Why is that pyro? I think it looks awesome, and it isn't blurry or dark so I don't see how it could hinder gameplay.
I just don't like anything that dulls what you see without adding some cool effect like night time. I've been working with the mathematical formulas that make filters like that so it would be cool if you know what filter it is. I think I've seen it used a few times before so it would be an interesting one to run a comparison on. Random fact, the purple filter is approximately the square of the byte values for each pixel. Warthog driving looks fun so I would like to join in testing if you every get to that point. Is it big team or squad battle size?
I see a man cannon, with a platform in the back, a small catwalk but I can't tell if it's phased in the rock. That's pretty much it.
I'd be interested to test this as well. I like the interesting blend of the rock and surrounding structures, and of course the hog paths/ jumps. Is that some kind of landing strip made on the rock in the background? I see a flat part there on the rock that seems intentional, not just sticking out as a roof.