Is PETA ****ed, or are they just simply trying to troll the entire the gaming community? First we saw them shout 'Animal Cruelty' over the fact that about 100, digitally modified polygons (a rat) was stabbed in an action cut scene during Battlefield 3, and now they off smoking the next type of weed and saying that mario promotes animal abuse. I mean seriously, I am all for ethical treatment of animals IN REAL LIFE as I have a dog myself, but look logically at video games first before making retarded accusations like these! Discuss.
Don't worry, this is just their way of saying "Yes, we still exist." Seriously though, this is pretty damn stupid. They game that they've created just makes them look pathetic and immature.
You have to recognize that they see it as potentially harmful because people are capable of thinking it's real, to a degree. I mean, as far as Battlefield 3 goes, someone might say, "you stupid rat, you deserved to die." Which could cause a negative association towards the animal and might cause them to act harmfully towards that particular animal. It's all about cognition and neural connections. They have a point to a degree, but it seems pretty illogical to attribute this to mario, seeing as nobody in the right mind would think they should go skin a raccoon dog to be like mario. Although possible, it's highly unlikely. Numerous cases have proved correlations between violence in video games and violence in real life. However, these cases usually correlate towards people with troubled backgrounds/childhoods, etc. PETA has a point, but it's a weak one.
The entire game is about shooting HUMANS, yet they worry about killing a rat. I have no words to express how stupid that it.
You have to recognize that sure seeing a rat been killed in a video game/movie/book/someone saying "killing a rat"(like we all are now making the situation WORSE!! :O) it might cause some minor brain thing but if I wanna enable myself to become 1 in a trillion more likely to stab a rat in any given situation then so be it that's my choice. Also P.E.T.A is bullshit. Penn and Teller - P.E.T.A. (Full Episode) - YouTube
PETA coming down on a game just makes me want to buy it more. Hypocrites. As if they wouldn't kill a rat that was biting them. I mean he TRIED to swat it away. What more do they want?!
Could you point me towards these studies? I'm genuinely interested, as I've never seen a scientific case which actually correlates those two things, though I could believe it's there. I think the point about people being mentally unstable before violence in games prompts real world violence is key though, as it changes the argument from 'inciting violence' to 'pushing someone who is already so inclined over the edge.' In court cases where someone is pushed in to violence either by an altered mental state (high stress in their life at the time/in the given situation etc.) or by an ongoing mentally instability, the verdict reflects this. Either it is ruled on diminished mental capacity, or the ruling is simply that if you're that close to being pushed over the edge then you're a danger to society anyway. Shouting at people isn't illegal just because it might push some people, who are already mentally unstable, over the edge, because that would be entirely unreasonable in the majority of cases. I think this principle should be applied here as well. If you're unstable enough for such things to push you over the edge in to doing it in the real world, you should be considered unstable (whether that results in either prosecution or treatment) rather than the thing which prompted you being blamed. OT: As for the issue of the rat, I do think that's ridiculous. This is bordering on the idea that you can't use any real world words as an insult because it creates a negative association with the real world animal/person/concept. Newsflash, PETA: people dislike rats. I personally don't, I love them, they make awesome pets and I'm gonna get some more when I'm in a better situation for them, but most people dislike them. Still, if PETA are ignoring the obvious then I guess I am too: PETA are reactionary retards who do more harm than good for the cause of animal cruelty awareness, cause they actually trivialise it and make it easier to dismiss as an over reaction with their various ridiculous tirades.
This is just straight up ridiculous. I agree that animals should never be needlessly mistreated. But sometimes they need to die. Saying that Mario is promoting animal cruelty is a stretch. If you could buy a fur coat that could make you fly, youre telling me you wouldn't? But seriously, in this state we have a coyote problem, their attacking innocent humans. By law we are not allowed to shoot them. In the next state over, no coyote problem. Why? Because you CAN shoot them on sight if they just happen to show up on your property. They aren't endangered in that state. I'm not promoting killing them willy nilly, just saying that sometimes animals need to be controlled for the betterment and safety of humans. I'm sure if a rabid animal was chewing off their leg the would opt for killing it rather than catching it and safely releasing back to the wild so it could attack someone else. Sorry for the rant. I just can't stand people like PETA. They are irrational and illogical.
Here's one. It's a pdf. tl;dr version: Which isn't exactly a link between violence, but it's.. accountable. Though I learned the rest in my psych class. She basically said that people with troubled backgrounds are more likely to react violently towards violent video games. This is basically what it says in the textbook. If you want the exact wording, I'll type it out (this is just to show how aggression/violence is linked with gaming) It's controversial, but my professor concluded with the rest about, "pushing someone who is already so inclined over the edge." she spoke about it in a lecture so I can't really provide exact evidence.
I lol'd too. After that I cried because I realized how screwed up the world is. Now I want to replay winter contingency.
Guess it just goes to show that people have very different thought processes over the same concept. Animal cruelty is wrong and animals should be treated humanly. It's a statement no one would disagree with but for some reason these P.E.T.A people go nuts over it and forget that in upholding that concept so fervently they are putting people in harms way. I also secretly think that if someone hid bacon in their vegan crap at least half of P.E.T.A followers would quit on the spot once they found out bacon tastes like heaven.
More likely they would kill you for somehow incredibly indirectly hurting an animal. Spoiler By buying the bacon you increased the demand for bacon ever so slightly which could contribute to a raise in the price somewhere in the future which would cause people to breed more pigs and slaughter more pigs. They could say that you corrupted some people and by those people eating bacon it would increase the number of pigs killed but then they would have to admit they are not infallible.
28:42 in that particular Penn & Teller episode almost made me loose every ounce of respect I ever had for them.