
Thanks guys, but you guys shouldnt have to repeatedly give him lectures. One is enough. Map theft is bad. Good day sir. Locked.