Download Map Alright you 1v1 freaks I present to you, There's no F in way. This tiny little map and I do mean tiny is the result of me doing some testing of space optimization in forge. My buddy came online and dropped into my map and preceded in relentlessly attacking me as I tried to fuss with forge pieces. Ya, that wasn't gonna happen, so I switched back to player mode and an all out battle ensued. 80 kills later we realized we were having alot of fun. I then decided to see what it would be like if I considered this microscopic play space to be an entire map and set it up accordingly. After a few matches and minor tweeks it was deemed worthy and "There's no F in way" was born. "There's no F in way" is a cargo bay area on a small air/space ship. The majority of play space is created out of the crates that fill the bay. I've tried to make it aesthetically appealing but also extremely clean. There is pretty much nothing added beyond the basics. As a matter of fact the only reason there is a skylight like opening is because I spent alot of time fussing with it and the lighting. I also kept the shielded cargo bay entrance just to make it feel slightly less enclosed. There are only 4 weapons on the map: Grenade Launcher, Spiker, Shotgun, DMR. There are also 2 plasma grenades and an Overshield. The Shotgun, Grenade launcher and Overshield do not spawn at start to keep the game fair. It's pretty much run and gun the whole time you play, but where the running ends the fear begins. Yup, that's pretty much all of it. Here is your open space. From the opposite end. Like I said a tiny space Seriously, I have alot of fun on this map even though I dislike 1v1. The shielded open cargo doors. This is what happens when you let Atlusisshruggin play your 1v1 map This is only in the first few seconds. Look at the gun pileup
This looks hilariously fun and I mean that lol. Who knew such a small area could become so epic. Looks like you really attempted to forge it very cleanly while still keeping a very aesthetic theme, something alot of forgers seem to fail at and end up phasing half the area together it seems. Truthfully id love to see you create a larger design using the same theme, I myself think enclosed areas are a pain most of the time due to height variations but I'm thinking something along the lines of orbital or elongation styled . Great job on this looks like it could get hectic pretty quick even with 1vs1 but seems capable of handling a 2vs2 as well If you decide to create a larger version let me know Id be glad to help design and test, consider this a download.
I love tiny maps they are always so much more fun, It looks well made, clean and well thought out, i'll download it now and update with some feedback once i get a proper test play, keep up the good work :-D
Small areas are epic by nature. I mean really, where are you gonna hide. If you like small maps you've got to check out Q-bert Slam. I've had alot of requests for a larger version from people who've enjoyed this map. Even I want one. I tried making a large cargo ship but the game style was totally different and I got stuck after about 8 hours of work. That's not uncommon for me. I've also tried to come up with a larger version with the same formula in my head but so far to no avail. It's still on the back burner though. Currently I'm jumping into unknown territory again with a race map. So far it's been pretty awesome. If you guys haven't seen any of the other 8 maps I've posted in the last 2 weeks feel free to peruse my sig.
Ok I'm pretty sure you already know I love this map though not really for 1v1 lol. I uploaded a video to my file share of swat magnums if anyone wanted to see how that plays
I think they can tell you weren't in it for the 1v1 from by the photos I posted. If the video you uploaded is the same video I got the two images from then it's pretty hectic. I thought I should also mention that I'm not seeing the video in your file share. You may have to re-upload. If it is up and I just can't find it or even if you need to re-upload any chance of a direct link?
It must not have uploaded correctly... When I get home Ill reupload, render it for you, and post a link
Ok so Re-Uploaded the video of us playing Swat Magnums it's a different one from the video you saw Swat Magnums Video
@Squidman33 - Cramped is an uderstatement, especially if you do what Atlus did. Let me know how you found it. @Atlus - Awwwww only 5 player this time, that won't do. I really miss the costant grenading and heavier weapons in this version. The one down side to playing this with larger groups instead of 1v1 is you don't get that intense silence that occasionally appears after a brutal gun fight as you both sneak quietly to find each other. I was thinking you were going to upload this to youtube. I tried to show my coworker the video and then found out that it was a bungie video - ewwwwww.
lol, thx. You didn't have to, but I do appreciate it. The thing I like about this map is that it can just be dropped in between other larger maps for a bit of quick fun. Kind of like the 3 minutes 44 seconds you did. Just a quick note , the map is called "There's no F in way". I feel like I have to pull the stick from my ass when I say it the other way. I can't stop repeating it. lol
This looks like an interesting 1v1. It looks like running and gunning would trump actual strategy in this one, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It looks like it would be a refreshing map to play on. Anyways, if this ship has a cargo bay, does that mean it's heading to a Cargo Port? /mapreference
I actually like this a lot more for a FFA gametype more than 1v1. It seems like in a 1v1 the shotgun would be wayyyy overpowered, but I like the idea of a grenade launcher (ricochets anyone?) As seen in your pic, I do like the idea of 5 or 6 people in this tiny space
It's more fun for 1v1, I played this map a really long time ago. When you leave a game open on accident then 3 more friends join, it's crazy, and there is a little bit of accidental spawn killing from all the action going on.
This looks way too small, even for a 1v1. The whole video I was trying to figure out the size of this map, just to realize it's no bigger than a room, double. Just because the player count is smaller, doesn't mean the maps should be smaller. Looks at maps like Sequence. It's a large map that promotes insane strategies. Watching people get spawn killed for 4 minutes just doesnt seem like fun.
I suspect you might be taking this way too seriously. This might be better posted as a "casual" map rather than "competitive" - it's clearly for giggles more so than actual strategy or games where you care about the outcome. My biggest concern about this map is that it seems like the engine might freak out at some point and spawn people outside on one of Forgeworld's hard spawns, if there are more than two players on it. Things like death influence, line of sight, and people physically blocking the spawn points would be constantly at play. I don't know what it takes to break the spawn engine's normal behavior, but this certainly looks like it might test it. Anyway, I love this silly idea and you've inspired me to make something like this myself. I once made a 1v1 or 2v2 map that was tiny (not nearly THIS tiny) but with a huge aesthetic exterior - I might do the same again, only way more extreme, so you have a playspace the size of a closet with a massive amount of background objects just to make you feel like you're not totally trapped in a box. By the way: what this map REALLY needs is fiesta.
Haha, in the past I've thrown together some 'close-quarter' maps like this simply to have fun messing around with some friends...but this map actually looks really nice! The aesthetics are very impressive! I can't wait to try this map out! 16 Player FFA!!!
@MisguidedDrake4 My buddy is killer with the shotgun and I'm kind of meh that's why I gave it only 6 shells, a 'do not spawn at start' + moderate respawn rate, then threw in an overshield and grenade launcher. When the match wins balanced 50/50 I figured it was fine. It 'is' ridiculous fun in FFA. For more gore check out my micromaps in my sig below. @Shikarix Spawn kills in FFA are my bread and butter @Nutduster *Nose* - The images at the bottom of my post were of a 8/9 player match that Atlusisshruggin had on there that I had pilfered a copy of. It had the original weapons loadout and was played as classic slayer. I thought it looked like more fun than the video he ended up uploading but he prefers swat on this map. I didn't notice any problems with respawning outside the map and I'm not sure what the max number of players it would take to break it, but I do know it would definitely be faaaar too many I'd love to see your micromap when it's done. @Hydrolysis Aesthetics and play space optimization were the entire purpose of this escapade. Though at test completion it was just a bunch of crap floating in the sky until I sealed it, cleaned it up and made it match worthy. I actually have alot of saved files with random crap floating in the sky If you take a look at HCEA and check out the standard forge items you'll notice that our tiny 1x2's look massive by comparison. Now Fnway is particularly cramped but I was trying to see how cramped I could make it while still leaving it playable. This was an attempt to tighten future maps with a standard that was more like classic FPS maps. I haven't done much to implement that other than my new micromap listed in my sig below.