Brobdignagian: (brob-dig-nag'-ee-un) adj. (often capitalized) of colossal proportions or extraordinary height; gigantic. n. a giant. Description: This is a symmetrical map, for 6 v 6. Its fairly large. Both teams spawn fairly close to each other, but spawn in far away places. Each game-type brings you to different places on the map, so try to play all gametypes. Hope you like it... Pictures/Walkthrough: This is the BLUE teams spawn. Weapons- Plasma pistol This is the REDteams spawn. Weapons- Plasma pistol This is Rockets spawn. Weapons- Rockets (Low Ammo, Long Respawn), 1 BR This is The Bridge. Weapons- Regenorator, Brs in each tower. RED side base. Weapons- 1 Br Blue side base. Weapons- 1 Br RED front base. Weapons- Carbine BLUE base is the same. Sniper Hill. Weapons- Beam Rifle Under Sniper Hill. Weapons- 2x Grenades Hoped you enjoyed the map. To dowload click the link below Download map
I like that middle bridge there, nice and curved. I'm wondering how well this will play out. Although, you're never gonna be able to get me to pronounce that right. Brobdignagian? Are you sure that's a word? My spellcheck says otherwise. =D
its well made, but it seems like it might be too easy to get between the two bases. It makes me question if the rest of the map will get used in objective games. I'll download ass soon as i make room (i have 100 maps)
a forged foundry map large, ha! jj Looks pretty cool, I like the curved bridge, looks like a fairly clean map.
all i say is this map is very nice love to play it wt frends if they dont tell me to swich to a zombie tipe
I know, thats why i made each teams flag spawn on the front base of each side, its to kinda draw you out
Looks great. You got my DL. Although it does lack some environment. Maybe through some barrels or fusion coils in there?
2/5 I like the two curved bridges, in pictures 3 and 4. Apart from that it seems kinda bland, and lacking something...
This is probably my favorite one of your maps, nice job. and the entire map does get used because after you get the flag the capture is further back near the spawn if i remember correctly.