I remember how much hype you built for this yesterday. Although I found the interlocking absolutely flawless I thought that this map really lacked theme. Its pretty much a bunch of beatufully interlocked stuctures. My favourite areas were the staircase and the ramp, I loved the use of B signs. I give this map 4.5 stars. Great job Iv0ry but it just lacks theme.
This was my highlight of TGIF. Everything about the map was amazing. My only issues with it, is its lack of a theme and that it looks like it would be rubbish to play zombies on. Other than that it was amazing. 9.5/10 from me.
what do you mean it lacks a theme? why does it even need a theme? maps are maps, they are not stories, the original exacted had no real theme, and neither does deviation so i see no problem with a so called lack of theme. i'm sorry if i sound aggro, but i honestly don't believe it is a valid point. find a valid theme in Kentucky tango and i shall be impressed.
That is why I don't like exacted too much. In Kentucky Tango it has a main focal point(The base) and the surrounding building look similar, thus creating a theme, whereas your map uses different structures built out of different materials, thus creating randomness.
OMG THAT'S WHATS GOOD ABOUT IT! What, are you going to mark me down on my maps just because they're both piles of beautifully interlocked stuff? And Wii, accept that this map is about as random as Kentucky Tango. Anyway, this is great for One-flag. PS: To De5troy999, trust me, the boxes look way better as they are.
The reason it has no theme is because none of the beautifully interlocked structures have anything to do with each other. It appears to be a map where you've shown off how awesome you are at forging. And I wasnt saying this in a mean tone, just so you know. That map is beautiful but yeah, what I've said.
Half of you have said 'It doesnt have a theme' yet you dont even understand what the word means... What is Kentucky Tango's theme then?
PWNED! Matty's right, Kentucky Tango was just as random as this. BTW Killex; who plays zombies anyway? Huh? No answer? Didn't think so.
I dont get y it matters to have a theme.A lot of his other maps didnt have a theme and they still owned.A lot of maps dont have themes.I admit that most of it is a bunch of random boxes interlocked or merged but when u add everything together it makes a very nice theme. Are u saying that the map name should create the theme for the map cuz a lot of maps dont do that.Aleiyd it didnt have a theme and it still rocked out loud. Maps dont need a theme.Most maps dont have themes.Deviation and tumbleweed tx are almost exactly a like.Tumbleweed tx has a theme but alot of things he places in there is random.What ghost town has climbing and jumping stairway.Random wouldnt u say? I think it match its name.Because there is a lot of effort and skill put into it.Tango is the right word for it.
I agree with the theme thing, the buildings don't seem to have much to do with each other. But it's still not a bad map =]
Looks like fun! It's like a party on wheels or something... Seriously though, I love the interlocking here...that is skill. No Dl because my halo 3 is broken.
He's a celeb! All of the building styles are very unique, it was a really cool map when we played it. We're starting to say things like "Hey, that bridge idea is very Iv0rYSnak3". I love 1 sided CTF too.
You been pimpin' this is GoO and I have been wondering when it was gonna come out. Looks like it was worth the wait and I can't wait to walk around in this bad boy.
Well I did a forgethrough of it last night. It looks like it will be really fun, so I'll try it out in a game tonight. As for the Exacted thing, what I was trying to say is, whether you credit Furious or not, using something from his map takes value away from yours, at least I think it does. When I played his map, I thought the curved platform, the flower, and the other slight similarities your map has in it, was really cool. But now, when I play yours, I've already played his, so now all that stuff is boring. However your map does have some very interesting new features to it, which is why I'm going to play it. That big thing with the purple powerup in it looks really cool. I like the big intricate asymetric design like that, although some people may call it "random," I think it makes the map a little more exciting, and helps to make it a different experience from other maps (and may make up for it sharing some features with Exacted).
Well i would have to say this is the best by u.I still have no idea how to do that tele merging thing
Yeah, this was a big dissapointment. It looks really great, top notch for the looks. But really, this map's gameplay is not very good. It is like Exacted, it looks amazing, but doesn't play too well. Please don't get mad at me for saying this, but it is true. And it isn't something that can be quick fixed, it just isn't well structured for many types of play, many spawn and locational problems. Sorry.