Hey, everyone! This is AMALGAMATIQN from the Halo: Reach Forge Masters. With the coming of the new Anniversary maps to Reach, I decided to create the first ever invasion map variant for one of the new, beautiful landscapes. I chose Ridgeline; it is one of the most magnificent and large environments, and appeared perfectly suitable for Invasion. The map includes weapons, vehicles, and a few building touchups (but the map itself remains 99% unchanged). I had a lot of fun testing it out and playing on it, and I'm sure that you will, too! Thanks guys! Please leave questions/comments for me, and I hope to be seen around here more soon with more Anniversary map variants and gametypes! And be sure to watch the Halo: Reach Forge Masters on Youtube (Season 2 premiers come Christmas). Enjoy! -AMALGAMATIQN (P.S. The map root is Forge World only because the new maps haven't been added to Forge Hub yet...)
You have twenty four (24) hours to make this post up to Forge Hub standards. These standards include: A description Pictures (at least 3 recommended) Any other information you would like to include A screenshot posting guide is found at the link below. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-r...reenshots.html
Can I at least post this under Halo: Reach Gametypes. This is technically a gametype variant of a preexisting map, not one I've self-forged. Plus, there's no screenshot requirements on there. If you could get back to me, or tell me how to delete threads, I would be very grateful and thankful.
I looked at the map. There was only one blue team initial spawn that I could find. I didn't see the respawn zones for all the fire teams for all the phases either. it seems that you simply threw some things together and called this map done.
Are you kidding? You just didn't look hard enough. All of the spawn points are there. The majority of the Blue Initial Spawn Points are the waterfall adjacent to Blue Base. Don't call my maps sloppy when you don't even take the time to look at them properly.
Why would you want this in the gametype forum? Sure, you made an invasion gametype, but without the edited map the gametype is useless. So what are the classes/traits/phases? BTW, how could you have possibly tested this map, with only a day to work with?
Yes I agree with cluck. One day to build and test seems unlikely. Not only is invasion somewhat confusing to forge it is extremely hard to balance. Even on a premade map.
I did take some time to look and I had to go in using INVASION game type to see only your invasion pieces. I will look again. But also I only saw what looked like one third or at best one half of the necessary respawn zones. are all of the zone markers low to the ground, or are some way up in the air? Are they along the periphery or are they in the main/central path area of the map? UPDATE: You were right about the init spawn points. I was right about the zones.
They're there, trust me. All of the spawn points are there. There are some that are kind of hard to find - yes, I know - but you have to actually download it and play on it in order to figure out where they are. I know that I only had a day to work with the new map, but I was also familiar with Timberland in Halo: CE. Just please give my map some thought and some time, and I promise that it won't disappoint.
So let me get this straight. You took Ridgeland, placed some invasion spawnings on there which sound like they are not even placed properly, and called it an invasion map. I can see the appeal. Plus this thread still hasn't met forgehub requirements and its been 2 days according...
I liked the approach he was going for as far as game progression goes, and decided I wanted to start building an invasion map of my own on Ridgeline. I have at least one interesting feature on it as a result...
Regardless of whether or not the map remains 99% unedited, you have said yourself this is a new variation of Ridgeline. That being said, our standards will still be upheld. You've had three days to edit in pictures, and nothing has surfaced. If you have any problems, contact me. If you would like me to reopen this, please PM me your pictures so I know for certain you will be amending the OP. Locked.