This is the front of the blue base, where the needle rifle spawns. Bottom of the blue side, plasma pistol spawn. Health pack. Upper blue side, the map is symmetrical, so there is no reason to post red side pictures. This is Guilded, my new map. I basically wanted to build an in-door map with my three favorite power weapons spawning dead center on different levels. Snipe rests under the green light, rockets are a quick stroll to the back of the back, and the grenade launcher sits right underneath of the rocket spawn in the basement level. There are 2 needle rifles, as shown above, 2 plasma pistols, and 4 DMRs. I like this map, I really hope you do too.
lol bout time this one came out this map is very fun to play on with two people with each person trying to get a ninja on each other is awesome the lighting on this map is bawss the asthetics are very good and im suprised there isnt any framerate on this map.
It's hard to get a clear idea of the layout of the map...You might wanna add some more pics or even just an overview if at all possible!
Yes, you definitely need an overview. You should also make it able to play with oddball or headhunter. Other than that it looks awesome.
like i told everyone before, i forge in split screen, its my little secret to ensure the lack of framerate issues =] sorry man, the only reason i dont have more screenies is because they didnt upload to b-net properly, these are the only ones that made it entirely, i will add more before the day is over though. thanks bro. ima go grab that overview here in a bit, like i told dro, all my hard earned screenies didnt upload so ima have to get some more.
As said before, the lighting looks really great, and it seems to be forged really cleanly. I've got one question though; in picture three, you have a LoS spanning what looks like a very long way. I'd say it's almost the length of a grid piece judging by the pieces used in that line. Has this posed any problems during gameplay? Anyway, I'll give it a download and post back with more feedback.
not really, lol it's a hot spot for dmr fights and such but the map really focuses people into the power weapon spawns and everywhere but those lines of sight. you can add me if you'd like, we play that map often so you'd get a good chance to see it.
you told me you were posting this, what happened to all the screenshots i took for you... regardless i like this map, i hated it when you first made it but ever since you expanded the sides and added all the tac jumps, ive been a fan, i hope this gets the attention it deserves man
Nice work on this map. Looks really well forged and clean. Nice different areas and elevation, and variations in height. I like how you used the underside of incline bridges connected to the walkway. Fits nice and not something I have used in forge yet.
I know this comment might be a bit late but this map is pretty good. You always know how to get a good layout to work. I'm not much of a fan of the really bright lights though.
Lol. Thanks guys, this is the first time ive been on here in like a week i think, and i thought this thread would be deader than Adam Sandlers career, but it's not and I LOVE THAT. Also I need to go grab new screenies, not sure if a layout would help because there are multiple levels everywhere.
We played teams on this for the first time and it was amazing, every weapon had a really fun contest to grab, and each area of the map had many pathways and escapes so you werent screwed anytime you got shot first. Wish this was getting more attention, maybe our next map will get up there.
I've found the sniper increasingly difficult to utilize in this map, also, the flow is somewhat challenging when I think about it. The learning curve of which route goes where is a little too much for some players to learn, I dont know...
Sniping on this map is incredibly easy if you can get used to close-range sniping. If you want to see a map that truly is impossible to snipe on, try playing Redemption. You'll never snipe well on that map. It just isn't possible.
I was talking about the general population of players, not all of them can play as well as others and therefor kinda suck at no-scoping and whatnot. I do alright with it, but I mainly patrol the long lines of sight on the sides of the map with it.